[PC] Grand Theft Auto V - Roleplay Events

  • Thread starter Vince

Grand Theft Auto V for the PC - a new, crisp version inviting new players into the city of Los Santos. Along with new players brings new characters and personalities to play in this crazy city. From my Grand Theft Auto IV RP and my Grand Theft Auto V for the PS3 RP brings a new set of events for the PC version of GTA V.

This entire post will give information, requirements, a form, and concerns regarding this club, and what I want from it.


This section is where events are dated. Any events planned will be posted here on either Sunday night or Monday afternoon. Check on this around once a week to see if you can be available during a dated event. I schedule events based on my calendar. If there is something in the way, I'm not going to put Grand Theft Auto first.
i.e. "I have an appointment at 2:00, so I'll bump the event an hour."
Remember that I'm human, and humans are busy sometimes. If I can't make an event, I can't make it.

Everyone who is in the club will have to have me added to Rockstar Social Club. I do not add anyone who joins on Steam, Skype, or anything else. It's much easier for me to use Social Club's system to run the lobbies, as I can invite everyone who is joining an event directly from the comfort of staying in-game.
Here is a link to my Social Club profile.
You can also add me while in-game, by pressing (by default) 'HOME' on your keyboard.

You do not need a microphone to play. I have been trying to think of ways to integrate microphone use into events without everyone speaking over each other, but for now, using the in-game text chat would be best.
When speaking out of character, make sure you make it clear you're doing so. If you don't, people participating in your character may get thrown off. Let's just avoid confusion and be as clear as possible. If I need to, I will create a Steam group for the people who have Steam to post, chat, and interact with separate from this thread for more 'live' news and interaction.

I live in California. I am in the Pacific Time Zone, which is GMT -7. For example, if it is 12:00 in New York, it would be 9:00 here. Please convert this to your timezone to we can coordinate times accurately.

>> Planned events will be listed here, at the bottom of this section of the post. Check here for when new events are posted.


Pinkintron - <Character in progress!>


• Be as realistic as possible when it comes to character interaction.

Sometimes the roleplay gets a little damp, which requires you to get into some unlikely social actions. However, refrain for getting carried away from whom you talk to. As in, don't get in a group of 10 people all deciding to walk on the docks at the same time, and coincidentally 'bump' into each other. it is not realistic and annoying.
If you notice someone in a certain area by themselves or two, you can come up with some scenario to get interactive, but don't be a pest.

• Stay true to the environment.

Remember, these are roleplay events. We are not playing normal Grand Theft Auto. In other words, we are not getting into massive police chases, we are not participating in massive killing sprees, we are not flying jets around Los Santos while shooting traffic with rockets, none of that. We are roleplaying and trying to be as realistic as possible. If you can't get away with it in real life, you can't get away with it here.

• Stay true to your character.

Always remember who your character is. Remember his/her situations, personality, lifestyle, and anything else that is surrounding. If your character is some kind of on-the-corner drug dealer, they are not going to be driving a six-figure vehicle.
If your character is going through a rough time financially, don't let them drive to their high-end apartment where their three garages are surrounding it. Stay true to yourself.

• Be human, and obey some human laws here and there.

Both for realism and immersion, please take the time to stop at a red light, stop for a bite to eat at a local restaurant, and stop at a gas station.
Doing these little activities may seem skippable, but I believe it adds immersion and a sense of relaxibility to the events. We're doing this for fun, not for a part time job! :lol:

• When your character dies (or gets 'wasted'), integrate it as best as you can, realistically.

I know the game can cause you to die in weird ways. I also know that you can do some pretty stupid stuff to die in weird ways. Either way, pull it off the best you can. Either you just got 'tripped over' or maybe it was serious enough to make you go into hospital. The choices are up to you, but be realistic. Your character doesn't die until you decide he/she dies.

• Have common sense.

Self explanatory. Just do what you can to make you have fun, as well as to make it fun for anyone else involved.

When creating a character, I'm not expecting a 694 page novel of his life and everything that turns in his head. I'm just looking for a good amount of detail that explains what kind of character you're roleplaying and what you can bring to make the events more entertaining.
Some examples at what I expect in an application:

Out Of Character (OOC)
Social Club Profile:
Role Play experience:

In Character (IC)

Job/Career/Money Source:
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Photograph (If available):

If you have any questions or concerns, you can either message me here, or you can contact me on Steam.
I've been waiting for this!

