photo's being over written?

  • Thread starter DTHolm
United States
United States
I just started taking some photos of my cars. I chose one county and one town in that county. I did change my car and the location in the town. One by a river and one downtown. Both were saved in my Library but there was no pop-up to name the photo. Only the newest photo shows up in my Library. I this a bug, did I miss a step or is there a workaround?
I just started taking some photos of my cars. I chose one county and one town in that county. I did change my car and the location in the town. One by a river and one downtown. Both were saved in my Library but there was no pop-up to name the photo. Only the newest photo shows up in my Library. I this a bug, did I miss a step or is there a workaround?
Photographs don't get overwritten in GT7. There's also no option to name the photo unless you also choose to Share it - both when you take it or later on - and this might be the source of your issue...

When you take a photo it isn't automatically saved; you need to manually save it:


You're then given the option of sharing it or not. Choosing to Share brings up the option to give it a name, description, tags, etc.



I backed out of that screen, and didn't Share that image.

If you head into Showcase, and select My Library, My Items, Scapes Photos, all saved photos will show up:


But if you select My Library, Shared Items, Scapes Photos, only shared photos will show up:


A photo not shared will show up only in My Items, not Shared Items - but only if you saved it. If you didn't save it, you won't see it anywhere...