Obtaining Better B-Spec Stats ??

  • Thread starter LivingSoul
You have to use different cars/setups on most of the tracks in family cup. If you look back earlier in this thread there is a list of the different setups needed.
You're talking about the following cars, correct?

A: VW Lupo 1.4 '02, default + medium racing tires

B: Mazda Roadster 1800 RS (NB) '04, default + supercharger + medium racing tires

C: Toyota RSC Rally Raid Car '02, default + medium racing tires

D: Nissan Fairlady Z Concept LM Race Car '02, default

So, use these cars on most, all but the tracks listed in my above post, and I should get the remaining B-spec Skill points without problems?
Solid Lifters
You're talking about the following cars, correct?

A: VW Lupo 1.4 '02, default + medium racing tires

B: Mazda Roadster 1800 RS (NB) '04, default + supercharger + medium racing tires

C: Toyota RSC Rally Raid Car '02, default + medium racing tires

D: Nissan Fairlady Z Concept LM Race Car '02, default

So, use these cars on most, all but the tracks listed in my above post, and I should get the remaining B-spec Skill points without problems?

That's right, although i am not to sure about the without problems part :)

Look at TigJackson's post on page 2 of this thread, it tells you all you need to know.
That's right, although i am not to sure about the without problems part :)

Look at TigJackson's post on page 2 of this thread, it tells you all you need to know.
Thanks for the help, but I still don't know if I'm doing everything correctly. I sure as hell hope so. Read why below.

I started with the Lupo 1.4 VW with the R3 racing tires, and so far I completed 1/3 of the Family Cup races with only 9 points scored total so far. My current B-spec Skill level is 8801. That's it. Nine points. Once I'm done with the Lupo, it's on with the Miata with two different settings, and then the other cars? If so, I have a lot of work still cut out for me, huh?
B-spec points are awarded on the basis of which car you are driving on which track; the field you are competing against is irrelevant, except insofar as it affects your ability to manage a close finish. The points are awarded for a particular track regardless of the event you are actually competing in, so having B-spec'd other events previously will collect some or all of the points for the tracks those events are staged at, causing the corresponding Family Cup races to give fewer or no points.

Any given car will be equivalent to one of the four cars given to be used. I.e. it would be possible to find four different cars to use to collect all points (however, a candidate car should ideally be somewhat "underestimated" by the game so that fields generated are easy for it to control; the "difficulty" setting of the Family Cup races pretty much covers that, too, though).

So, if you have previously made a habit of Bspec'ing cars which aren't exceedingly powerful (which would be in the same B-spec category as the Lupo), on the tracks you have tried so far, then it would be expected that you don't harvest many new points now.
Solid Lifters
I have 8792 B-spec Skill Level, with 100 Machine Skill points, 87 Course Skill Points and 86 Battle Skill points. Why am I not getting any more B-spec Skill Level points when racing in the Family Cup races? Do I need to branch out to the rest of the game?

Can you tell me what I should do, like where to go and what to use, by just looking at my points? I figure you can and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Check SportWagon's B-spec links (above) for references to more specific procedures for collecting B-spec points. You're at that point in the B-spec game of needing to systematically check each track with 4 different cars to collect as many track points as possible. You can do one track at a time with each car, or choose a car and hit all 58 tracks. You do not need to race in events, Family Cups are sufficient. Each course has about 13 track points for each of the 4 major power classes. It doesn't matter if you collect them in a Family Cup or race event, but you may have collected all, or some, of the points before.

Track List - 58 B-spec Tracks

I can't tell very much by looking at your points and skills. Your machine skill is maxed, so you probably have most of the floating points, but some floating battle points may remain uncollected. Your Battle Skill is lagging behind the course skill. These skills should be even if you always keep the races close, but usually course skill will increase a few races before the battle skill. It is impossible to tell if the missing battle points are floating battle points (you need to find the correct car and tuning, but they can be collected on any track in a close race) or track battle points (you'll collect most of these while you check each track). Expect the points to become progressively more difficult to collect. Many people report finding the last few to be more difficult than the other 99.9%.

