My Track Workshop!

  • Thread starter Madatek
That's the corner banking i think, not sure yet how it works with straight parts of track
Madatek can you try to make italian circuits such as Misano and Adria? Both the tracks are almost flat (exept a couple of corners wich needs banking)... Grazie! ;)
Madatek can you try to make italian circuits such as Misano and Adria? Both the tracks are almost flat (exept a couple of corners wich needs banking)... Grazie! ;)
Thanks for the requests. On my way :D
Corner banking is not about hills, its about the banking like the one you find on an oval.
Ye... I didn't find better alternatives though :/
Misano ready!
Love how they censored InterNAZIonale, I'm not a Hitler fanatic.. heil swear/ehehem I mean I swear!
The track is almost perfect, there is only a little problem: it's in reverse!!!!

Per girare il senso di marcia devi rifarlo adesso? (Ben fatto comunque, davvero)
The track is almost perfect, there is only a little problem: it's in reverse!!!!

Per girare il senso di marcia devi rifarlo adesso? (Ben fatto comunque, davvero)
Strano, nella piantina mi indicava le curve in ordine...