Lost fastest licence / race lap times...!!!

  • Thread starter Burnoutsam
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This is a really weird one.

I play GT7 on my main console (PS5 Disc edition). I updated to 1.31 yesterday. Since then, I have lost ALL my original Licence times (completed ALL GOLD), but thankfully the trophies are still showing as gained. I have three (yes only 3) friends who have GT7 and they have 'dissappeared' off my Friends ranking screen as well.

I did the RaceB Brands Hatch Qualy time of around 1:29.700 and saved the reply. THEN, after all the times I lost, I even checked that time and it had gone. I did another Qualy time of 1:30.400 and it saved that, BUT my saved Ghost lap was still the 1:29.700...but it didnt register as mine...!

I didnt even think to check my PS4 (that I also have it on...but never really use it now, since I have the PS5)...so I factory reset my PS5...loaded back up GT7. Same issue. Got all my trophies, but zero times...but, obviously this time, my ghost had gone as well.

Ive tweeted @Kaz_Yamauchi san...but I am not holding out for a reply.

Any help would be app[reciated...but surely it HAS TO BE a server issue, as both my PS4 & 5 have the same issue.


Hi Vule,

Thanks for your reply. WHY..!! I literally have zero fastest times. Even on one of my licence events it has my best time in the left hand corner...but it is NOT my best time, because the time it has is a silver time, and I have a GOLD trophy (IA-( i think...the Megane at Trial Mountain). Its proper messed up.! Not impressed with this. I have NO friends best laps.
Because there have been soo many physics updates that the old times cannot be compared. So clean slate. Why not?
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Because of the new physics, you won't be able to replicate much of the previously set fastest times. It applies to everyone, for example, someone set the world record for a specific time trial / circuit expreience / licence test, and nobody will ever be able to top that, because the BoP of the car in question has nerfed it to oblivion, and the best time someone will ever set is 2 seconds slower. So the reset has been done, so that everyone is on the same playing field again.
Because of the new physics, you won't be able to replicate much of the previously set fastest times. It applies to everyone, for example, someone set the world record for a specific time trial / circuit expreience / licence test, and nobody will ever be able to top that, because the BoP of the car in question has nerfed it to oblivion, and the best time someone will ever set is 2 seconds slower. So the reset has been done, so that everyone is on the same playing field again.
Thanks for the explanation. A bit strange though that you keep your gold trophies if the physics of the cars react/race has changed.

Looks like I have another year of trying to get fastest times between my friends. :)

Likely because the physics have - in some cases - drastically changed making old times non-comparable.
This is not about you, but about the game keeping up to itself.
Thanks. Kind of the community to put my newbiness in its place :-)

Shoudl be fun trying to get faster then...!! :-)

Because of the new physics, you won't be able to replicate much of the previously set fastest times. It applies to everyone, for example, someone set the world record for a specific time trial / circuit expreience / licence test, and nobody will ever be able to top that, because the BoP of the car in question has nerfed it to oblivion, and the best time someone will ever set is 2 seconds slower. So the reset has been done, so that everyone is on the same playing field again.
Just one more quick question then...

If the times have been reset, have the Trophy times moved to become harder to get Gold? Although I have kept ALL my Gold trophies???
Just one more quick question then...

If the times have been reset, have the Trophy times moved to become harder to get Gold? Although I have kept ALL my Gold trophies???
The few races I have done so far have felt much easier than before, but I havent repeat driven any license test so cant comment about that.
Also I havent done all of the circuit experience as I often times just did that to fill up the daily ticket when I wasnt in the mood to spend hours into the game.
I think in a past update things already were made a bit easier to achieve.
I sort of undertstand all the resetting of times thing...

WIth regards to the prbable easier times, some of the older timer were extremely hard to get gold on (especially on circuit experience) and then others, I was getting Gold by nearlyt two seconds, even on a short course. Soemthing wasnt right, so probably best that it was reset.
Sooo... yeah, this is literally in the update patch notes and included in the relevant GTPlanet articles on Tuesday and Thursday:
Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.31 – Physics Changes & Leaderboards
One of the key changes in the update is a wide-ranging refresh of the game’s physics, including tires, suspension, aerodynamics, and assists.

Among the highlights are changes to tire wear and heating, a change in how drag and downforce are affected by car ride height, and the base settings for suspension on race cars and some road cars, with a goal of improving stability all round. These changes also affect Performance Point calculations for many cars.

Driving assists have been adjusted to change how eager they are to intervene, with traction control less intrusive at its lowest level (other than 0) and more keen at its highest, active stability now more sensitive, and countersteering assist reduced. There’s also changes to default settings under the various presets at Intermediate and Expert levels.

That’s had an effect on handling across the board, and as a result the target times for Circuit Experience, Licence Tests, and many Missions have been changed. The leaderboards have been reset as a result, but you won’t lose your status or need to repeat any, and there’s no new rewards for setting a new time.
4. Licence Centre
Adjusted the target times for all events in the Licence tests, and the demonstrations have been updated accordingly. In addition, all event ranking boards have been reset.
A bit strange though that you keep your gold trophies if the physics of the cars react/race has changed.
Even on one of my licence events it has my best time in the left hand corner...but it is NOT my best time, because the time it has is a silver time, and I have a GOLD trophy (IA-( i think...the Megane at Trial Mountain). Its proper messed up.!
I have lost ALL my original Licence times (completed ALL GOLD), but thankfully the trophies are still showing as gained.
Although I have kept ALL my Gold trophies???
Yes. You beat the gold time so you got a gold trophy. The fact that the gold time is now a different time is not relevant to that; you did what was necessary when you did it. People who didn't now have a different target, but you did so you don't.

If games wiped all progress every time something changed to make a certain thing easier or harder, nobody would ever finish any game.
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