Except I don't have GTA V on PC. Not yet, at least. I have it on my Steam account, but I haven't gotten around to downloading it yet. But when I do, I will be ready...
Out Of Character (OOC)
Age: 18
Social Club Profile: davis_h
Role Play experience: gt5 & gta

In Character (IC)

Name: tyrone
Age: 27
Job/Career/Money Source: nightclub owner
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): meeting hot chicks and running the hottest club in all of san andreas.
Personality: chillax
Vehicle: ruiner
Photograph (If available): social club sucks
Out Of Character (OOC)
Age: 18
Social Club Profile: davis_h
Role Play experience: gt5 & gta

In Character (IC)

Name: tyrone
Age: 27
Job/Career/Money Source: nightclub owner
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): meeting hot chicks and running the hottest club in all of san andreas.
Personality: chillax
Vehicle: ruiner
Photograph (If available): social club sucks

this is unacceptable
I'm assuming the worst, but is there still a chance of this happening anytime soon? I managed to get GTA V running on my laptop, and as much as the texture pop-in ruins my immersion I think I could still handle some good ol' fashioned RP like back in the old days.
I'm assuming the worst, but is there still a chance of this happening anytime soon? I managed to get GTA V running on my laptop, and as much as the texture pop-in ruins my immersion I think I could still handle some good ol' fashioned RP like back in the old days.
Of course, I've still been interested in it. I was just waiting for some interest. Other than Davis' and Doog's humor posts, there hasn't been anything else. I've just been sitting around playing the waiting game.

I guess the first step would be to add you on Steam, at least for now until I figure out how to make a steam group work.
If not, I could just add you on social club and do it that way, I suppose. I'd rather not make an in-game crew, but use a third-party group thing instead.
@Pinkintron my desktop's getting internet tomorrow, I promise. lol
Uh huh, suuuuuure you are.

But seriously, I'm scared the game is not going to run for you as well as I or whatever made it seem. Your PC is going to run it great, no doubt about that, but I hope you're not expecting it as godly as Davis' PC or anything.
Uh huh, suuuuuure you are.

But seriously, I'm scared the game is not going to run for you as well as I or whatever made it seem. Your PC is going to run it great, no doubt about that, but I hope you're not expecting it as godly as Davis' PC or anything.

It ran the Sims 3 well enough before I wiped it, but I dunno how good of a comparison that is.
I'm not sure if that is a valid comparison, but you got a good enough processor already that it should be fine.
Remind me, what was the video card you ordered? It was the 750ti, no?
Of course, I've still been interested in it. I was just waiting for some interest. Other than Davis' and Doog's humor posts, there hasn't been anything else. I've just been sitting around playing the waiting game.

I guess the first step would be to add you on Steam, at least for now until I figure out how to make a steam group work.
If not, I could just add you on social club and do it that way, I suppose. I'd rather not make an in-game crew, but use a third-party group thing instead.

Steam might not be the best, purely because I'm currently running the game with Steam Overlay disabled (it supposedly makes the game run better and I need as much performance as I can get right about now). You can add me regardless and I might re-enable the overlay if the performance drop isn't too heavy, but it might be worth investigating a third party chat client like Teamspeak or Skype anyway because I don't think Steam has a great group chat system. Then again, if it all works on mobile I can just use Steam Mobile instead, which has the added bonus of letting me read updates on the RP whilst AFK I guess.
Steam might not be the best, purely because I'm currently running the game with Steam Overlay disabled (it supposedly makes the game run better and I need as much performance as I can get right about now). You can add me regardless and I might re-enable the overlay if the performance drop isn't too heavy, but it might be worth investigating a third party chat client like Teamspeak or Skype anyway because I don't think Steam has a great group chat system. Then again, if it all works on mobile I can just use Steam Mobile instead, which has the added bonus of letting me read updates on the RP whilst AFK I guess.
I was thinking about Skype, and I'm fine with it, but I'm just not sure if anyone else would be down for me adding them on Skype.
Though, what would be the difference between that and Steam, right?
Well anyway, I'll give it some time. I won't be able to run a TS server through my PC, nor would I want to rent one.

Nah, it's a GTX960.
Oh, well damn, I don't think you'll have anything to worry about then.
Welp, regardless of what chat client we end up using (Skype would be pretty good but like you said other people might not be comfortable adding everyone else), I still need to actually transfer my online character in order to play online in the first place. I'll go and do that tomorrow because it's nearly 4 AM. Whoops
I am interested in this if you guys get it going. I also have a teamspeak server running that can be utilized.