Memories of Spyro

Beautiful game, one of the few on PSO that had a Nintendo-esque vibe to it. Great vibrant colour palette, awesome atmosphere. Can't remember much of the game at all nowadays only that I loved playing it and that it was a lot of fun. It should be remastered.
Ah, loved the series! They should definitely remaster it considering someone already used the Unreal Engine 4 for the first one as a project. 1 and 2 are tied for my favorites. The series wasn't the same when it went on to the PS2, but here's hoping it makes a return.
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The first 3 Spyro games on PS1 were some of my favorite games of all time when I was younger. Spyro 2 was my absolute favorite. I'd love an HD remaster of the original trilogy on PS4.
Up until I was about 15 or something, I never knew how to complete the Stone Hill world in Spyro 1. I had to pretty much Google how to find the cave on the outskirts.
These games are extremely memorable to me, I played them alongside Crash Bandicoot as a kid. The levels were very imaginative and the music was fantastic, even as a dumb little kid I would tear up at the credits as they flew you threw the stages you spent hours playing. And that credit music... so good. And now stuck in my head.

One thing I remember most is the pure frustration of having a few gems short of 100% completing a level and spending way too long searching for them. And as a kid, I absolutely had to complete each stage 100% before leaving it. Not to mention some of the challenges were very difficult even if I played the games today.
These games are extremely memorable to me, I played them alongside Crash Bandicoot as a kid. The levels were very imaginative and the music was fantastic, even as a dumb little kid I would tear up at the credits as they flew you threw the stages you spent hours playing. And that credit music... so good. And now stuck in my head.

One thing I remember most is the pure frustration of having a few gems short of 100% completing a level and spending way too long searching for them. And as a kid, I absolutely had to complete each stage 100% before leaving it. Not to mention some of the challenges were very difficult even if I played the games today.

Something about the music (other than the fact that it's wonderful) takes me on a nostalgia trip every time I listen to it.
Spryo was one of my first video games I can remember ever playing! SO MANY MEMORIES!! I've played the first two games on PS1 and I played the DS version of The legend of Spyro Eternal Night. I grew up with those games.

Then Skylanders happened. :( I still tear up a bit whenever I think of it...
Skylanders is awful. Spyro isn't the same without Insomnia. The newest Spyro I have is Dawn of the Dragon, and even that is far from the original games. They tried to make Spyro all epic and adventurous, but it'll never be as memorable as the original trilogy again.
One memory that crossed my mind just recently. Back in the days when the Gameboy Advance was all the hype, we were riding home from a shopping trip and my brother was playing Spyro Season of Flame. I had just unlocked the atlas warp ability not long prior and I can remember him asking me "How do I warp?". I literally said "I'm not going to answer that..." because it really wasn't that hard to figure out. He gave me a hard time about it and I eventually ended up telling him. It was one of those times were I was like "Does the flashing text not tell you anything?".

Nowadays if I hear about this ability, I think about that again. :lol:
I've got very little memories due to not possessing any of the games until this year, but I do remember a moment from when I was playing a variety of PS1 games with my cousin. Amongst them was Spyro 1, where we got stuck relatively early in a section where a green fatso blocked a hallway and would throw us backwards with his bouncy stomach.
I've got very little memories due to not possessing any of the games until this year, but I do remember a moment from when I was playing a variety of PS1 games with my cousin. Amongst them was Spyro 1, where we got stuck relatively early in a section where a green fatso blocked a hallway and would throw us backwards with his bouncy stomach.
Ah, the dark hollow Gnorcs; I remember those guys. They would also sometimes make faces at me if I was close to them.

Okay, my earliest memories of Spyro were actually watching my dad play through the game when I was little. The first Spyro was actually one of the first PS1 games we owned and the first 3d platformer I played. I wasn't very good when I first played it as I didn't completely understand the controls yet, so I just watched my dad play through most of the game and learned from him. He was able to beat Gnasty Gnorc, but not 100% the game. He couldn't figure out a lot of the secret areas of the levels such as how to get the green thief on tree tops or access the secret area at Haunted Towers. I however was able to figure it out by myself some time after he stopped playing. Well, how to get the green thief anyway, I couldn't figure out the Haunted Towers secret until I was in high school where I finally reached 100% of the game.
You know, another memory I can recall is when Bentley's little friend goes into his home on Bentley's Outpost, I used to wonder what was inside of it back in the days as well as that dark area in the distance on Scorch's Pit. Of course, I know now it's nothing really. Seems like the game had other places that made me curious as well, but this is all I can remember for now.

