NTSC Championship S2 - Round 7 of 8 - (Finished)

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Ferrari 599 '06 / R1 TIRES ONLY
@ Suzuka 650pp expert



The Schedule for the OrangeR Cup Series

Tuesday, May 19th
2 Races



The Schedule for the Clubman Cup Series

Tuesday, May 19th
2 Races


No entries

Drivers on probation for the rest of the season

None. So far.

SIGNUPS are now permanent, once you sign up you are good to go for the rest of the 8 week season.

- At the end of the race just write down your finishing position compared to the other GTP members. If you finish up front use the extra time to write down the finishing position of the others to ensure everything is recorded in case they don't see the results.

Points Standings

Official Rules - Must Read At Least Once
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OrangeR Cup Future Questioned
Written by: AP


After another appalling OrangeR Cup Race that again featured just 4 cars doubts have been raised about the future of the series. Skeptics wonder if fan and team interest will be there for next season.

The NTSC Championship series president was quick to dismiss any rumors of the OrangeR Cup being demised at seasons end with the remaining assets being auctioned off on eBay.

"Of course the OrangeR Cup will be here next season," said the president of the NTSC Championship series. "We have many teams and drivers who would love the chance to compete at the highest level of the NTSC Championship Series. I expect 12 quality cars on the grid of every race in next season's OrangeR cup."

The skeptics do not share the president's optimism.

"Interest will fade and you will see 4 car grids again next season in OrangeR Cup," said one anonymous insider. "Look at the amount of new signups for the series. There have been none for what, a month now? If for some reason OrangeR Cup survives another season Clubman Cup will die. The interest is just not there. Other Race Event organizations have moved toward time trials as their form of "racing", the NTSC Championship would be wise to follow their lead or face being shut down due to low participation."

"I know what I say my not go over well with some but its the truth. The only hope for the series' survival is to go down the Time Trial Path. If you compare the attendance of the series who run Time Trials to this one, there is no comparison. If they keep the current format, as in having actual races, the series will die. There just isn't enough teams or drivers out there who can make the weekly commitment. A series based on Time Trials allows more freedom, freedom to drive when you wish, and is the best route."

Will the NTSC Championship series become a Time Trial based racing event? Is that the only way to get the same numbers the other race event series are getting? Only time will tell.


Upon Further Review
Written by: AP


A few days after placing then shortly there after removing Chadwicksracing from probation the NTSC Championshp has decided to use instant replay to make sure they get the call right.

A public statement was released early Friday mourning.

"We would like to make a public apology to Chadwicksracing. He was wrongly accused of jumping the start to Race 2 of Round 6 based on hearsay. The NTSC Championship will from now on use instant replay and/or testimony from drivers before putting anyone on probabtion."

"It was found in super slow motion instant replay video that the car driven by Chadwicksracing was on the brakes until the 14.966 second mark, making it virtually impossible for him to have jumped the start. We also found that Chadwickracing was at fault for the incident on lap 1 of Race 2 with Earth in the final (Casio) Chicane. Super Slow motion instant replay showed that Earth was in complete control and was pushed off the track by Chadwicksracing. Because this appeared to be a simple racing incident with no obvious malicious intent or over aggressive driving there will be no punishment for the incident and is considered a closed case."

In light of the NTSC Championship's perceived hair trigger on driver punishment some pilots questioned when do you go too far.

"Too much seriousness will just scare other players (drivers) away ... I just think we shouldn't go too far," said MajorMilou in a statement to the media.


The Chase For Promotion to the OrangeR Cup Heating Up
Written by: AP


With the current low car count in OrangeR Cup the Clubman Cup is set to graduate 6 drivers to the NTSC Championship's premier series. One might think that 6 drivers should be more then enough to get all the quality talent out of Clubman Cup into OrangeR Cup, but this has not been the case. Very good drivers may not make the cut off for the OrangeR Cup.

103 pts - +36 points over the cutoff - mkay

After a super strong showing at Fuji in Round 5 that saw him step onto the podium in all 4 races and move within 1 point of the driving championship lead mkay hit rock bottom in Round 6. In race 1 he managed only a 7th place finish which earned him only 4 points, then in race 2 he stalled the car on the starting grid and watched as everyone flew by him into the distance, then a few moment later the mechanics pushed his car back into the garage and shut the door down.

mkay is 36 points above the cutoff, so as long as he puts in decent finishes for the rest of the season he should be in.

