Pc project

  • Thread starter 666666
Can you give us any details on the dead PSU? Make, model, age...? If it's a no-name cheap thing that was already old before you left it for five years, my guess would be the capacitors.

Edit: the simple explanation is the capacitors, which are normally an open circuit to DC, have degraded as a result of not being used and become a short circuit (or at least low impedance), overheated then exploded. They're known to explode when they go wrong, they're even built with a weak point so they don't explode like tiny frag grenades and cause injuries with shrapnel flying everywhere, there's usually a lot of smoke involved too.

The psu was old don’t know when I got it , it was bagged as hiper 520 w , it had older type molex connectors not sata type. I can’t tell you anymore as it’s gone in a scrap rubbish skip at work.

That’s what I thought cos when I took it apart yesterday to see inside it it looked like they had shorted out and melted from the heat , they were the only damaged pieces in it.
I have ordered an evga 600w psu should arrive tomorrow thanks again.
Just did a quick search that make are on sale on eBay going to stay away from that brand I think.
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EVGA PSUs are fine, personally I always use Corsair though. I (sometimes) build PCs at work which have pretty stressful use cases - running at least 16 hours a day 363 days a year, often with poor ventilation, sometimes in ambient temperatures exceeding 35 degrees, typically being shut down by just having the mains power switched off - and we've never had to replace a failed Corsair PSU. Admittedly the only PSUs we have had to replace have been no-name crap, though, so I'm sure the same reliability can be found in other brands too.
The psu arrived today, fitted nicely. I have got one question about the main 20 +4 pin is the other 4 pin connection needed ?. The system fired up ok and seams to be running good without it connected and windows 7 is installed not got round to updating MB drivers ect yet.