Check SportWagon's B-spec links (above) for references to more specific procedures for collecting B-spec points. You're at that point in the B-spec game of needing to systematically check each track with 4 different cars to collect as many track points as possible. You can do one track at a time with each car, or choose a car and hit all 58 tracks. You do not need to race in events, Family Cups are sufficient. Each course has about 13 track points for each of the 4 major power classes. It doesn't matter if you collect them in a Family Cup or race event, but you may have collected all, or some, of the points before.

Track List - 58 B-spec Tracks

I can't tell very much by looking at your points and skills. Your machine skill is maxed, so you probably have most of the floating points, but some floating battle points may remain uncollected. Your Battle Skill is lagging behind the course skill. These skills should be even if you always keep the races close, but usually course skill will increase a few races before the battle skill. It is impossible to tell if the missing battle points are floating battle points (you need to find the correct car and tuning, but they can be collected on any track in a close race) or track battle points (you'll collect most of these while you check each track). Expect the points to become progressively more difficult to collect. Many people report finding the last few to be more difficult than the other 99.9%.
Thanks for the tips. I've already started looking for the points. Since it was suggested I mostlikely have all floating points, I've started racing all the courses with the VW Lupo with the R3 tires. I found about 100 points with it. I finished most of the 58 laps with it, I skipped some, but I'll go back over them tomorrow. I started with the Z350 Concept LM stock and found about 20 or so points with it so far. I'm up to 9010 B-spec with 90 course and 89 Battle points.

I'll get it done. Thanks again for the help.
Orion_SR, the 12,14,12 sequence is well and truly broken. 20+ races after and I have 1 x 12 and the rest 13. I've had a few zeros, so I guess that's me re-running over old ground, but this is slow going... At least my battle skills are still increasing ahead of course skills.


I just got done with all the races using the Z350, and I'm now up to 9229 B-spec skill points, 92 course points and 91 battle points . I earned about 250 points with the Z350 LM race car. Now, it's the RSC race car's turn.

Just curious, can you race just one lap in Family Cup and still earn points? I should give it a try, but I'm using two lap races. The small courses need at least two laps or you wont make it.
Solid Lifters
Just curious, can you race just one lap in Family Cup and still earn points? I should give it a try, but I'm using two lap races. The small courses need at least two laps or you wont make it.
Maybe, it depends on the track. You might get most of the points if you quit while passing the leader after a lap or so on a long track. However, you are probably better off repeating the tracks than quitting early. Many people tend to drop fractions of a point somewhere during the collection of track points. There are over 200 races that need to be repeated to find the lost point. You may as well spend the time to do it right, and maybe even do it again while you have the car ready and the track loaded. It'll only take a minute or two at triple speed.

Part of your goal is to narrow the gap between course skill and battle skill. Try to estimate how many points or races are between the skill changes. You'll find that the races that only earn 2 to 5 points make the most progress toward narrowing this gap. Races that only earn 11 points need to be repeated.

BTW, I never meant to imply that you probably had all of the floating points. I suspect you are missing a lot of floating battle points or your skills would be even by now. But, you may as well finish the tracks before beginning a new search.
Maybe, it depends on the track. You might get most of the points if you quit while passing the leader after a lap or so on a long track. However, you are probably better off repeating the tracks than quitting early. Many people tend to drop fractions of a point somewhere during the collection of track points. There are over 200 races that need to be repeated to find the lost point. You may as well spend the time to do it right, and maybe even do it again while you have the car ready and the track loaded. It'll only take a minute or two at triple speed.

Part of your goal is to narrow the gap between course skill and battle skill. Try to estimate how many points or races are between the skill changes. You'll find that the races that only earn 2 to 5 points make the most progress toward narrowing this gap. Races that only earn 11 points need to be repeated.

BTW, I never meant to imply that you probably had all of the floating points. I suspect you are missing a lot of floating battle points or your skills would be even by now. But, you may as well finish the tracks before beginning a new search.

I figured, if I was missing some floating points, I could just enter the 7000 point cars and enter Nurb to find them. That should be easy, you think?
I didn't start off from zero, so not sure if this is relevant. I completed World Circuits last night; only 40 overall pts gained in the D car - that's all, but I suppose the D car is going where the Minolta went before ;)

I had 6 x 12pt races ; all four at Motegi - one per class, strange huh? and Fuji80 & Infineon Stock with the Lupo.

