Official GTP Ferrari Challenge Lap Times- Post Them Here! New Design and Head2Head!

  • Thread starter Pepsi0

Ferrari Challenge Lap Times

Welcome to the official GTP Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli Lap Times thread. Post your lap times, along with the track name and whether you use sixaxis or a wheel. If you have aids on or off, please mention that as well. You can also start Head2Head events.​

Lap Times

This lap times board is to see how fast GTP members are on all the tracks in the game. To see who is the master of the game.​

Head2Head Events
Things might get competitive and this might result in something known as racing. If you and another member want to see who is really the master of a track, then you can offer them a race. This won't effect their lap times, obviously, but next to their name it'll notify that they won in a race against whoever they won against.

Do not PM me lap times or head2head results, please post in the thread.​

Mount Tremblant

danjama- 1.38.21


danjama- 1.27.90


danjama- 1.37.46


GTP_Energyia- 1.50.19
danjama- 1.51.29
Chronos- 1.51.41
Biggles- 1.51.67
VentureDenny- 1.55.01


GTP_Energyia- 2.25

danjama- 2.26.86

Biggles- 2.30.43


danjama- 1.56.94



GTP_Energyia- 1.38.49



danjama- 1.42.91



danjama- 1.41.97


GTP_Energyia- 1.42.86


danjama- 1.37.1


danjama- 1.18.85

Paul Ricard

danjama- 1.35.29


GTP_Energyia- 1.49.96

danjama- 1.51.07

What The Drivers Use

danjama- sixaxis- all aids off

GTP_Energyia- tbc- tbc

Biggles- G25- all aids off

Chronos- G25- all aids off

VentureDenny- TBC- all aids off
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Not a bad idea Pepsi, seeing that the online info seems to be garbage, with no distinction between aids used & weird cheat times showing up.

If we do this can we agree on NO AIDS, otherwise it seems a bit pointless...
Not a bad idea Pepsi, seeing that the online info seems to be garbage, with no distinction between aids used & weird cheat times showing up.

If we do this can we agree on NO AIDS, otherwise it seems a bit pointless...

Yeah, and maybe seperate laptimes for wheel users and sixaxis users.
Yeah, and maybe seperate laptimes for wheel users and sixaxis users.

Maybe simpler to just have people specify what controller was used - it will be interesting to see how it shakes out.
Maybe simpler to just have people specify what controller was used - it will be interesting to see how it shakes out.

Ok yeah.

So anyone got any laptimes to post? I'll try and do a few when I get my PS3 back, but I need to know what I need to beat. Any laptimes will be great
OK, I started at Monza & ran a few laps to see if my times tallied with the lap record showing on my Profile (because as I explained I'm very suspicious of the consistency of the results recorded).

I found after a few practice laps I was running times very close to my recorded lap record. The same with Mugello. So far so good. 👍

Then I went, for the first time, to the "Leaderboards" section. After I figured out how it works (not altogether self-evident at first), I looked for my times & discovered that some of them in the "Lap Records" section (as opposed to the "Time Trial" section) had a dog's breakfast of aids assigned (as do most of the times for other players). Now, I play with ALL aids off ALL the time & whereas it's possible that occasionally some of the aids settings defaulted without me noticing (the SC seems to default to "3" sometimes), there's absolutely NO WAY the "Racing Line" could have been on without me noticing!

So, I'm not sure how to interpret the (aided) times of other players, as I know the aids listed for some of my runs can't possibly be accurate. The other thing is there are clearly a bunch of bogus times at the top of the leaderboards, which further screws everything up.

However, the Time Trial times I can report so far are as follows:

All Challenge 430:

Monza: 1:51.67 (GTP_SimcoeAce, G25)

Mugello: 1:57.14 (GTP_SimcoeAce, G25)

Misano: 1:40.01 (GTP_SimcoeAce, G25)

Spa: 2:30.43 (GTP_SimcoeAce, G25)

Infineon: 1:44.64 (GTP_SimcoeAce, G25)

I seem to be about 3 - 4 secs off the pace of the fastest (legitimate times), but it's impossible to know exactly what aid settings were used for those times (& I'm not sure if the aids result in faster times or not, because I've never used them!).

Incidentally, anyone on your "Friends" list will appear in the "Friends" times section.
OK, I ran Vallelunga in Time Trial. I checked the "Assists" settings before, during, & after the lap - everything "Off". Ran 1:42.50.