That said, I thought I would share this:

What this does is allow you to view the worlds on the original Spyro games as the name implies. It's a good way to look in all those areas you couldn't normally access. As far as how to do it, you'll have to just look around on Youtube to figure that out. Just thought i'd share.
You know one memory I have is when I was younger, I used to be too afraid to fight Spike from Year of the Dragon, especially when he got close. I recall leaving the battle and just doing something else because it was "too scary" for me at the time. You would think Scorch would have terrified me because I find him to be even scarier, but I guess by the time I got past Spike, I had overcome it all and Scorch probably didn't frighten by me then. Seems like I didn't like the thieves or those flying spirits on Cloud Spires either at one point.
Well for me, some memories I have is playing with my cousin once at my house way back in my really early days of gaming and him forgetting to take Spyro the Dragon back home with him. :P So when I found out it was still there after he left, I played it like there was no tomorrow! :D Got pretty far in the game but I never saved it because I was too young to understand how to use a memory card. I eventually had to give it back but I still enjoyed playing it. :)
Well, I posted about this earlier, look what I have now! :P

My uncle came to visit yesterday and my cousin, the same one I mentioned in the OP, had a bunch of games he no longer wanted and I got to pick the ones I wanted to keep. That copy of Spyro the Dragon you see here...

...was the same one he brought over to my house back in 2001 and now after 20+ years, it ironically has made its way back to my house, this time for good. Although I already have the game from PSN Store, I still wanted a physical copy anyway because that's my preference, and knowing I have his copy I played long ago and had good memories associated with it, it gives it some sentimental value and I am glad to finally be in possession of it once again!

The disc is a little rough in some places, but it seems playable and eventually, I am going to try to clean it up some. Don't know when I am going to play it again, but probably not anytime soon since I am currently preoccupied with the new Xbox games I got recently. I definitely intend to play sometime in the future though, something I have been meaning to do for years now.
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Oh you got lucky owning the original Gran Turismo. Still one of my favourite games of all time. Bug's life was cool, but when I was a kid, man was it tough.

Anyway, although Oddworld will always be my favourite platformer of all time, I have a soft spot for Crash and Spyro. Spyro 1, 2 and 3 were awesome, but the one that I loved the most was Spyro 2. I think it's clearly the best Spyro game. There's one thing that I love about Spyro 2, this song:

So lovely. It gives me goosebumps whenever I hear it.
So yet another memory I have about Spyro is actually from much more recent times than most of my other ones, this one I think dates back to like 2018/2019ish. I can remember I used to read the prerelease articles of the game on TCRF a lot back then and I was pretty fascinated by what I was seeing and the changes that were made during development, but one stood out to me more than any other and it was this video:

This is a video of an early demo of the game that IGN made before the game's release that was later reuploaded to Youtube and one thing that really stood out to me was that the music was noticeably much different than the final. This fascinated me because I was curious to know what the rest of it sounded like, but unfortunately, this and one other video were the only evidence it ever existed and there was no way to hear it in full.

Eventually, I had a dream one night and I dreamed that I was at the Sorceress's Lair, the skybox was the game's cover instead of what it was supposed to be and it was within walking distance for some reason. Apparently, I had just defeated her and was teleporting out of there and I heard that same music from that video, and it felt real. Only to wake up later and be bitterly disappointed it was only a dream and the rest of the song was still unknown. It would seem my obsession with this ran a lot deeper than I realized because I don't dream very often.

Fortunately, in 2021 someone eventually got a hold of a demo build from April 25th, 2000 believed to be the one shown in IGN's videos. Sure enough, the aforementioned Bamboo Terrace music was on there and I finally got to hear the entire thing, in fact I was listening to it as I typed this post funnily enough. So to say it was a dream come true was no joke because it literally was.
Although considering a good number of their workforce got let go during the big Activision/Xbox culling recently and their studio office was closed down too, that partnership will likely just be for-hire code janitor work to avoid a slow, rotting death in mobile game hell. Not to be a buzzkill or anything.