Master Super Licence S-10 help needed, the hardest license test ever

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I've got gold on all of the Master Super License tests except S-10. McLaren MP4/4 at Suzuka. I've got silver but I really want to get gold. But... this license test is one of the hardest things I've ever attempted on a video game. Has anyone else found this one to be insanely hard?

I think I have attempted this somewhere in the region of 800-1000 times (I'm not joking but not all in one go. I usually do 200-250 miles a day before I give up). I've done this so many times I can visualise the track in my sleep. I know exactly where to brake, when to hit the throttle and position the car because I've done it hundreds and hundreds of times. It's second nature to me now. I can get through half of the lap reasonably close to the demonstration ghost (and very rarely ahead of the ghost) but after Degner 2 it just zooms off into the distance. Part of me is determined and wants to keep trying to get gold but the other part of me is thinking whether I have the skills to get gold considering I have done this over and over again and just fail. The gold time is 1:43.830 and my best is 1:44.540 so I'm 0.710 away from gold. Do I have to set a deadline and say "if I haven't got gold by this date I'll just have to give up as it's clear I don't have the skill to do this?".

Any improvements I have made have been tiny, yesterday I improved my best lap by 0.001 (I'm not joking). I've had the TCS on 1 but I've seen a few videos where people change it between 0 and 1 during the lap. I started doing this yesterday. Is this necessary? Can you complete this without having the TCS on 0? Or do you have to do this?

You might say that getting gold isn't that important because all you get is the McLaren MP4/4 (which I've already got!) but I want all gold. Seeing nine gold trophies in a row and then a silver trophy just doesn't look right. I am desperate to hear the music that plays when you get a gold trophy so much!

I always thought the Nurburgbring Nordschleife Circuit Experience 1 Lap Attack was the toughest thing on GT7, this is miles harder despite Suzuka being a much shorter track.

Has anyone got gold on this? What do I need to do to get gold? Is it actually possible?
In case you haven’t tried this: try shifting up twice instead of once down longer high speed sections. So you exit Casio to start your run and after filling the bar in 3rd gear, you shift from 3rd to 5th as soon as you can; you don’t rev 4th gear out. This buys you a lot of time on the straights.
That's a pretty big omission from your first post. That'll play a big part of it. Practice using a manual. If you can drive the track in your sleep it shouldn't take too long to memorise what gear to be in for each corner
I have never used manual, in any racing game, ever. Damn.

I haven't been paying attention to the gears to be honest. This is whole lot harder than I thought. I have seen people on YouTube do it on automatic though? Is manual that important for this?
I have never used manual, in any racing game, ever. Damn.

I haven't been paying attention to the gears to be honest. This is whole lot harder than I thought. I have seen people on YouTube do it on automatic though? Is manual that important for this?
I've not even attempted the masters yet - still stuck on Silver for S-6 (whatever the Shelby) one is. But for me, I couldn't control the braking or wheelspin with an autobox. I've only ever used Manual in GT games (expect maybe in GT1 when I was 10)
I have never used manual, in any racing game, ever. Damn.

I haven't been paying attention to the gears to be honest. This is whole lot harder than I thought. I have seen people on YouTube do it on automatic though? Is manual that important for this?
Driving in manual is a whole new ball game once you get used to it. Road cars, or any older race cars with an H pattern gear box, especially anything turbo with a lot of turbo lag, can gain huge advantages using manual. Downshifting at exactly the right time under braking, to maximize engine braking usage, is huge. Or double upshifting on corner exits, cutting off the revs to save fuel, or to prevent wheel spin. Manual has so many advantages over auto, it is 1000% worth it to learn how to. 👍

I’ll jump on here shortly and bang out a lap for you, and upload it to YT, to give you a reference lap to work off of.
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I have never used manual, in any racing game, ever. Damn.

I haven't been paying attention to the gears to be honest. This is whole lot harder than I thought. I have seen people on YouTube do it on automatic though? Is manual that important for this?
MT required? No.