Initially, the time did not appear, after a few minutes going in & out of different screens it did come up. When I checked it on the Time Trial leaderboard is indicates ABS/TC/SC/RL under "Assists"!

The Leaderboards are obviously completely screwed up... :grumpy:
Ok thanks Biggles, that will really get things started. I'll add them now. Do you use sixaxis or wheel?--sorry I'm clearly very stupid, i completely missed the fact that 'G25' was written next to every laptime!
I've not played this game in a while and was expecting it to be fixed by now but I'm not sure what's going on.

I ran Monza with the 430 Challenge with the aids on and got 1'51.31 and then turned all the aids off and got 1'51.41. When I started the online TT it says the current lap record is 1.51.000. I looked on the leaderboards and I see GTP energyia at 1'47 something, in around 40th place. So is the 1'51 just a game stat? The 1'51 record seems to only appear when I'm connected online.
I've not played this game in a while and was expecting it to be fixed by now but I'm not sure what's going on.

I ran Monza with the 430 Challenge with the aids on and got 1'51.31 and then turned all the aids off and got 1'51.41. When I started the online TT it says the current lap record is 1.51.000. I looked on the leaderboards and I see GTP energyia at 1'47 something, in around 40th place. So is the 1'51 just a game stat? The 1'51 record seems to only appear when I'm connected online.

No the game hasn't been "fixed" yet - we're still waiting for the N.A. patch.

I too get those strange "current lap record" stats which don't seem to relate to either my times or the leaderboard times. Interesting that your aid/no aids time are basically the same. The absence of any ghost car function in this game makes it very difficult to gauge lap performance & compare different driving lines & techniques.
Yes it's a big oversight not to include saved replays and ghosts etc. Even some camera replay options would be nice. Just lifting the basics from GT5P would be a start let alone a full game. Anyway, as you'll know, there's plenty a miss which has been covered here and on the avforums from launch, but the devs seem to say they can only add and change little things.

I've got the latest patch here in England but the online is still poor. I bought it at launch and played for 2 months but drifted back to GT5P and other games.

Having not played for a while I'm not sure how much time I could knock off with the aids on (maybe I was just not pushing with the aids on). I'm not cutting any corners but I can't see where I can get 4 seconds off my time. I have a little trouble sometimes gauging what's coming up ahead with how poor the track draw distance is displayed on my HDTV. I remember reading that using the sixaxis can knock a few seconds off but never tried it - I use the G25.
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Having not played for a while I'm not sure how much time I could knock off with the aids on (maybe I was just not pushing with the aids on). I'm not cutting any corners but I can't see where I can get 4 seconds off my time. I have a little trouble sometimes gauging what's coming up ahead with how poor the track draw distance is displayed on my HDTV. I remember reading that using the sixaxis can knock a few seconds off but never tried it - I use the G25.

My suspicion is that some of the faster times are "cutting corners" which doesn't seem to be penalized that much in FC. When the FFB "dead zone" issues are fixed, it may make wheel-use more competitive.
Driving with all aids OFF is very difficult for me. I think if you can drive with all aids OFF, you are a very good driver. FWIW, here is what the forum administrator ( Eutechnyx forum) has to say about driving aids...,26.msg99.html#msg99
I will usually use some driving aids...I'm doing the Trophy series now and I use the driving line all the time, since Trophy races sometimes puts me on an unfamiliar track. And a few of the cars seem to be undriveable without some SC-TC-ABS. But that's just me, and I'm not a great driver (yet).
But I'll try to get some lap times to post here, just for comparison.
Thanks all.

I didn't know the sixaxis is faster than the G25, I assumed it'd be the other way round. But I guess I was wrong.
Driving with all aids OFF is very difficult for me. I think if you can drive with all aids OFF, you are a very good driver. FWIW, here is what the forum administrator ( Eutechnyx forum) has to say about driving aids...
I will usually use some driving aids...I'm doing the Trophy series now and I use the driving line all the time, since Trophy races sometimes puts me on an unfamiliar track. And a few of the cars seem to be undriveable without some SC-TC-ABS. But that's just me, and I'm not a great driver (yet).
But I'll try to get some lap times to post here, just for comparison.

I don't find it that difficult to drive any of the cars in FC, although it does take a while to adjust to the feel compared to GT5P, FC or other driving sims. Of course, to drive fast you need to be very familiar with the track, but I always think lots of practice is a better strategy than using the racing line.