I had 6 x 12pt races ; all four at Motegi - one per class, strange huh? and Fuji80 & Infineon Stock with the Lupo.
That is strange - very strange. Does Motegi = Super Speedway? If so, watch out for that track. It tends to be stubborn about giving up all the points.
Solid Lifters
I figured, if I was missing some floating points, I could just enter the 7000 point cars and enter Nurb to find them. That should be easy, you think?
It should be that easy, but sometimes it isn't. Some people find that the JP set of tunings doesn't always work at the end of the game. It's a good place to start, but some experimentation might be necessary.
Update after the weekend. Started from c5500:55:55:55. Did the Ring with the A1,A2 etc set, got to 7557:99:75:75. I have now completed World Circuits, Motorland and City Courses with A-D cars. This leaves me at 9115:99:90:91 (the first Original Circuit race is also included in my current number). Consistently battle skills increase at c xx80 and course skills at c xx25. So far so good.

Notes on progress; 2 x 14pts, 11 x 12 pts, c25 x 0 pts (old ground), everything else at 13 pts. At City 1 x 12pt per class, at Motorland 1 x 12 pt, at World Circuits 1 x 12pt per class plus a 12/14 back to back in A & B. So the pattern is pretty clear. All races at 12 have had 2 or 3 attempts so I know that is max for those races especially after ensuring a good one ie, no overtake before 20secs from start and winning by <3 secs.

I speculate that after the Original Circuits I will have 9996:99:99:100, it will be interesting to see how close I am to that, and those 4 points will probably come from the B2 car at the ring as I didn't get 100 machine skills before leaving the ring. What might throw the applecart is I do not know whether my son has used Bspec on my game save, so I am unsure how many 0 scores I will get in Original Circuits because I would have already max'd the bspec in those races.


Machine points != 100 means, as you say, you didn't "finish" the floating points (at the Nurburgring).

I had a similar problem. The 100th machine point seemed to appear when I was doing the Sarthe I Circuit.

But it might have appeared at the Beginner Course (forward or reverse). I'd grown used to seeing the "99", and may not have noticed precisely when it turned to "100".

Thanks for that. I hope I don't have to go back to the 'ring but I probably will. My calculations are assuming 1x12 pt for each car in the original circuits and a few zeros. We'll see. I'll post again on my progress in 79 races time.


P.S (bragging) managed to work out how to do an avatar of my motor !
The fun begins... I completed all the 58 circuits and now have 9982:99:99:100.

My advice to anyone attempting this quest is that the 58 circuits are quite easy to do. Just be methodical, race sensibly (keep it close) and keep records (eg car, track, setting, pts earned & attempts).

I have no doubts that my missing pts are at the Ring and I will revisit the Ring using initially the JP cars but with different upgrades and then using different cars for each category. My instinct tells me that these are likely to be with the A & B cars, and that is where I will start. As I get these points I will report as it seems that the JP cars do not always pick up all the 'ring pts.

The fun begins... I completed all the 58 circuits and now have 9982:99:99:100.
Sweet! That's the first score posted with maxed battle skill (all floating and track points) and all course points (you have all the course points, the missing course skill is tied to the machine points) before maxing the machine points. Nicely done. I was wondering if that was even possible since the programming seems to have little quirks built in.

The machine points you are missing can be earned on any track, but Nurburgring is probably the best place to search because it is more generous with some points than other tracks, and the passing rules are clearly defined. You've completed the tough part, it shouldn't be long before you find the right car and tuning to collect the missing points.

I found the reference for additional cars to try for missing machine points. Perhaps you will be able to add to this list.

When the JP set of cars and tunings no longer provides new points, these cars have found additional points.
Ford SVT Lightning with max HP + stage 3 weight reduction round the Nurburgring. - ANK
Dodge RAM 1500 Laramie (default) on Nurburgring. - Orion_SR

Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot. Passing rules shouldn't matter for machine points. Racing isn't even required; practice mode or photo mode should work fine. Which means you can even dig out your special cars. In early testing, many people found missing machine points with the Prowler and Nike.
Thanks Orion_SR and you have saved me asking a question (with all battle points can I just use Free Run or Photo mode?).