But it's never too late to learn. It helps immensely in this license test. I beat the demo ghost by a substantial margin.
Here’s a reference lap, it’s a bit sloppy, but it will at least give you reference points and gearing. You’re definitely gonna wanna learn manual, it’s going to be the easiest way to gain that .7 you’re after. Good luck, and feel free to fire away with any questions. I shared the replay in game too, tagged GTP, TPC and MP4. 🍻

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Here’s a reference lap, it’s a bit sloppy, but it will at least give you reference points and gearing. You’re definitely gonna wanna learn manual, it’s going to be the easiest way to gain that .7 you’re after. Good luck, and feel free to fire away with any questions. I shared the replay in game too, tagged GTP, TPC and MP4. 🍻

I really appreciate you doing this. Thanks. That looks really hard :(

What level did you have the TCS on?
I've got gold on all of the Master Super License tests except S-10. McLaren MP4/4 at Suzuka. I've got silver but I really want to get gold. But... this license test is one of the hardest things I've ever attempted on a video game. Has anyone else found this one to be insanely hard?

I think I have attempted this somewhere in the region of 800-1000 times (I'm not joking but not all in one go. I usually do 200-250 miles a day before I give up). I've done this so many times I can visualise the track in my sleep. I know exactly where to brake, when to hit the throttle and position the car because I've done it hundreds and hundreds of times. It's second nature to me now. I can get through half of the lap reasonably close to the demonstration ghost (and very rarely ahead of the ghost) but after Degner 2 it just zooms off into the distance. Part of me is determined and wants to keep trying to get gold but the other part of me is thinking whether I have the skills to get gold considering I have done this over and over again and just fail. The gold time is 1:43.830 and my best is 1:44.540 so I'm 0.710 away from gold. Do I have to set a deadline and say "if I haven't got gold by this date I'll just have to give up as it's clear I don't have the skill to do this?".

Any improvements I have made have been tiny, yesterday I improved my best lap by 0.001 (I'm not joking). I've had the TCS on 1 but I've seen a few videos where people change it between 0 and 1 during the lap. I started doing this yesterday. Is this necessary? Can you complete this without having the TCS on 0? Or do you have to do this?

You might say that getting gold isn't that important because all you get is the McLaren MP4/4 (which I've already got!) but I want all gold. Seeing nine gold trophies in a row and then a silver trophy just doesn't look right. I am desperate to hear the music that plays when you get a gold trophy so much!

I always thought the Nurburgbring Nordschleife Circuit Experience 1 Lap Attack was the toughest thing on GT7, this is miles harder despite Suzuka being a much shorter track.

Has anyone got gold on this? What do I need to do to get gold? Is it actually possible?
You haven't said if you are using controller or wheel, if using wheel which wheel. As far as giving up don't do that but don't do a burnout limit your tries to maybe 10-20 per day.
I really don't know if I can do this :(

I did some corners on 0 and some on 1 yesterday.
Putting the TC on 1 won’t hurt you that much, might even help in some places. I’m just so used to not using it at this point, that I never really think to turn it on anymore, unless I’m really struggling with a particular car, or it’s raining. With the mega turbo lag, and lugging gears this car wants, TCS1 won’t hurt you much, if at all. It will take a bit of getting used too, with the manual and the lugging gears, or GT shifting as I like to call it. But you definitely got this man, You can do it!! 🍻
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This post highlights why I am perfectly happy just getting bronze and acquiring said licenses. I've only got up to International B so far, so I have yet to find out just how bad S10 is. As a 50 yr old adult I have waaaay less free time than I would like so getting golds in everything isn't a priority (nor a likely scenario). Same goes for collecting every car etc.
Of course you will need to use manual transmission and turn TCS off. However, the real issue is the speed you're taking with these corners, where at some points, you'd really have to take some risks.
This post highlights why I am perfectly happy just getting bronze and acquiring said licenses. I've only got up to International B so far, so I have yet to find out just how bad S10 is. As a 50 yr old adult I have waaaay less free time than I would like so getting golds in everything isn't a priority (nor a likely scenario). Same goes for collecting every car etc.
Just for the record, I’m 40 as well, with a wife, a kid, a dog, and a full time job. So it is possible, don’t sell yourself short. Anyone can do it. 👍
Just for the record, I’m 40 as well, with a wife, a kid, a dog, and a full time job. So it is possible, don’t sell yourself short. Anyone can do it. 👍
You have no idea how much I struggle to get gold in most of the licenses tests, and I suppose I am not alone. Yes it is possible but no, not anyone can do it, even with lot of time at their disposal.
Just for the record, I’m 40 as well, with a wife, a kid, a dog, and a full time job. So it is possible, don’t sell yourself short. Anyone can do it. 👍
Yes, very possible if you have the skill set. I've just moved to wheel after 35 yrs driving with controller! I maybe get 12 - 16 hrs a week to drive which ain't bad but would rather race with that than chance golds. Maybe once I have all the menu books open I will give it a shot but I can do without frustration at my age 😂
I've got gold on all of the Master Super License tests except S-10. McLaren MP4/4 at Suzuka. I've got silver but I really want to get gold. But... this license test is one of the hardest things I've ever attempted on a video game. Has anyone else found this one to be insanely hard?

