Online not really a success, where can PD improve for GT6?

  • Thread starter GTP_Plato
First of all if this should be in the GT6 section could a mod please move:tup:

Obviously stability is one of the main concerns but what other improvements should we expect to see in the online portion of the game?
A qualifying system that works to make the online series more enjoyable. Give us control of the car while pitting with an implemented pit lane speed limit. Nothing worse than the AI coming to a complete stop while pitting and dropping between 2 -5 seconds in the pits. Drafting improvements. They are horrible at the moment.
Give us matchmaking. PLEASE. It was in Prologue.

Not everyone has time to hunt down races.
Oh God, how long have you got?

We need a storefront, PD's own take on Rival's/Autolog, ability to set fuel, proper qualifying, physics that aren't different to offline, improved draft, ability to "favourite" certain lobbies while cycling so you can create a list of lobbies you're interested in, leaderboards,...

I was really unimpressed with the online section in GT5, both in-race and functionality-wise.
Online in GT5 is a terrible mess... Just look at Autolog and copy it from A to Z. This thing puts PD to shame.
Problem is: even after many updates, the global experience is still as messy and so far from today's standards... They have 10 years to catch up in that regard.

it seems that they conceive their game as if they were the very first people making an online feature. Everything is clunky and lacks the smoothness and easyness that ANY other game has. Everything is slow, overly complicated.
GT5's moto? "Why make it simple and smooth when we can make it complicated and clunky?"

Seriously, I don't think it's realistic to think PD can learn in 3 years what they couldn't in 10 years...
The thing I hate the most is the lag. I know it's usual and it might be just me but I've played other games online and none lag as much as GT5. I have some saved online replays and the cars suddenly start lagging, the sound gets weird and it looks like joke. It kills the whole realistic look they're going for. I expect major improvements in GT6.
An easy thing they could do in gt6 and possibly even implement in gt5 with a patch is make the different room types (race for real race for fun etc) mean something so race for real rooms would always have no aids and for fun rooms the host would be disabled from disallowing aids, that would go a good way towards sorting out 'the mess'.
Give us matchmaking. PLEASE. It was in Prologue.

Not everyone has time to hunt down races.

Exactly. I was really disappointed that they completley removed matchmaking from Gt5, it was so quick and easy to find races in Prologue. They should have kept it, in addition to the lobby system.

An auction house would be great, way more race filters and settings, and more stat tracking and social features a la autolog, Forza, etc

While one off races are fine I think GT online needs more structure too i.e. options to set up race series, with points allocated at the end of each race, culminating in a short podium sequence with the winners' avatars celebrating at the end would be fun too.
Some form of online progression with unlocks (like liveries, badges, maybe car variations) would also help keep people interested. As it stands GT online is a a fairly barebones experience, and some like it that way, but if PD doesn't add some of the above features, then GT online will continue to be played by relatively -to GT sales/other popular online games- few people, and that would be a shame.
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Myself I haven't touched online in a long time, the only thing I will do is the online seasonals and even they could be improved upon. I'm not just on about the car and track combos although PD could do with adding features so we are not using the same car all the time.

The other issue I have with them is they are not stock seasonals so everybody is not on an equal playing field, the worst part about the seasonals I have just mentioned in the seasonal thread, which I find to be cars being run with dirty oil. PD have to scrap this idea as this is more unfair than good tuners who would have an advantage.

The number 1 thing missing for me is leaderboards, surely this has to be a part of GT6, this feature alone keeps people like myself coming back.
Myself I haven't touched online in a long time, the only thing I will do is the online seasonals and even they could be improved upon. I'm not just on about the car and track combos although PD could do with adding features so we are not using the same car all the time.

The other issue I have with them is they are not stock seasonals so everybody is not on an equal playing field, the worst part about the seasonals I have just mentioned in the seasonal thread, which I find to be cars being run with dirty oil. PD have to scrap this idea as this is more unfair than good tuners who would have an advantage.

The number 1 thing missing for me is leaderboards, surely this has to be a part of GT6, this feature alone keeps people like myself coming back.

