Nfs Sux!

  • Thread starter c3l1ca
Well at first when i played Underground i thought i wasn't going to see ANY of the turns coming from all the lights. but in a weird way i saw all of them coming when I didn't............... I just reacted....... :odd:
dude, you dont know how right you are. I watched all the videos on ign and stuff and it was so fast and i thought i wouldnt be able ot make any of the turns. Then, when i got into it, i started getting the hang of it and i can see turns from a distance. And to the topic of this thread, i would classify gt3 as a serious, skill-requiring game. The NFS series is fun because it takes you away from the drag of a driving simulator and puts you into the driver seat of something arcady and fun. IMO the NFSU is a great addition to the already great ps2.
My favourite game for quite a few years was NFS that was a classic (at least back in it's day). HP 2 got very repetitive after a while and boring. Underground is nice for an arcadey game but I hate that "wet" effect, the "night" effect and the fact that it's all in the same city...:|

But the racing is much better once you finish the game as you can take all that stupid vinyl and bodykits off your car and just race sleeper style.

The graphics are excellent on the PC, no doubt about that.
I bought the game, never finished, never plan to. I'm going to dump it off on my girlfriend because she likes bling, and that... stuff. :rolleyes:

It was great fun for the first half hour. But the handling is too arcadey for my tastes and the fact you have to bling, blows. Then taking it over to a friend's who has PS2 modem and racing riced out Civics in a stock Impreza was great fun.... for about an hour. Then no one raced... Now it's sitting, collecting wads of dust.

I enjoyed the pursuit ones, they were enjoyable longer than this was.
I really am starting to not like NFS:U. Its not the gamplay, or the graphics. I was playing around looking for sweet ass vynils. when I noticed, the right side vynil was by a mile higher than the left side. Then, you half the "CUT-OFF" of the vynil on the front bumper. This mad me mad, and it just took out the 75% of the game fun. :mad: I really am starting to hate this game. Im fixing to say they should stick to the exotic cars.
Originally posted by 360rider
dude, you dont know how right you are. I watched all the videos on ign and stuff and it was so fast and i thought i wouldnt be able ot make any of the turns. Then, when i got into it, i started getting the hang of it and i can see turns from a distance. And to the topic of this thread, i would classify gt3 as a serious, skill-requiring game. The NFS series is fun because it takes you away from the drag of a driving simulator and puts you into the driver seat of something arcady and fun. IMO the NFSU is a great addition to the already great ps2.

Well said... 👍.
originally posted by Motorer1
You know what makes NFS:U great? My neighbor has a 97 integra, and it is completly stock. I showed him a picture of what my car in NFS:U looked like (body kit, tear #23 vinyl with blue paint and white neon) and he said he was gonna put that stuff on his car to make it look a bunch like the one I have int he game. So what if its cheesy, i like the way ricers look, and there is nothing wrong with having all-show and no-go. For one thing, you save a bunch on speeding tickets.

Theres nothing wrong with a good looking car, but, the problem with many ricers is, they put stuff on it to make it look fast/has power. They put air rams, spoilers etc.
And then they have the cheek to act like they have power, but lining up on the street for races,looking hard, and trying to rev high. In the end they are beaten before they leave the line.
What i find even worse is the fact they put Nos stickers and HKS stickers on them, claiming to have this equipment.
That is why I dislike true ricers
I really like the game! it is arcady in looks, but the physics i thought were pretty realistic, some parts arent but the handling is pretty good, i mean my engine would have blown about 1000000 times but same with GT, down shifting into 3rd from 200km/h isnt a good idea, but thats what makes the game fun. So yeah the physics of the game i thought were pretty good! a lot better than any other nfs game! but nothing compared to GT of course, but that goes without saying for any game!
You dont have to pt Vinyls or graphics on ya car if ya dont want, you can just put the body kits and rims and stuff of and make the cars look quite sleek and hot. Yes the graphics can be a bit edgy when your customising but you cant tell jack **** in the race, also if you look closely the road is reflecting the buildings! i think thats pretty good god damn graphics! can see it better on pc mainly cos your closer to the screen.
Great, enjoyable game! online play gives it a good life span too!
Only complaint i have is that EA doesnt have a Australian server, so when we playanyone but Aussies we get lag, like the openent isnt smooth, it jumps around, we drive fine but the opponent looks like its had to much caffeine! :P
Originally posted by Peace
I really like the game! it is arcady in looks, but the physics i thought were pretty realistic, some parts arent but the handling is pretty good, i mean my engine would have blown about 1000000 times but same with GT, down shifting into 3rd from 200km/h isnt a good idea, but thats what makes the game fun. So yeah the physics of the game i thought were pretty good! a lot better than any other nfs game! but nothing compared to GT of course, but that goes without saying for any game!
You dont have to pt Vinyls or graphics on ya car if ya dont want, you can just put the body kits and rims and stuff of and make the cars look quite sleek and hot. Yes the graphics can be a bit edgy when your customising but you cant tell jack **** in the race, also if you look closely the road is reflecting the buildings! i think thats pretty good god damn graphics! can see it better on pc mainly cos your closer to the screen.
Great, enjoyable game! online play gives it a good life span too!
Only complaint i have is that EA doesnt have a Australian server, so when we playanyone but Aussies we get lag, like the openent isnt smooth, it jumps around, we drive fine but the opponent looks like its had to much caffeine! :P

Very well said, the game has minor flaws. Like bodykit and car body lighting differences.
Originally posted by Super-Supra
Very well said, the game has minor flaws. Like bodykit and car body lighting differences.

Still, I would like Official Body Kits. Not the EA ones.
Is it me or does it seem like it's better to be behind in some of the races?? :odd: they seem to slow down to let you catch up?
