My first King of the Year victory

  • Thread starter dylansan


United States
I don't yet have a PS4/5, so in lieu of GT7, I booted up Enthusia again to feed my car cravings.

I had never beaten the "Enthusia Life" mode before, but that has now changed.


I even did it on year 1, which surprised me, as I had sort of intended to take it slow. Unfortunately, I encountered a bug that broke the ending video, so I might have to do the final race again...

In any case, this game is still fantastic and has a wonderful selection of cars. I'd like to play through the career again at some point, taking it really slow and thorough in order to check off every event listed in the BradyGames guide. Maybe I'd even stream it. But first I'll have to remember where I put the guide. :confused:
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It looks like EPR's car selection is going to remain a relic of its time for the most part. In effect, it's a snapshot of the year I graduated high school, adding to EPR being a formative experience.

I even did it on year 1, which surprised me, as I had sort of intended to take it slow.
One of the right cars at the right time. Fast enough to beat that GT-R without being so fast to invite a pummeling from faster cars. Casting bias aside, the odds system seems to underrate the turbo Legacys a bit. 🐺
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It looks like EPR's car selection is going to remain a relic of its time for the most part. In effect, it's a snapshot of the year I graduated high school, adding to EPR being a formative experience.
Indeed. There's something about this era of cars that's so simple and pure. I'm not opposed to modern car design, but the cars featured in this and games like GT4 will always hold a special place in my heart.
One of the right cars at the right time. Fast enough to beat that GT-R without being so fast to invite a pummeling from faster cars. Casting bias aside, the odds system seems to underrate the turbo Legacys a bit. 🐺
I was not expecting it to be fast enough, but I did at least plan ahead and was able to get it to level 10 by the time I reached KotY. (And I did have to repeat the race again—it wasn't too challenging, but the AI are plenty capable of capitalizing on mistakes and lost time)

I'm not sure where to go from here. I haven't unlocked any race cars, and I'd like to, but how many races are even available for them? Is it only RS events that allow them?
I'm not sure where to go from here. I haven't unlocked any race cars, and I'd like to, but how many races are even available for them? Is it only RS events that allow them?
You can begin to collect racecars from the RWD Championship in April. When driving a racecar, there are fewer races available to enter; off the top of my head, I think they're RS-only.