Update: (I have set up camp in Germany) Getting inspiration from the; use T4 instead of T3 with the Fairlady I changed the T3 on the MX-5 to other Turbos. The original turbo from the tuning village gave me an extra 10 pts ! I now stand at 9992:99:99:100.

Edit: Thanks for the tips of cars to try.
I've been running Bspec since I got this game but not in a methodical way. Basically anything > 1 hour per race was Bspecced and any other Aspec race I did I also repeated in Bspec. That got me up to 9043/100/90/89 (m/c/b)

Since then I started the methodical way of running the Lupo 1.4 stock in Family Cup Difficulty level 0.
Scored anything between 6th and 1st place; Points ==> 9314/100/93/92.
Now on to the Miata stock repeating FamCup also at level 0.

Bob wins the races at at-least 0.5 lap ahead of competition, result no or near zero additional points won. Retried fam cup at difficulty level 1 but then Bob ends mostly in place 6.

Is there something I should be doing different or did you guys run all 4 cars at level 0?
Appreciate your comments / advice....

I am amazed if Bob consistently won on level 0. Most people use more like level -4 to -2 . The important thing is to keep the pass button off most of the time so Bob can finish very close to the AI. I.e. perhaps sit in 3rd position until nearly the last corner. You can win maximum points for a race without winning. In fact, when I finally got 10000/100/100/100, I had just finished 3rd.

On the other hand, are you the first PAL player to attempt 10,000 B-spec points? Er, I guess not: StevenDunn99 would appear to be using the PAL version.


has links to several strategy articles. Generally I did use level -2 to -4, and even lower for short courses. The other articles give suggestions in that ball-park, different in details. Observe what tends to happen, especially what fields turn up, when you use various numbers.

I'd guess you have difficulties getting points because, although Bob may be able to win on level 0, you can't afford to "goof around" as is needed to get a close finish for maximum points. For instance, it's generally believed that passing too many cars too early makes it impossible to win certain points, and so you should start with "pass" off for the first 10 seconds or so, and at that point make your way up through the field, trying to get stuck in third to avoid accidentally getting the lead too soon. With a level 0 field, that might make it impossible to finish anywhere close to the leader. (But if you pass too soon, you both fail to gain the conjectured points for not passing too early, and risk finishing too far ahead of the field).
Yeah, I am using the PAL version. In general I tried to stay last until c20s in, and then got up to second and stuck on the tail of the leader with as minimum setting as possible keeping overtake off. Took lead late and won most races, but I once got 13 pts when coming 3rd. Repeated and won to ensure I grabbed all pts.

Car settings varied from -10 to 0, depending on car, track and whether it was a standing start. Lupo from -2 to -6 but -5 and -4 were the most common. fyi I have no zeros anywhere in the Lupo.

The Nike 2022 got me 7 pts in photo mode at the Ring. Now at 9999:100:99:100 so I am looking for 1 course pt and I guess that could be anywhere. As I have a few zeros from early Enduros with the Minolta I am guessing that I may have an extra 12 somewhere, so tomorrow I am going to photo mode all my D zeros.


P.S ANK has max'd bspec on PAL, see earlier in the thread
Bob wins the races at at-least 0.5 lap ahead of competition, result no or near zero additional points won. Retried fam cup at difficulty level 1 but then Bob ends mostly in place 6.
The difficulty level appears to have no influence on the amount of points that can be earned. I prefered level -3 for most tracks, and level -6 for short courses, but you can adjust these levels to suit your driver's skills, the track, and the competition.

The difficultly level will influence how much control you have over the race. If it is set too high, then it will be difficult to catch the leader. If set too low, then the B-spec driver may accidentally pass too soon and run away from the pack. If set just right, then the competition will almost keep up if an accidental pass occurs and the pace is set to 1 - slow down.

The difficulty level also influences which cars are likely to be presented as competition. If the Lupo is set too low (-4 or -5 for a Lupo w/o R3 tires), then the Dodge Ram is likely to spawn. Avoid this vehicle (it's glitchy or in the wrong class) by adjusting the level. For the Miata, the Prius Touring Selection is worth avoiding. Once an appropriate level is found, stick with it for later races (unless it's a short track). Then you can predict which car is likely to eventually take the lead, and you can avoid passing that car early in the race.

