McLaren and other ungifted paintchips

  • Thread starter Ramanujan
These are already with playntru 👍

-GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (M) Citroën NN D.Grey
-GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (M) Citroën NN Coffee
-GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (P) Citroën NN Silver
-GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (M) Citroën NN Black
-GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (S) Citroën NN Black
-GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (M) Citroën NN SeaBlue
-GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (P) Citroën NN GreyBlue
-GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (P) Citroën NN Blue(Hint of purple)

Ugh... went and corrupted my save data. If you wouldn't mind sending those oranges, matte blacks, and RestoreIt again, I would be extremely grateful.

Also, I believe I am TUTT enabled now, so I can spread stuff around if you'd like. I'd be happy to help, just let me know.

Send some orange/black's along
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Hi can somebody send me any of these paints please
Ruf paints
Gran Turismo 125 SPL karts paint


(Ch) Gran Turismo NN Kart 125SPL. Pink chrome.
(Ch) Gran Turismo NN Kart 125SPL. Green chrome.
(Ch) Gran Turismo NN Kart 125SPL. Black chrome.
(Ch) Gran Turismo NN Kart 125SPL. Orange chrome.
(Ch) Gran Turismo NN Kart 125SPL. Red chrome.
(Ch) Gran Turismo NN Kart 125SPL. Blue chrome.

(M) Ruf NN Off-White
(M) Ruf NN Silver
(M) Ruf NN Gunmetal
(M) Ruf NN Black
(M) Ruf NN Pink
(M) Ruf NN Light Blue medium blue paint chip
(M) Ruf NN Medium Blue light blue paint chip
(M) Ruf NN Dark Blue D.Blue almost black paint chip
(M) Ruf NN Light Green light brown or light gold paint chip
(M) Ruf NN Dark Green
(M) Ruf NN Light Yellow
(M) Ruf NN Dark Yellow

(Ch) Gran Turismo NN Kart 125SPL. Pink chrome.
(Ch) Gran Turismo NN Kart 125SPL. Green chrome.
(Ch) Gran Turismo NN Kart 125SPL. Black chrome.
(Ch) Gran Turismo NN Kart 125SPL. Orange chrome.
(Ch) Gran Turismo NN Kart 125SPL. Red chrome.
(Ch) Gran Turismo NN Kart 125SPL. Blue chrome.

(M) Ruf NN Off-White
(M) Ruf NN Silver
(M) Ruf NN Gunmetal
(M) Ruf NN Black
(M) Ruf NN Pink
(M) Ruf NN Light Blue medium blue paint chip
(M) Ruf NN Medium Blue light blue paint chip
(M) Ruf NN Dark Blue D.Blue almost black paint chip
(M) Ruf NN Light Green light brown or light gold paint chip
(M) Ruf NN Dark Green
(M) Ruf NN Light Yellow
(M) Ruf NN Dark Yellow

Paints received,thank you.
(M) Citroën NN Black, (S) Citroën NN Black, (P) Citroën NN Blue(Hint of purple), (M) Citroën NN SeaBlue and (P) Citroën NN GreyBlue - SENT to frenzal
Received, and all were referred to playnthru.
Thank You, my friend. 👍

-GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (M) Citroën NN BrownGold
-GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (P) Citroën NN Gold
-GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (S) Citroën NN Yellow
-GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (S) Citroën NN Red
-GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (P) Citroën NN OrangePearl
-GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (P) Citroën NN Red
-GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (M) Citroën NN D.Red

Happy to help some friends. :)

Paint has been sent. 👍

And the last two Citroen paint chips went out. 👍
So my schedule is free once again.
So if anybody likes some, feel free to ask.
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(M) Citroën NN BrownGold, (P) Citroën NN Gold, (P) Citroën NN OrangePearl, (S) Citroën NN Yellow and (S) Citroën NN Red - SENT to frenzal
Do somebody can trade the folloing?
Aurora 5727cc
RedBlack NN
Restorelt 5727cc

No need to trade anything here, all is free for everyone. 👍
Just send FR to HiddenPaintShop and i will send them to you.
Wich RedBlack NN do you want, the ColorShift or the Pearl?

You can choose 5 to 15 chips from the openings post as i have a completly empty schedule.
No need to trade anything here, all is free for everyone. 👍
Just send FR to HiddenPaintShop and i will send them to you.
Wich RedBlack NN do you want, the ColorShift or the Pearl?

You can choose 5 to 15 chips from the openings post as i have a completly empty schedule.