77 pts - +10 points over the cutoff - MajorMilou

After storming onto the Clubman Cup scene with 4 straight victories MajorMilou has only managed to stand upon the podium just once in his last 5 races. In Round 6 Race 2 Major Milou cost himself 4 points during the last lap of the race, he was running 2nd while exiting 130R only to clip the grass on exit to spin around and let Earth, but most importantly Heli-Eric, a very close direct rival for promotion to the OrangeR Cup by. More podiums must come MajorMilou's way or he risks not making the cutoff.

68 pts - +1 point over the cutoff - LinPark

After a 12 race absence LinPark returned to the Clubman Cup with a vengeance, winning both races of Round 6 in dominating fashion. The 40 points scored in Round 6 was enough to move him into position to be promoted to the OrangeR Cup. However, he is just 1 point ahead of Heli-Eric.

67 pts - 1 point under the cutoff - Heli-Eric

It must be agonizing to be 1 point under the cutoff. Heli-Eric has shown he can tune fast cars, but he has not been fortunate on the track at all.

In 9 races he has finished on the podium 5 times, but those other 4 finishes were fifth three times and one sixth. He has one victory, but I have a feeling it will take another one for him to make the cut, as LinPark and MajorMilou are all winners of multiple races

54 pts - 14 points under the cutoff - snakegt40

What a disastrous Round 6 for snakegt40. In both races the car stalled on the grid and was unable to complete one lap. snake cannot afford to have anymore technical problems, as the drivers ahead of him will be pouring it on hard these last two races. Snake has been consistent, making every race, but his crew let him down this last round. I hate to see that.

Well there you have it, a quick breakdown of the drivers competing for promotion to the OrangeR Cup. Look for a breakdown of the drivers competing for the Clubman Cup championship.


If You Want To Submit An Article About Anything Pertaining to The NTSC Championship Series or Online Racing In General send me a PM with the article and a subject

Reserved for Results & News.

Also notice drivers can be put on probation now, whether it be for jumping starts or rough driving. If a driver repeats the same offense while on probation he may suffer loss of points or banishment for a round depending on the severity.

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Wait a minute now! Chad clearly stated that his GF was talking to him while he was racing. Shouldn't a warning be issued first for such a tragic offense? Do we really need to go straight to Probation? I would hate to hear that Chad breaks up with his GF over this but it could happen given his short fuse and love of racing. :lol:

I'm not questioning the rules - I'm questioning the application of the rules to this truly horrific scenario that befell poor Chad.

* waits for DK to arrive with popcorn and beer *
Well because of the outcry he has been removed :lol:

It was a bit too harsh, not sure why I did it. He did only jump by .2 and admitted it so..
Well because of the outcry he has been removed :lol:

It was a bit too harsh, not sure why I did it. He did only jump by .2 and admitted it so..

I looked your video and it looked like I hit the start just right. But I thought I jumped it at the time. I was unsure, so I even went half throttle into T1! Then made sure I told everyone so there was no room for complaints. Its better to be honest and to have others question you. If I did jump it, it was by .05 or .100 lol But no one can really see that with their eyes! HA

Do what you will Earth. As the Director of Competition I say a verbal and written warning. Next offense would involve loosing points. In my opinion, I jumped the start (even if it was .050), so therefore the incident should be documented and published to the other competitors.

If we are to have a serious racing series that attracts serious and dedicated competitors, then we must uphold the rules and any violation should not go without review or punishment.

That is my two sense. And the reason we should take action on rule violations: Two weeks ago at Fuji, drivers should have lost points for the aggressive driving and going out of bounds to gain time. Because I've heard this week the same drivers were aggressive.

In real life it is serious stuff. Teams loose hundres of points and $100,000 infines and loose their crew chief for months for just .25 inch on Nascar heights and templates.

Thank you for listening.

BTW your videos are starting to get really funny! I think as funny as my dramatic reactions to racing incidents. lol
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I'm all for seriousness too, but you can't go over the top. You have to remember that this is still a game, we're all trying to play it the best we can, which makes up for great races. This is not real life. :sly:
Too much seriousness will just scare other players away. But I agree with what you say, I just think we shouldn't go too far. :)

That said, I started working on my 599 GTB last night. Best lap in 2'07.5, so I'm a full second and a half quicker than with the F40. I'm relatively happy with the balance of the car, still have to work on the gears though. I haven't made my mind yet if I want to use 5 or 6 gears, given the reduced power; I felt quicker with 5 despite the lighning-quick gear changes. We'll see.