The most important factor for earning track points seems to be finishing close to the leader. A few seconds ahead or behind should be okay, but you will probably finish much closer as a matter of pride. I prefer to push the leader across the finish line, or to turn on overtake at the last possible second to make it even closer. I suspect this is where you are having the most difficulty. Earning maximum points requires actively managing the driver during the entire race.

As a general rule, avoid passing too soon, but this seems to be more important for floating points on the Ring than track points on the other courses. Wait until after the first split (or the little orange arrows appear on the map view) before allowing any passing. Ignore this rule for short courses or whenever it is annoying - I did, and noticed no ill effects.

Winning is not an important factor for earning points. To test this theory, I intentionally came in 2nd or 3rd in almost every race with the 350Z to reduce my win/loss ratio to 50% when I earned the final point.
The Nike 2022 got me 7 pts in photo mode at the Ring. Now at 9999:100:99:100 so I am looking for 1 course pt and I guess that could be anywhere.
You keep coming up with the strangest scores. I would not have expected that you had any remaining course points after maxing the track battle points. I think your best bet is to repeat Super Speedway with all 4 cars. Then check the shortest tracks first. Course points don't require racing, I earned all mine using practice mode only.

Very strange indeed. I found the course points to be easily earned. Usually only 1 lap or 1 minute would do the trick. With that in mind, the 350Z would be the best bet.
This could take some time... I've been using photo mode with various cars all over the place and especially all the short tracks, 'Ring and any track where I had a zero (due to previous use of Bspec in Enduros).

I have meticulous records since I started my 10K quest, and everything looks right, the 12s make sense, I have multi re-run and non 12s or 13s, the increase in course skill has been amazingly consistent; every 8 races with a regular 7s. All this implies that it is at the 'Ring. I even tried the Model T but it couldn't get up the hills !

If anyone has had to go searching for a course skill pt please let me know where you found it.

All this implies that it is at the 'Ring. I even tried the Model T but it couldn't get up the hills !

If anyone has had to go searching for a course skill pt please let me know where you found it.
If the current theories are valid, then your course point must be on one of the 58 tracks because all floating points (machine + battle) are maxed.

There is a possiblility that not all of the floating points have been clearly defined. I was never able to determine a way to sort "the points earned on any track without racing" other than to group them all as machine points. However, there remains a possibility than there is another class of "floating course points" that have never been isolated. If you are able to find your missing point, and then re-earn it on another track by turning off auto-save, or using a backup on another memory card, then this would be the first real evidence that this is possible.

I suppose it is also possible that your game is glitched, but there's no point traveling down that road. You are definately in unknown territory at this point in your game. Everyone else has been searching for the last track battle point that will boost them from 999x/100/99/99 to a perfect score.
Orion_Sr, can you please just clarify this for me (a yes will cut out a LOT of options).

If I already have 13 pts for an event (I'll define an event to be car A, B C or D at a track, ie a total of 58x4 = 232 events) then the course skill point cannot be at any of those events ?

And to complicate it, I have 2 x 14s but then so does the JP method records; A at Infineon Sports and B at Motegi East, do you have records and if so do you agree ?

I am continuing to 'test' at the ring this w/end and then go down the other tracks later. The regularity of the increase in course skill points through the 232 events is uncannily even and hence my feeling towrds the 'Ring.


P.S I have made a backup save to come back to.
Thx Guys, most of the advice given in the 3-4 posts above I already knew due to reading a lot (but not all) other posts in the Bspec threads.
Basically I note my 'starting point' e.g. 9000/99/90/89)
Then run all World circuits with lupo
Then check Bstats and update my excel file
On to all orig circuits
check bstats again and so on.

.... any track where I had a zero (due to previous use of Bspec in Enduros). I have meticulous records since I started my 10K quest, and everything looks right, the 12s make sense, I have multi re-run and non 12s or 13s
Steven you confuse me sometimes**. I suspect that at the end of every race you return home to check your Bstats. Is that so??
I believe this is the only way to keep really detailed stats. I havent gone to that level of detail yet.
** In one of your posts you write c20s and in the one quoted above you mention 12s 13s etc. Please can you explain to me what you mean by that.
I think the message for me is to to change my strategy to become even more actively involved in managing Bob. All the other things mentioned earlier I already applied more or less. (dont overtake in the 1st 10-15 secs, dont win with too much margin)

The one thing that surprised me most though (in the above posts) is that you're running at negative (-6 -4) difficulty levels.
As 'my Bob' already had a high level to start with (see previous post) it seems I could set the level to 0 difficulty in order to obtain 'close' races.