Sorry for not being specific. I wanted the Colorshift.
Mitsubishi FTO Super Touring Car Colors are added and being send out. 👍
Thanks to racing510 for the tip :).
(M) Citroën NN Black, (S) Citroën NN Black, (P) Citroën NN Blue(Hint of purple), (M) Citroën NN SeaBlue and (P) Citroën NN GreyBlue - SENT to frenzal

(M) Citroën NN BrownGold, (P) Citroën NN Gold, (P) Citroën NN OrangePearl, (S) Citroën NN Yellow and (S) Citroën NN Red - SENT to frenzal

Thanks very much as usual, my friend. 👍

Hey, my friends :)

Cool !!!, new chips.

Thank you Ramanujan,
and sorry for the delay playntru.

I will keep, most updated my uploads 👍

GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (P) Citroën NN Blue(Hint of purple)
GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (P) Citroën NN L.Green
GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (M) Citroën NN Green
GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (M) Citroën NN D.Green

GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (M) Mitsubishi NN Light Black
GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (M) Mitsubishi NN White

Send TuTT form 👍



Pass to driftinziggy too.

(P) Citroën NN L.Blue (Specific to the Race Car)
(P) Citroën NN Gold
(P) Citroën NN OrangePearl
(S) Citroën NN Yellow
(S) Citroën NN Red
(P) Citroën NN Red
(M) Citroën NN D.Red
(P) Citroën NN L.Green
(M) Citroën NN Green
(M) Citroën NN D.Green

Send conventional form 👍

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Pass to playnthru,

-GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Green
-GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (P) Mitsubishi NN Off Grey
-GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (M) Mitsubishi NN Yellow

Send TuTT form 👍

Hey, ramanujan
you could shoot the 2 whites citroen?
I can not find them,:ouch:
when you use the tutt again, I'm in no hurry.
and sorry for bothering :D

(P) Citroën NN Pearl White
(S) Citroën NN White
Paint has been sent. 👍

And cargorat got them all trough tutt.... ;)

Thanks Ram, appreciate the new paints. 👍 Will get them passed along to whoever wants them.

EDIT: Sent to ZDUPH:

Mitsubishi FTO Super Touring Car

(M) Mitsubishi NN Light Black
(M) Mitsubishi NN White
(M) Mitsubishi NN Yellow
(P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Green
(P) Mitsubishi NN Off Grey
(P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Blue
(P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Red

Sent to jgancherjr:

Mitsubishi FTO Super Touring Car

(M) Mitsubishi NN Light Black
(M) Mitsubishi NN White
(M) Mitsubishi NN Yellow
(P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Green
(P) Mitsubishi NN Off Grey
(P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Blue
(P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Red

Sent to jstanford124:

Mitsubishi FTO Super Touring Car

(M) Mitsubishi NN Light Black
(M) Mitsubishi NN White
(M) Mitsubishi NN Yellow
(P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Green
(P) Mitsubishi NN Off Grey
(P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Blue
(P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Red
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Thanks Ram, appreciate the new paints. 👍 Will get them passed along to whoever wants them.

EDIT: Sent to ZDUPH:

Mitsubishi FTO Super Touring Car

(M) Mitsubishi NN Light Black
(M) Mitsubishi NN White
(M) Mitsubishi NN Yellow
(P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Green
(P) Mitsubishi NN Off Grey
(P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Blue
(P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Red

Sent to jgancherjr:

Mitsubishi FTO Super Touring Car

(M) Mitsubishi NN Light Black
(M) Mitsubishi NN White
(M) Mitsubishi NN Yellow
(P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Green
(P) Mitsubishi NN Off Grey
(P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Blue
(P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Red

Sent to jstanford124:

Mitsubishi FTO Super Touring Car

(M) Mitsubishi NN Light Black
(M) Mitsubishi NN White
(M) Mitsubishi NN Yellow
(P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Green
(P) Mitsubishi NN Off Grey
(P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Blue
(P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Red

Cool,thanks buddy.
Pass Playnthru 👍

GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Blue
GRANKUSTOM->Playnthru (P) Mitsubishi NN Dark Red

with 2 whites, my list is complete, thank you Ramanujan :)



Pass to driftinziggy 👍

(S) Citroën NN White
(P) Citroën NN Silver
(M) Citroën NN D.Grey
(M) Citroën NN Coffee
(M) Citroën NN Black
(S) Citroën NN Black
(P) Citroën NN Blue(Hint of purple)
(M) Citroën NN SeaBlue
(P) Citroën NN GreyBlue
(M) Citroën NN BrownGold

Send conventional form
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