Earth, our team (scuderia M&Ms) will be in Blue (unless my teammate has a problem with that... :) )
Post 1 and 2 updated

I am surprised with the performance of this car. Though I shouldn't be as it is a Ferrari.

I'm going to raid the garages and see who has the best tune.
my 2 cents- i dont do organized events for 1 simple reason... i must sign up. If you just marketed your races for a while (tell people other than GTP'ers) and made it a show up and race event I think you would get alot more drivers. Granted some punters would arise, and other crap might happen BUT grids would be fuller (me for sure) and hopefully NTSC intrest in GT5P will grow instead of decline. Ive tried with just making threads, but it needs a little more effort than that, but alot less that what you are asking. I only have my PS3 right now, have you ever tried to get anything accomplished on the net with a PS3? its impossible. sorry for stupid rant and being off topic.
BTW I can get into 2 06's on R1's with all weight subtracted, and - the hp to get 650pp, no other tuning.
AP news! That is funny stuff Earth. Thank you again Earth. I hope everyone realizes the amount of time this man spends on the NTSC champ. We would all still be racing in EYS or WRS peddling for the best lap times and challenging objectives. While those things are rewarding, there is nothing more rewarding than beating equal racers in a semi-real race.

Right now I am sure that I will not be able to make the race next Tuesday night. Gosh I would love to be here, since I am so close in points. There are two races left, and I know I have a better runs in me to beat Earth n company in a points race. Good luck to you sir, before this season started, I never believed you could be leading in the points. I thought that I had this thing wrapped up, since I was so much faster than all of you. But that is wrong, and will always be the wrong way to think of things. You don't have to be the fastest to win, you just have to be fast. It doesn't matter than I ran 2'07.2 in my practice runs before the race last week, what matters is what I do in the race. And that is what counts in the end. The slow and steady turtle wins the race and I think we have all been proven this by Earth's consistence. He is not the fastest, but he sure is fast. For now on, I will not concern myself with lap times and how fast I am, and where my competition is at. I know what is fast and I don't need to display it to you guys either.

I just finished my 4th year in college. I have finals Saturday and Monday. I will not be graduating this year. Next year I have two more terms left! I finished my advertising campaign. My teacher loves it, so next week I will go and sell my teams ideas to a multi-million dollar timeshare company named Bluegreen. Which in part did effect my ability to be "all there" in last Tuesday's race. I have never been so tired in my life. Slaving hours upon hours in Photoshop, design review, meetings and arguments.

On Tuesday, the day of the race, I will be traveling to St. Petersberg, FL to pick up my GF's parents. It is a three and one-half hour trip one way. That night, I am moving into my new appartment for the summer. Could my life become any more insane? No, I think things are great.

Good luck to everyone! Another season, another championship, another day.

Sincerely to one competitor to another,

PS Earth, a better way to say our team name would be CEL Racing It spells CELL and its easy to say and easy to remember. I am an advertiser! :dunce:


Guys this car is so fun to drive. I wish we could max the horse power on this car. I was playing with my clutch today, and its so fun. Although it doesn't like to turn well, that is prob because its a FR.
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Earth, what a cool bunch of work! You've missed you've missed your calling (I think :) You've raised the bar for these types of events! Awesome!

I also want to apologize for screwing up your practice race this evening. I thought someone had said we were going to practice a 20 sec delay, so I just sat there with my foot on the brake. My misunderstanding. I'm sure it was frustrating given that I'd heard you were having network problems as well. My apologies.
Earth, what a cool bunch of work! You've missed you've missed your calling (I think :) You've raised the bar for these types of events! Awesome!

I also want to apologize for screwing up your practice race this evening. I thought someone had said we were going to practice a 20 sec delay, so I just sat there with my foot on the brake. My misunderstanding. I'm sure it was frustrating given that I'd heard you were having network problems as well. My apologies.

Thanks. About the incident no problem here at all, I had the TPRA event coming up in 15 minutes and I have been battling an understeer condition it the 599 for sometime. The first few corners I realized my adjustments to the car made the understeer worst, so I would have just slipped back from everyone 2 seconds a lap or more. So I would have ended up quitting early anyway.
Wow, Earth. Your articles are insane. Without you, there would not be anything; thanks again for the hard work you've put towards this championship!