I think I have attempted this somewhere in the region of 800-1000 times (I'm not joking but not all in one go. I usually do 200-250 miles a day before I give up). I've done this so many times I can visualise the track in my sleep. I know exactly where to brake, when to hit the throttle and position the car because I've done it hundreds and hundreds of times. It's second nature to me now. I can get through half of the lap reasonably close to the demonstration ghost (and very rarely ahead of the ghost) but after Degner 2 it just zooms off into the distance. Part of me is determined and wants to keep trying to get gold but the other part of me is thinking whether I have the skills to get gold considering I have done this over and over again and just fail. The gold time is 1:43.830 and my best is 1:44.540 so I'm 0.710 away from gold. Do I have to set a deadline and say "if I haven't got gold by this date I'll just have to give up as it's clear I don't have the skill to do this?".

Any improvements I have made have been tiny, yesterday I improved my best lap by 0.001 (I'm not joking). I've had the TCS on 1 but I've seen a few videos where people change it between 0 and 1 during the lap. I started doing this yesterday. Is this necessary? Can you complete this without having the TCS on 0? Or do you have to do this?

You might say that getting gold isn't that important because all you get is the McLaren MP4/4 (which I've already got!) but I want all gold. Seeing nine gold trophies in a row and then a silver trophy just doesn't look right. I am desperate to hear the music that plays when you get a gold trophy so much!

I always thought the Nurburgbring Nordschleife Circuit Experience 1 Lap Attack was the toughest thing on GT7, this is miles harder despite Suzuka being a much shorter track.

Has anyone got gold on this? What do I need to do to get gold? Is it actually possible?
It seems like the obvious is being overlooked here. You got 99/100 golds with the A/T.
Kudos for that! 👍

I, too am at 99 golds for the license tests. S-10 is also my lone silver.
I almost exclusively use A/T in the game, and haven't tried M/T for that test. I think I'll try to make the fastest A/T ghost I can, then switch to M/T and see if I can beat that ghost. I'll let you know how it goes.

Within about 10 minutes, I lowered my time by 7 tenths using M/T.
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I DID IT, I DID IT, I DID IT!!! OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! 1:43.768. 0.062 within the Gold time (1:43.830). I just made it!

I learnt MT and did it in 164.5 miles. I don't think you can get Gold on this test with AT, I wasted like 3.5 weeks trying to do something that was never going to happen. If only I had known about this before!

I didn't think I would be able to do it, I doubted myself, I was almost ready give up but when I tried using MT I improved my personal best by 0.500 after 102 miles. That made me believe that I could actually do it! And then when you hear the Gold music after 1000+ attempts (maybe and probably more than that, seriously) it sounds amazing!
Putting the TC on 1 won’t hurt you that much, might even help in some places. I’m just so used to not using it at this point, that I never really think to turn it on anymore, unless I’m really struggling with a particular car, or it’s raining. With the mega turbo lag, and lugging gears this car wants, TCS1 won’t hurt you much, if at all. It will take a bit of getting used too, with the manual and the lugging gears, or GT shifting as I like to call it. But you definitely got this man, You can do it!! 🍻
Pigems, thank you so much! I used your reference lap and made a note of the gears you were using (see attached). Without that I wouldn't have been able to do it! You made me keep going! I owe you one!

That was the hardest thing I have ever done on a video game (I'm not joking). In the end it was all about MT. If I hadn't created this thread I would still be doing it on AT and failing!

To anyone who is struggling on this, you have to learn how to use MT (AT is impossible). I had the TCS on 1 and the Brake Balance on 3 towards the rear.

That was one mentally exhausting license test (that lasted 3.5 weeks), I have never experienced anything like that (and I hope I never do again!). I'm so glad it's over! All 10 Super Master License test are Gold! I'm so pleased!


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Similar case with Gran Turismo 3's S-8 test. While it is possible to gold in AT, it's hugely inconvenient because of the wheelspin on first and second gears, so even the demonstration uses manual. Took me a while, but I golded it in AT as well.