I'd expect to run Bob at low difficulty levels if he had just started out at 0/0/0/0 level.

Just checked my excel file again. FYI, My Lupo stock was running S2 tyres on all tracks at level 'increase speed' + overtake.
Only for Driving park did I switch to R3.
Hi AMG_SLK. yes I returned to my home screen after every race. I kept meticulous records, but you can't compare with anyone, they all seem to be different.

I know what points I got, when and where for every race since I started the quest at c5500:55:55. I never overtook <c12-15secs after the start, but in practice that was often 20s (which is what I do now, chasing the last point).

On the whole I was very active changing settings frequently. Using low speed races gives you more control, but not too slow that you overtake too soon. On average -4 to -6, but I used +1 and -10. I was more inclined to use faster races on standing starts where my car overtook cars too soon as they were slow off the mark.

I am working on the assumption that I completed a race and maybe went off the track (as the AI does) and lost a course point. This could take some time, but I am focussing on certain tracks where that happens eg Infineon, Midfield and Autumn Ring.

If I already have 13 pts for an event (I'll define an event to be car A, B C or D at a track, ie a total of 58x4 = 232 events) then the course skill point cannot be at any of those events ?

And to complicate it, I have 2 x 14s but then so does the JP method records; A at Infineon Sports and B at Motegi East, do you have records and if so do you agree ?
Unfortunately, the answer is no. The problem is that the points aren't solid. The game is appearently counting something smaller than whole points. I know this because I was able to observe an increase in skill, without an increase in the B-spec level (total points). SportWagon and I have tried thinking of a way to infer the smallest possible unit, but so far we have not been successful. The most likely minimum unit could be as small as 1/29th of a point, but 5/29 or 25/29 are also logical possibilities that allow an even distribution of points (2000C + 1000TB) over 4 classes and 58 tracks.

During my test game, I collected each type of point separately. After collecting all of the course points, I inferred that 8 and 18/29 course points are available with the 4 classes of cars on each of the 58 tracks. I used this information to predict 4 and 9/29 track battle points per event and my final point progression matched these predictions perfectly. Unfortunally, when collected together at 12 and 27/29 track point per event, the point progression observed by the JP author did not match predicitons from fraction theory. Despite SportWagon's best effort, we have not been able to resolve this anomaly. Also, this information is almost useless to anyone who isn't running a test game starting at 0/0/0/0 and all floating points are collected before track points to eliminate the possibility of contamination.

B-spec is a difficult puzzle. I admit that I don't have all the answers, and I remain open to alternate theories and explanations as new data becomes available. But Fraction Theory is still the best description of observations available, so I will try to apply it to your situation.

Course skill is influenced by 3 types of points - machine, course, and track battle. Since your machine and battle skills are both maxed, course points are the only possibility to complete this skill.

In a previous message, I assumed that you had collected all course points because you had collected all track battle points. This seemed a reasonable assumption because my experience was that course points are easier to collect than track battle points. Course points aren't very picky about tuning; just about any car in the same general class will earn the same course points. Course points are earned quickly; 1 long lap or 2 minutes should earn all course points. Even competition and racing have no influence on course points. I don't understand why you haven't already met these requirements. You should be done.

I can only think of two other possibilities. The original translation from Itazura of the JP web site mentions a Magic Bullet for the last point. I have not seen any evidence of a magic bullet that could not also be explained by fraction theory.

Floating course points are also a possibility. The best argument against floating course points in the simple solution hypothesis. Basically, the simple solution is most likely to be correct. The programmers must have a method for coding and tracking the points. If there is no reason to include floating course points separately from machine points, then no effort will be made to code and bitmap the points. Since track battle points can influence course skill and battle skill, the simplest solution would be for machine points to influence machine and course skill.