Weirdly, GT5 Prologue had leaderboards too iirc. I really don't get why they couldn't implement them in the full game? every other AAA racer has them.
PD logic will always elude me :)
Definitely more options.

Off the top of my head...

1. To create your own events set over a specific user created time frame that are invite to non friends and available to sign for friends via GT5 community section with an incorporated online weekend which you can open for anybody to join (who is signed up) with a user set time frame, with practice days, qualifying days and race day all in one, with all times for each segment saved and exportable to view online as well as championship standings etc in my league I have to use google docs which is very time consuming.

2. A more in depth race results feature showing more stats regarding the online race.

3. To be able to export race results to at least an internet browser and at best using an API. You can already view your B spec Bob race results online via the GT5 website so why not our own races.

4. To be able to set my own specification for any car and then set it online for people in my lounge to use at the very spec I set it at and only those cars. Users cant change the spec of the car (Power/Weight or change out parts) but can tune the set up. This would make competitive racing with a huge variety of cars very easy.

5. Host to be able to set ballast weight for any user as a handicap. (very useful for online racing leagues)

6. A proper flag system.
I do think PD should be given credit for GT's online, it's awesome!

GT's lobby system stands out in bold for what makes the series it's own league of racing games on consoles.


All I've needed for the most part is a lobby to drive and drift with friends, exactly the kinds of lobbies I dreamed of GT5 having on release! Look at shift, there's no free-joining lobbies or even car changing once you're in! GT lets us chill, tune and have fun.

It's awesome! Love it love it love it how it is!

(Yellow flags would be nice ;) )
They should probably outsource the online portion of the game. From what I've seen so far they could use the help.

I would like PD to test patches online before releasing them to the public.

I would like to see more options to accommodate all types of racing or games. If people like to drag, dirty race, play cops or cruise give them options. Remember, they are optional so everyone doesn't have to use them.

Give the host the option to automatically boot someone that goes backwards for more than x amount of seconds or x amount of feet. If they can't do that give the host the ability to boot someone by pausing the race so they don't have to back out of the race to boot someone.
I do think PD should be given credit for GT's online, it's awesome!

GT's lobby system stands out in bold for what makes the series it's own league of racing games on consoles.


All I've needed for the most part is a lobby to drive and drift with friends, exactly the kinds of lobbies I dreamed of GT5 having on release! Look at shift, there's no free-joining lobbies or even car changing once you're in! GT lets us chill, tune and have fun.

It's awesome! Love it love it love it how it is!

(Yellow flags would be nice ;) )

I agree with this, although there are some issues but to say its not a success isn't fair.

There are still loads of lobbies online and the amount of series you can still join proves that online does work.....

Yes it can be improved, but its still a success to me!
I agree with this, although there are some issues but to say its not a success isn't fair.

There are still loads of lobbies online and the amount of series you can still join proves that online does work.....

Yes it can be improved, but its still a success to me!

Im inclined to agree with this, although public lobbies can seem chaotic that is the inevitable by-product of the freedom to do pretty much anything you can think of, although we don't get clubs and leagues etc handed to us on a plate with a bit of effort and use of a site like gtp successful leagues can be set up or just host your own rooms kick anyone who joins that isn't on your wavelength or upto your standards and friend those who are and pretty soon you'll have a friend list full people you'll be happy to race with.
You only get out of gt5 online that which you put into it, a little bit if effort goes a very long way.
I do think PD should be given credit for GT's online, it's awesome!

GT's lobby system stands out in bold for what makes the series it's own league of racing games on consoles.


All I've needed for the most part is a lobby to drive and drift with friends, exactly the kinds of lobbies I dreamed of GT5 having on release! Look at shift, there's no free-joining lobbies or even car changing once you're in! GT lets us chill, tune and have fun.

It's awesome! Love it love it love it how it is!

(Yellow flags would be nice )
I agree with this, although there are some issues but to say its not a success isn't fair.

There are still loads of lobbies online and the amount of series you can still join proves that online does work.....

Yes it can be improved, but its still a success to me!
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I agree with both of these points as we do have it good in many ways.

To go one better, and moving on and organizing your clean racing friends instead of simply adding them as PSN friends I came up with a simple idea that's makes racing with your PSN much easier.

