My fight with the US government

  • Thread starter Caz
Congratulations! It's always heartwarming to see somebody take the government's little game and shove it up their 🤬.

Very very happy for you, I wish the best for you and your hotel. Take care.
Case closed! We won!!!!

Good job, there! 👍

Haven't commented before, but I've been reading this thread since the beginning. It's been obvious that they were in the wrong, but it sounded like a nail-biter.

Will the government compensate you for legal fees? I hope so.
So, now that a precedent has been set, we can't take back the Capitol Building in Washington, even though it's infested with criminals.

Great news for you, though. Another stick in the eye to our wrong-headed drug enforcement policies, which seek to make as much of a greater nuisance in the name of justice.
Should think that the mere fact that you were cooperating with the police to stop drug crimes on your property would've been enough.

I'd like to see the Feds try to seize the entire Vegas strip next. Should prove more worth their time.
I take it there is a double jeopardy kind of thing which prevents the government from charging you for the same case.
I'm sure it must be an almighty relief that this bizarre situation is finally over and that justice has prevailed. Very happy for you and your family 👍
Great news Caz. Now you can put this whole episode behind you and carry on with other things this would have otherwise occupied the time with :cheers:
Fantastic news to hear, I have been reading from the start and am sorry to see what you guys have been put through.
That would be pretty pointless if you ask me. I hope they don't man.
Thanks for the kind words everyone .

Looks like we might not be through yet :(

Wow. They've got to be kidding. I read Judge Dein's ruling and unless there was a procedural problem or something I don't see how Ortiz has a leg to stand on for an appeal; the facts as presented in her finding speak for themselves. She's just running up the bill for the lawyers.

Wonder if it's worth mentioning that Carmen Ortiz is also the U. S. Attorney who allegedly hounded Aaron Schwartz into suicide.

Edit: Whoops, my bad, 12thgear already pointed it out.

In any case, Caz, I certainly hope for the best, and hope this whole thing doesn't get dragged out too much longer.
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