MY 1st Vid

you should've posted in the gt4 drifting videos section please...

Swift my man, use your powers! 👍

edit: your vid is fairly decent. What you can work on is more angle and more linking. looks like you have potential with AWD cars.

but...i would tone down the would give much more control.

maybe about 300 horses down and you'll be ok 750->450
Well the first thing I'd like to comment on is the video quality.. I'd read up on compression and codecs if I were you, some good tips are hidden in the drift video forum. I don't know how you encoded that clip, but for the file size it could be a whole lot clearer ;)

The drifting seems controlled, but also restricted... Maybe you could try N tires instead of SS, and downgrade the engines to match (400-550HP seems to be a good range to start with for awd drift cars). This will let you slide a lot longer and with less effort...

👍 for using racing lines, zero counter and keeping in control.

GT4 drift vid forum

How-to for drift vids, includes some tips on encoding/capturing and a good place to ask questions about it
Cool vid, but it was hella dark...Could you PM me with your AWD settings or something. I'm trying to learn how to drift AWD now...I just want to know your basic setup on your AWD cars.
Ugh bandwith exceeded.... Well I couldn't tell how the drifting was but that sounded what I'm pretty sure was The Pillows - Little Busters.
yah id luv to post the good quality but i cant find any sites to let me put files larger thatn 15mb anyone got any sugestions????
BTW yes that was the pillows

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