A bit of history first....

As an example, in the early days of the club I raced with we would and still only race casually and seriously out of private lounges and all of us would add each other as friends and race out of each others private lounges (would depend on who was online and hosting first and we would join their private lounge).

In the beginning this worked well but we came into problems. Out of around 60 guys we had around 10-15 who would often be first online and would host their own private lounges where everyone would join, so it would be vitally important for any member to have those 10-15 guys added to your friends lists so that you could join their private lounge where all of the casual racing was taking place.

The problem came when we had new guys join, as we had to ensure that they had at least those 15 guys added otherwise the new guys could not join the lounge. Some of the regular guys could often not make space on their friends lists to accommodate new guys who would want to join us to race, and it was always a case of people constantly adding eachother so that we could all race with each other in whoever's private lounge where the racing would take place.

In the end it was a nightmare integrating new members and getting them to add all of the right guys so I decided to make my own private PSN lounge network.

It was pretty simple, I created 5 PSN accounts and loaded GT5 up on them. I encouraged all of the members to add only those accounts, and only join the private lounges of those accounts when they wanted to race with other members.

The beauty of it all is that the 5 PSN Accounts/Lounges I created never have to be online but members can still join the lounges and race. ALl I have to do is logon to them from time to time and accept FR. If all members stick to joining only those lounges rather then sitting in their own private lounges, all members can join them to race providing that each member has sent FR to those PSN accounts I had created.

Effectively what I created was a private lounge network. Even better, if one of the members added to the accounts turns out to be a dirty racer, that person can be deleted from the PSN account and therefor will not be able to gain access to the lounge.

So all of out casual racing takes place out of the 1 lounge, GBRC_Casual with testing and tuning for events out of GBRC_TestNtune while official club races take place out of GBRC_Lobby_1 2 and 3 depending on your division.

It works fantastically and has done for almost 2 years the main problem is ensuring that people understand how it works and also to see the huge benefits.

We have close to 100 guys on GBRC_Casual account with 60 being active, so just by adding that 1 account you get access to 60 active, clean and vetted racers that only race out of that lounge.

Here are the lounges and how they work.




Send out friend requests to...


GBRC were the first club to adopt this simple Private Lounges set up. I came up with the idea not long after the release of GT5 and spread the word across GTP. Now many clubs use this successful formula to organize their members and races.

Specific PSN accounts, created for the purpose of hosting Casual and Official races, makes for meeting up with you club members, as well as integrating new members into your club a hell of a lot easier. There is no necessity for all of your members to add each other as friends, just your club specific PSN Accounts.

All casual racing, testing and official Club events for any season will take place in your Club's specific dedicated lounges. It is mandatory that all clubs have their own dedicated lounges. Club Lounge quantities may very depending on Club size but if you are small and aim to grow, running several divisions within your club, using the below Lounge structure will allow for future growth.

All of your club members will need to be added as friends to the lounges created by a specific club so that they can gain access to race.


The GBRC Lounges will never be online. As the lounges are not online, they will not appear online via GT5's community tab and you will not see the yellow dot besides the coffee cup that normally indicates that the lounge is occupied. Despite this always click on the coffee cup of the specific lounge as there will likely be fellow GBRC club members inside. We often have guys in the lounges racing most evenings, in particular GBRC testNtune and GBRC_Casual If you are confused how these lounges work or have any questions please check this Forum and post up

Each Lounge has a function.


(For casual racing, anything goes, majority vote or whoever is first in and hosting the lounge)


(For those that do not want to race, but rather test for an upcoming event, or to determine a class of car through testing.

(Below Lounges would be used for official events, most races would take place in Lobby 1, but for popular or Divisional events where Lobbies are split, each lobby would correspond with how the event has been split. These lobbies can also be used for casual racing when GBRC Casual is full or if some members want to race something else other then what is being raced in GBRC_Casual.)


Say you want to head to GBRC_Casual... once it's FR has been accepted, click on the GT5 homepage 'Community' tab, then click on GBRC_Casual, then click on the coffee cup and join lounge.