Unfortunately, the Trophy series puts you at the back of the grid every race - I hate that - it means you have to drive much faster than the AI to win, which makes the racing totally unrealistic (just like GT4 & GT5P offline), where you are constantly having to weave through much slower moving traffic.
I didn't know the sixaxis is faster than the G25, I assumed it'd be the other way round. But I guess I was wrong.

I'm not saying the sixaxis is faster than a wheel in FC. - I am hopeless with the sixaxis, so I really can't judge. But at the minute there is a problem with the wheel "dead-zone" which I don't think exists with the sixaxis, so it's possible that it's actually faster using the controller.
Well, I tried Monza with the Ferrari Challenge F430...
Monza 1:55.01 with all aids OFF
Monza 1:54.81 with SC = 1, ABS = 1
Hmmm, I'm 3.2 seconds off Biggles times. I really don't see where I could gain that much time to catch him. No use continueing...
Using Logitech DF-GT wheel.
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Well, I tried Monza with the Ferrari Challenge F430...
Monza 1:55.01 with all aids OFF
Monza 1:54.81 with SC = 1, ABS = 1
Hmmm, I'm 3.2 seconds off Biggles times. I really don't see where I could gain that much time to catch him. No use continueing...

Don't give up that easy!

Interestingly, Chronos' time is almost identical to mine. I'm pretty sure we could get quite a bit off time off those times, so I'm sure with more practice you'll drop your times. 👍
Well, I tried Monza with the Ferrari Challenge F430...
Monza 1:55.01 with all aids OFF
Monza 1:54.81 with SC = 1, ABS = 1
Hmmm, I'm 3.2 seconds off Biggles times. I really don't see where I could gain that much time to catch him. No use continueing...

Yeah like Biggles said, don't give up that easily! Driving with all aids off is very hard, but there is always a way you can improve, if you just keep all the aids off and keep repeating the track you can master it easily... I think that was a very good time.
Yeah like Biggles said, don't give up that easily!

Oh, I'm not giving up! I meant that there was no point in posting my times for the other courses. I'm obviously out of my league here. But going round and round an empty course, in search of better lap times gets boring pretty fast. I'm still racing my way thru this game. I've just about got all the cars in Trophy mode ( 20 of the 22 ), and started the Italy Challenge series. I'm sure my times will improve along the way.
Oh, I'm not giving up! I meant that there was no point in posting my times for the other courses. I'm obviously out of my league here. But going round and round an empty course, in search of better lap times gets boring pretty fast. I'm still racing my way thru this game. I've just about got all the cars in Trophy mode ( 20 of the 22 ), and started the Italy Challenge series. I'm sure my times will improve along the way.

That's good to hear.

Good luck in singleplayer, hope to see some VentureDenny times posted soon!:sly:
Here is same of my F430 lap times with no aids or braking zones. & using pad.

MONZA - 1:50:19
SPA - 2:25:70
MISANO - 1:38:49
VALLELUNGA - 1:42:86
HOCKENHEIM - 1:49:96
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Energiya those are some good times!

One thing i love about attempting lap times is you could do 10 progressively slower lap times and then all of a sudden on the 11th attempt something will just click and you will shave 1 or 2 seconds completely off. I love it. Anyway i will load the game now and check some of my times in the 430. I know for a fact i had the No1 records on some tracks (inc SPA) in the 550m a while back, hopefully still hold them.


ok having checked here are some times although i will try to improve them this week.

monza F430 - 1.51.29 - apparently with aids but i never use them and i'm sure i've done faster
california F430 - 1.37.1 - again i am 100% sure i have done much better
homestead F430 - 1.18.85 as above
Paul Ricard F430 - 1.35.29 as above
spa F430 - 2.26.86 no aids
hockenheim F430 - 1.51.07 im sure i could do better
mugello F430 - 1.56.94 as above
infineon F430 - 1.42.91
Mont tremblant F430 - 1.38.21 no aids
virginia F430 - 1.27.90
canada F430 - 1.37.46
vallelunga F430 - 1.41.97

for many of them it says i used aids but i never use aids :/ I use the sixaxis also.
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Back in November I complained about the leaderboards showing assists when I wasn't using them. What I realised is that the game was defaulting to some assists. Now it never seems to do that, but it's a good idea to check before you start running Time Trials.
I've been giving FC a few rounds lately on my favorite track, Mont Tremblant

Mont tremblant F430 - 1.38.18 no aids, pad.