New speed converter

  • Thread starter Jordan


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United States
United States
I added a KPH to MPH speed converter to GTPlanet today.  See it at

I know I will find it useful, since I often see speeds listed in KPH but I'm to lazy to figure it out.  :D
Great! I'm glad you like it and find it useful.

Corey's also working on a new version that uses CGI, so it will be even better. :D
Yes, I've needed before too. You just can't find it on the internet anywhere else, amazingly. As a matter of fact, that small Javascript code that it uses (as of right now, anyway) was custom made - I didn't copy it off some free scripts website!
off the subject a little bit skynyrds web page has a code translator for the different versions of gt that would be great if you maybe link up with him to that ;)
Hmmm, I think I remember seeing that somewhere before. Do you have the address to his site?
Just checkin up on that code thing. Any new developments? I noticed that was written in javascript too... ;)
:)  No, not yet.

I see you've got the Speed Converter working in CGI again (with the graphics and the links).  Will I mess it up again when I edit the top borders?  :frown:
Nope, I made the template file with a .dat extension (as opposed to a .htm extension). I don't think Front Page will update these files.