Anyway, my only suggestion is not the one you want to read. Repeat each of the 232 events. Also, you keep mentioning that you think the point must be on the Ring. The points earned on Nurburgring are not tied to that track. Most of the Ring points are floating points that can be earned anywhere. I earned all except a small pocket of Miata C (B2) points on a Rally track to in order to count the machine points separately from course points. Nurburgring is the preferred track for floating points because it is long, the passing rules are clearly defined, and it is more generous with some points than other tracks, but floating points can be earned anywhere.
I think the message for me is to to change my strategy to become even more actively involved in managing Bob. All the other things mentioned earlier I already applied more or less. (dont overtake in the 1st 10-15 secs, dont win with too much margin)

The one thing that surprised me most though (in the above posts) is that you're running at negative (-6 -4) difficulty levels.
As 'my Bob' already had a high level to start with (see previous post) it seems I could set the level to 0 difficulty in order to obtain 'close' races.

I'd expect to run Bob at low difficulty levels if he had just started out at 0/0/0/0 level.

Just checked my excel file again. FYI, My Lupo stock was running S2 tyres on all tracks at level 'increase speed' + overtake.
Only for Driving park did I switch to R3.
Active Participation

Just to be clear: Active B-specking is required to keep the race close, but there is no evidence the button mashing has any influence on the points earned. Keeping track of which settings were used during the race would not be a simple solution. I suspect that battle points are determined by a proximity detector used when choosing the passing line or to avoid collisions. In theory, maximum points are earned when the race is finished (or quit) and the proximity detector is active (other cars are close). Quitting is effective for floating points on the Ring, but not recommended as better. When collecting floating battle points on the Ring, I only finished 2 or 3 races, all others were quit after about 1 lap and just as I passed the leader. BTW, if a large lead is gained during the race, ditching the car or pitting to allow the competition to catch up, will not help gain maximum battle points.

I also raced with the superstition that the sector arrows may influence battle skill. On long tracks, and especially on the Ring, I tried to keep an orange arrow in front of my car as long as possible by slowly catching up to each car, and overtaking just before the next sector. I found no evidence that this influenced the points earned, but it gave me something to do while actively managing the B-driver.

Difficulty Settings

During my test game, I tried to use the difficulty levels of -3 and -6 for short tracks exclusively. I could easily have won with a higher difficulty setting, but I wanted to be able to make a simple recomendation if I was successful. It is possible that a higher level will earn more points, but this has never been tested. However, the current theory is that it makes no difference, set the difficulty wherever you want.

During my clean up game I frequently used level 0 and found it to be an excellent setting for a B-driver with very high skills. The race could be started with pace 3 or 4, overtake activated shortly after the beginning of the race, and the B-driver would usually overtake the lead about the same time the race finished. Very little input was required.

I used this observation to use Max (he's no longer named Bob) to test the A-spec potential of various cars. If Max can win a Family Cup race with a high difficulty setting, then I am more likely to earn high A-spec points with that car. For instance, using the Dodge Ram, Max will win by a minute if the level is set to +10 - so I rate the Ram at +11. Max can win at +5 using the Prius Touring Selection. I found a few cars in the +3 range before I got distracted by other things, and I've since forgotten which cars they were, but you get the idea.

Tuning and Tires

I used a slightly different set of tunings than those suggested by the JP author to collect the track points. Besides using Turbo 3 on the 350Z instead of Turbo 4, the JP author suggested 4 different tunings for the Miata, 3 on the Ring, and another for track points. But since there are only 3 tuning tabs (A, B, and C) and track points aren't very picky about specific tunings, I decided to do without the racing tires on the Lupo and Miata. For a while I thought these settings might be better, but many people have had equal success using the original JP suggestions. At this point I would argue that it makes no difference.

Record Keeping

Extremely detailed records of points earned is mostly useful for test games when all points are collected using a specific method. These records can be used to deduce where fractions of a points may have been dropped. It is a good idea to check the points after each race. If only +8 to +11 points are earned on a track, then that race definately needs to be re-run to collect the missing battle points. I always repeated races that earned +12 points just to be sure that something wasn't missed, but a regular pattern of occasional +12s is to be expected. The most important thing is to find some method to assure that no tracks are missed.