MCU Phase Five

  • Thread starter Famine
First things first, Jonathan Majors has been found guilty of assaulting his then-girlfriend Grace Jabbari (a "movement coach" on Quantumania) - on two charges of reckless assault and harassment, but also not guilty of two charges of intentional assault and aggravated harassment - and will be sentenced in February.

That's the important bit, and the subsequent "find out" phase I'll now post is a mere frippery by comparison.

Majors dropped as Kang, Kang seemingly dropped from Avengers as the title is now referred to as "Avengers 5" instead of "Avengers: The Kang Dynasty" (not sure why they couldn't recast, having established that the same character can be player by different actors on purpose in Spider-man No Way Home, rather than by accident in Iron Man 1, or by death for Thunderbolt).

Not that he'd been particularly impressive thus far. The HWR monologue from Loki S1 was pretty good, but Timely was bad and KTC in Quantumania was pretty ropey (like everything in that film). I'm not sure it's a massive loss, except to the recently striking writers who now have to work out what the smeg to do about it.

Speaking of HWR and Loki, here's the Loki S2 Pitch Meeting - which, although I enjoyed it a lot (best MCU project since Loki S1), is pretty spot on:

And the Honest Trailer, which I think misjudged the reaction:

I think it goes without saying that this trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine is very viewer caution indeed...

I saw that last night and I'm still scratching my head.

They're going with Princess Margaret, Eddie from Stranger Things, Sameen's partner from Person of Interest (and also the hacker from the first season of The Punisher; guess it's a good job we won't see his face for long), and Pedro Pascal all the things?

Yeah. Not feeling Pedro and Eddie for their roles.
Hey, as long we don’t see Pedro dancing at a night club it’s all good. Just have to hope the writers get this one, uh, right.
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Pascal's last live action superhero movie was a disaster iirc. His last animated outing for (non-MCU) Marvel was pretty good though.

I haven't watched The Office US but some people are saying John Krasinski would've made a better Stretcho.

I liked the aptly named Kirby in Mission: Impossible but have no idea what her American accent is like.
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I saw that last night and I'm still scratching my head.

They're going with Princess Margaret, Eddie from Stranger Things, Sameen's partner from Person of Interest (and also the hacker from the first season of The Punisher; guess it's a good job we won't see his face for long), and Pedro Pascal all the things?

The internet losers are flipping their lids at Julia Garner being cast as the Silver Surfer, because the Silver Surfer is a man, and that's a scientific fact.

Of course the original Silver Surfer gave some of his power to his paramour to allow her to be the Silver Surfer and bring life back to their home planet and that's who she's supposed to be playing (meaning we may well see a male Silver Surfer too), but apparently that's lost on these zeebs.

Personally I'm concerned that she's just too good for what this film is looking like being and, like Christian Bale, she'll put in a great turn, be utterly wasted, and can't wash the stink off for the rest of ever.
While it’s good that someone from the neighborhood I went to Junior High School made it to the big time, I’m not too sure about this role. Anyway, she may fit in with the current FF line up. We’ll see I guess.
It turns out that it was Agatha All Along all along.

I think.