Moglet's Gallery [7th August 2019 - Japan Trip Update]

  • Thread starter Moglet
Very nice. i am wondering if there is a lady in the background in the last photo.
Good luck with the interview btw 👍
You forgot to send me that 500 photo in desktop size. :)

Sorry, what size do you need it in?

Very nice. i am wondering if there is a lady in the background in the last photo.
Good luck with the interview btw 👍

Nope, no lady in the background! and thanks, I'm quite looking forward to seeing the studio tomorrow actually. :)
I've been looking around their site and I really like pretty much all of the shots in their gallery, these are my favourites;

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I've had to trim it a fair bit to make it fit, since my camera shoots in 1.5:1 ratio but this should be the correct resolution;

I had a phonecall earlier from the studio I posted about a few posts back. I got the job! :D I start the job on January 13th, but that's really when I begin the 3 month studio photography training (Worth a fair bit so I'm told!) and then after that training is done I can get out there, grab some customers and do my own studio work in my own studio.

I can't wait to get going, I'm especially looking forwards to the young ladies and their makeover shoots. ;) I'm hoping that since the customers will be signing model release forms I will be able to use some of the shots for my personal portfolio and be able to show them on here.
Cngrats on the job Mog, from GT4 to good-looking ladies, not bad eh? :cheers:

Haha, I wonder if she saw my GT4 photos after the interview? ;)

Congrats Moglet, your getting a job in something you enjoy which is always a good thing!

Yup, it's the first job I've had in an area like this and I'm getting excited about it already! I'll be bouncing off the walls come January! :D
Yup, it's the first job I've had in an area like this and I'm getting excited about it already! I'll be bouncing off the walls come January! :D

I'd love to have a job in photography, whether I'd be any good it though...One of the things I loved about my work experience was that I experienced two different elements of something I love! Photography, I worked at a Magazine company where I prepared photographs which would have been printed in magazines, (which they loved me so much got me a summer job where my work was actually printed into the magazines) so that was the photoshop side. Then my second work experience was at the RAF Photographic section, sure I wouldn't want to work for the RAF but they gave me a real insight into photography and was my first taste at using a SLR, I got to use the studio and the other equipment they had there and it was in general a blast!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your job and take some decent snaps!

P.S. Please could you check out my gallery? There seems to be a lack of comments and stuff at the moment which is not too encouraging.
P.S. Please could you check out my gallery? There seems to be a lack of comments and stuff at the moment which is not too encouraging.

This entire section of the forum seems to have dried up lately! I'll go and see what's happening in there now. 👍
lol... nice cow dude. Anyway congrats on the job. Sound like it will be fun. I've been doing some similar work of late, but I'm building my own studio at home at the moment. I'll be interested to see how you go, so don't forget to post your shots up here.
lol... nice cow dude. Anyway congrats on the job. Sound like it will be fun. I've been doing some similar work of late, but I'm building my own studio at home at the moment. I'll be interested to see how you go, so don't forget to post your shots up here.

I'll post them if I'm allowed! 👍
Here's a photo I played about with just now. The sky is as it was at the time but the ground has been Shadow/Highlighted and the entire image has had the colours adjusted and noise added;

And a quick edit from the band photoshoot from a few weeks back;
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Great series Mog. The 500's look awesome. Nice simple compositions and great use of the tones. I especially dig the line up shots.
Went to the website of that photography studio I'm meant to be starting at soon to get their contact number.

Well, it speaks for itself really;

No letter, no phonecall, nothing. I'm left without a job having turned down another job offer I had in the meantime as this was looking good.

I don't know what I've done this year to deserve this **** but I'm fed up. I wish it would just ****ing end now.
What about getting into freelance work? Your photographs are certainly good enough.
Sorry to hear about it Moglet, seems the global economic crisis is affecting everything at the moment.

Perhaps try working for a magazine printer (especially if they do the design) then you may be able to grab a job as a magazine photographer. I know the place I did my work experience with (Mortons) had photographers actually working for their magazines.

Anyway hope you find something that suits you soon.
Great pics, the 500 is so cute.:bowdown:

Thanks, glad you like it! I got your message on PSN too.👍

Today I went to the AutoSport & Pistonheads show, some very nice cars there but it was packed so I didn't get much time for arty shots as such. I was totally fed up with the noise levels on my camera today, to get most of the photos in the arena I had to go to ISO1600 and the noise was ridiculous. I wish I had a fast zoom lens :( Even the shots in the display areas came out noisy, but that's my fault for leaving the camera on auto!

Oh well, on with the photos, I've decided to only upload the more artistic ones for now;

Hey Mog,
Nice shots you got there! Concerning the ISO being wacked up to 1600, funnily enough I did the same thing when I went to the NEC to take photos of MPH08. Although I accidently left my ISO that high from after the show :( Shows how stupid I was being. One thing I'm almost certain off is the fact the NEC need new, better, less un-photographer friendly lights! I think your Koenigsegg one and the blue Porsche 911 Turbo one work the best. The Koenigsegg one simply because that angle works with them, shame I couldn't get anything similar at MPH. The Turbo one has a nice sense of space to it, also shows that the Autosport show looks not as busy as MPH was...

Anyway great shots!
The action shots work for me. This one in particular rocks:

The show shots are okay but but I'm not sure what it is (koenigsegg & Porsche badge photos in particular) but I think it might be that the white balance is just a little off on those shots.
The action shots work for me. This one in particular rocks:

The show shots are okay but but I'm not sure what it is (koenigsegg & Porsche badge photos in particular) but I think it might be that the white balance is just a little off on those shots.

I like that shot too, I wonder how fast it was going.
You got better shots than I did, I can assure you. Might have had something to do with the fact that I didn't take my D40 and was covering my ears like a girl most of the way through the live action bit, though :P

Love your shots of the 500s and the band, btw 👍
The show shots are okay but but I'm not sure what it is (koenigsegg & Porsche badge photos in particular) but I think it might be that the white balance is just a little off on those shots.

Which Porsche badge, there are 2?
The Koenigsegg one is pretty much the same colour as the car was, it was a very odd colour but the Porsche ones have had the colours altered as the show lights were messing with my white balance. So I decided to edit them to some bizarre colours instead!

You got better shots than I did, I can assure you. Might have had something to do with the fact that I didn't take my D40 and was covering my ears like a girl most of the way through the live action bit, though :P

Love your shots of the 500s and the band, btw 👍

Thanks! Why were you covering your ears though?! The cars sounded awesome!

I like that shot too, I wonder how fast it was going.

The rally cars weren't really pushing it but the little hatchback cars (the 'Cento with the rear bumper missing for example) were flying and doing wheelies!
Which Porsche badge, there are 2?
The Koenigsegg one is pretty much the same colour as the car was, it was a very odd colour but the Porsche ones have had the colours altered as the show lights were messing with my white balance. So I decided to edit them to some bizarre colours instead!

I was refering to the older model, but I know how hard it can be to get decent lighting at shows, especially since they have all sorts of lights pointed all over the place with little regarding for the outcome of our photos :lol:.

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