In between events you will normally find members racing casually in GBRC_Casual and perhaps testing for events in GBRC_TestNtune. Lounges normally occupied from 17:00pm GMT onward. DO not be afraid to be the first person in a Lounge, if you are seen there others will follow you in.

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Better search options...

Yes, better search options (basically all or most options you can select when setting up a room) and more options to limit the cars which are eligible would improve the existing system significantly.
I agree with this, although there are some issues but to say its not a success isn't fair.

There are still loads of lobbies online and the amount of series you can still join proves that online does work.....

Yes it can be improved, but its still a success to me!

I agree too. Yes there are lots of flaws with lobbies especially after the recent 2.08 update but I think it's still a decent lobby system. If they add a working qualifying mode and overall better filtering options to find good rooms I think it'll be okay in GT6 too.

Though many people seem to have a lot more complaints about the online mode... so PD should read and learn from those I guess.
I love online racing. I've been doing it on pc for about ten years now.
I also really like gt5.

But I never bother with gt5 online anymore because the netcode is pants, and the u.i and options are basically the worst they could be.

Someone above said that p.d have done the online elements as though they are the first ever to do online racing. I absolutely agree with this.

If they take 3 large steps forward from gt5 online play, they'll still be behind the acceptable standards most people expect now.
For all the stick gt5 online gets I have never been able to get on with any other ps3 racing game online, they've all been pretty much unplayable so with that in mind gt5s online section is a roaring success.
Has anyone had a positive experience online with any other ps3 racing game?
Turn 10 crushes PD in the online department in some non-racing ways that GT6 really needs.

1) Auction House
Obviously, the option to buy or sell cars with the entire community.

2) Storefront
For those unfamiliar, this is a sort of online market for players to distribute their work. We can share several dozen photos at once with the entire community, and can even view/download these photos from Forza's website. We can sell (or give for free) dozens of custom vinyls, custom liveries, tuning setups, and replays, dozens of each of these at once and with everyone in the community.

3) Rivals
Sort of like Autolog, but better. There are multiple events where we can attempt to beat the times of other players, from among all players who attempted, and get greater rewards for beating higher times. We can challenge any old Joe's times, or go after our friends' times. I might hop online and have a message notifying me that a friend challenges me to beat his time.

Rivals includes monthly challenges sort of like GT5 seasonals except we're going against community times and sometimes with rare prize cars (Unicorns) awarded to players for beating certain target times.

4) Leaderboard
I don't recall GT5 having leaderboards. It's interesting seeing where my times in each car class on each track stack up against everyone else, but we also have leaderboards for top artists and tuners.
For all the stick gt5 online gets I have never been able to get on with any other ps3 racing game online, they've all been pretty much unplayable so with that in mind gt5s online section is a roaring success.
Has anyone had a positive experience online with any other ps3 racing game?

I've never had issues with Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit.
I do think PD should be given credit for GT's online, it's awesome!

GT's lobby system stands out in bold for what makes the series it's own league of racing games on consoles.


All I've needed for the most part is a lobby to drive and drift with friends, exactly the kinds of lobbies I dreamed of GT5 having on release! Look at shift, there's no free-joining lobbies or even car changing once you're in! GT lets us chill, tune and have fun.

It's awesome! Love it love it love it how it is!

(Yellow flags would be nice ;) )

You're joking right?? Good for you that you can find drift rooms with ease. Want to know what I have to do to find a good gt500 race (stock gt500 or near stock)? Refresh 10 times to find a lobby hosting gt500 races. And when I find one finally I run into the following problems; Host is gone, no tuning/ pp limit. Leave and try another lobby you say? Sure and have to restart refreshing again.

This thread is about what can be improved, not I like PD's crappy online experience. Would it really ruin your GT5 experience if PD implemented some extra search options?

I'm really starting to believe that the communities "PD is awesome and can't do wrong" is the reason that GT5 is missing stuf that other games do right. Like the staff at PD only listens to the good stuff people have to say and then start high fiving each other "look we're awesome hihi".
^ Calm down. He simply said he likes it.

I got annoyed by random lobbies hosted by strangers too, and you know what I started to do one day? Host my own lobbies. Since that day I like to play online. Especially with the community I've build up over time.