Kudos to you!
Have the event/race times and PP settings been sent out yet? Or, did I miss that memo? Never mind... I found it. :dunce:
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wow, thanks eric, that stuff took 2 tenths off my best on literally the first lap!

now if you would post the other half, maybe i can get 2 more. :sly:
wow, thanks eric, that stuff took 2 tenths off my best on literally the first lap!

now if you would post the other half, maybe i can get 2 more. :sly:

OK :crazy:

HP: 487
Weight: 1485
Tires: R1 R1
Aero: 0 0
Height: +10 -10
Spring: 9 3
Shock: 3 9
Toe: -.30 +.10
Camber: 2.5 2.0
Bias: 7 5
ABS: 1
1st: 2.762
2nd: 1.936
3rd: 1.418
4th: 1.117
5th 0.898
6th: 0.738
Final: 4.778

Also, you might try short shifting all the time, like using 7500 as the rev limit. It seems to help just a bit.

Race 1: 4th (Pending review)
Race 2: 3rd (?Pending review?)

Sucked. A Lot. **** happened though. Bad luck... like getting bumped by his own teammate ;)
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Not my best night... Sorry, mkay for the contact at the chicane, I tried to stay clear, and actually didn't feel any contact, but clearly it happened.

Race1: DSQ
Race2: DNS
Not my best night... Sorry, mkay for the contact at the chicane, I tried to stay clear, and actually didn't feel any contact, but clearly it happened.

Race1: DSQ
Race2: DNS

It's okay, really. If you feel like disqualifying yourself (is that even possible, lol?), then I cannot stop you. You did touch me, but like I said, it was bound to happen. This track is so tight and the cars are so understeery.
Race 1: Got disconnected and got in a race with CANES51, finished 1st
Race 2: Finished 2nd.
Setup: MajorMilou

I made my special at 130R, just to show Earth he couldn't sneak by this time... :) Sorry Earth, it kind of ruined your race for no reason, my apologies. Then I waited for you but I felt I was only slowing you down more than anything. :ouch:

And I think we will need video review on my accident with my own teammate... :confused::boggled: I'm sorry man, I didn't wait because I really felt that I left a lot of space, and you turned in early on me. Maybe you didn't see me? Anyway if I did anything wrong, let me know what my penalty is... :sly: Earth was following me so he should have a good view of the incident.
But again, had I had a doubt, I would have waited. As Hamilton would say (the real one, not our own), "I did nothing wrong". haha.

Later, I pushed you until you made a mistake; I was hoping for a small one to allow me to pass, but you suddenly lost the rear in a fast corner.

I have great video footage of my own, I'll edit it to show the interesting pieces and will upload it. 👍
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Race 1: Got disconnected and got in a race with CANES51, finished 1st
Race 2: Finished 2nd.
Setup: MajorMilou

I made my special at 130R, just to show Earth he couldn't sneak by this time... :) Sorry Earth, it kind of ruined your race for no reason, my apologies. Then I waited for you but I felt I was only slowing you down more than anything. :ouch:

And I think we will need video review on my accident with my own teammate... :confused::boggled: I'm sorry man, I didn't wait because I really felt that I left a lot of space, and you turned in early on me. Maybe you didn't see me? Anyway if I did anything wrong, let me know what my penalty is... :sly: Earth was following me so he should have a good view of the incident.
But again, had I had a doubt, I would have waited. As Hamilton would say (the real one, not our own), "I did nothing wrong". haha.

Later, I pushed you until you made a mistake; I was hoping for a small one to allow me to pass, but you suddenly lost the rear in a fast corner.

I have great video footage of my own, I'll edit it to show the interesting pieces and will upload it. 👍

So, it's cool. I am not mad at all. I probably turned in early, but I didn't lose too much there anyways. Plus, with the lag and everything else, it felt even more accidental
My results:

Race 1: 4th *Self-Disqulification due to stunning stupidity*

--I was on pole, and for some inexplicable reason, I decided to jump the start rather than wait for 20 seconds. I didn't barely jump the start, (i.e. Chad last week) I floored it at the start--How idiotic :dunce:

I therefore disqualify myself from race 1 for being an idiot. I hope I didn't mess up anyone else's race by jumping the start. I think I may have screwed up EL_ZISSOU because I believe he waited on the start. Sorry man :guilty:

Race 2: DNF--I got disconnected at the start--the Racing Gods way of meting out my punishment for my stunning lack of thought in race 1 :lol: :dopey:
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