Noob Question...

  • Thread starter jrbabbitt


United States
Charleston, SC
hi again, being a noob to this game i have all the assist markers on when racing and i know what the racing line is (the yellow dashes on the road) but my question is what are the blue markers that are above the car?
thank you for being patient with me...
hi again, being a noob to this game i have all the assist markers on when racing and i know what the racing line is (the yellow dashes on the road) but my question is what are the blue markers that are above the car?
thank you for being patient with me...
The blue dots are points to aim at.

The yellow line is alright but a bit of a loose guide and doesn't work for every car and there are multiple ways to take some corners.

I would recommend, once you've had a bit of a play and got used to things, to turn off everything but the cone markers. They're the most useful and let you make your own judgments moreso than trying to follow the line or hit the blue dots.