PlayStation 4 General DiscussionPS4 

  • Thread starter Sier_Pinski
If its true they are going to stick to the 10 year plan after all that’s happened with the PS3 they are clinically insane. That number was given at launch, right before the PS3 nose-dived and was one of the biggest screw ups Sony had ever done and one which put the company in serious financial trouble.

Sure it may have been an acceptable loss to win the format war but it took 3 years before the slim recovered it as a somewhat competitive games console but its still not been a blockbuster hit, the 360 I feel has done much better overall over the years and Kinect has reinvented the system very well.

If you bought your PS3 in 2006 I'm sure its getting pretty old by now, dev's have maxed it out much quicker than they did with the PS2 and its time for something new. Sony has the chance to wipe the slate clean (and oh boy its a dirty slate!) and get in early this time because I feel MS will own the market again if Sony allow them to.
Combine that with Sony's previous claim in my OP that they want to keep word on their current console's 10-year life cycle, and it's certain to me that Sony is the one of the two rumored companies in that article who will ignore the next non-portable console race. They're probably too busy promoting their recently released PS VITA.

My thoughts exactly. It just makes sense. But of course, we could be very wrong about the reality though.

Sony isn't a small company with 1 or 2 projects. Completely irrelevant and no proof.


If its true they are going to stick to the 10 year plan after all that’s happened with the PS3 they are clinically insane. That number was given at launch, right before...

You do have a point but what if they want to wait so long, that the specs of their new console will be at least 3 times higher then of their competitors by release? Say, end of 2014 or somewhere in 2015. By then, the Nextbox's and especially WII-U's novelty has worn off and their tech will be mediocore and their comes Sony with with a new tech monster. Supporting Blu-Rays with 200GB capacity, huge SSD, at least 3 times the power of the Nextbox, and REAL launchtitles like MGS and GT, maybe even some old classics reborn. (Crash, Spyro, Syphon Filter, G-Police, Rollcage, Jak and Daxter, ZOE and more)

The thought behing that strategy is the novelty and superiority by launch, much time for big developers like PD for a real launchtitle and of course, which is the most important, saving up money with the sells of PS2, PSP, PS3 and now the PSVita. You get my point?
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You would think sony would have learned with this generation of consoles, that whichever one comes out first is important. I can't believe they would let microsoft get a years headstart again.

As for sony not making another console, I actually would kind of like that. I get tired of friends having games for different consoles, and having to choose which I'll het it for. Another side might be PC games making a little comeback, if their was only one big console. To me the ps3 was kind of a flop anyway. All my friends that got one, ended up just getting 360's and playing on it more anyway. Most of our PS3s are just either in closets or dedicated blu ray players. The one exception, is the 4 or 5 games that were exclusives for the PS3.
You would think sony would have learned with this generation of consoles, that whichever one comes out first is important. I can't believe they would let microsoft get a years headstart again.

Just no. As someone else here already said, look at what happened to Sega.
Just no. As someone else here already said, look at what happened to Sega.

That was a long time ago. I had a sega, and the games, for the most part, were terrible. The only game I liked was an RC car game for it, so I went back to playing the commodore 64 instead. Back then advertising was more important then it is now, and nintendo pushed itself really hard. Most of my friends had never heard of a sega, but all of them had nintendos. Nintedo had it's own magazine and everything. You can't use the sega vs nintendo example with todays consoles. It was a completely different time, without the internet. Games in the home were new to most people, except for the atari. People didn't realize that another type of console would be alot better, so they needed to be told and shown how much better the sega and nintendo were. Now xbox and PS are household names. They don't need to sell you their console as much as back in the beginning of home consoles. Now you are either a PS or xbox fanboy, or you buy both. For me I'll only be getting one console this time when it launches, and more then likely it will be and xbox, unless sony makes alot of changes to it's online structure, and it will definitely, be an xbox if it comes out first. I think sony is going to have real problems this time if they let microsoft throw the first punch. Money is tight worldwide, and everyone wants to try the newest thing. 1 year later for sony and theirs won't be any better then the xbox but it will be late to the party.

As for the sega thing. Look at the 3do, turbo graf, jaguar, and saturn. All of those console blew away the competition in performance, but their advertising was worthless. They were all before the internet was huge, and all you had to go by were what commercials told you. Do you remember the commercials for any of those systems? I don't either, but I do remember PS1 commercials, nintendo, and ps2 ones. Advertising was everything then, and for the most part, everyone just skips commercials now days, and looks for reviews online. You need to be either first, alot better, or have a lower price then the competition to win now. That just wasn't the case 25 years ago.
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You do have a point but what if they want to wait so long, that the specs of their new console will be at least 3 times higher then of their competitors by release? Say, end of 2014 or somewhere in 2015. By then, the Nextbox's and especially WII-U's novelty has worn off and their tech will be mediocore and their comes Sony with with a new tech monster. Supporting Blu-Rays with 200GB capacity, huge SSD, at least 3 times the power of the Nextbox, and REAL launchtitles like MGS and GT, maybe even some old classics reborn. (Crash, Spyro, Syphon Filter, G-Police, Rollcage, Jak and Daxter, ZOE and more)

The thought behing that strategy is the novelty and superiority by launch, much time for big developers like PD for a real launchtitle and of course, which is the most important, saving up money with the sells of PS2, PSP, PS3 and now the PSVita. You get my point?

Yeah I do see what your saying but at what point does being late to a console generation actually become getting in early to the next generation. Would it even be considered a direct competitor (might become alienated) and would developers be willing to make huge changes to bring multiplatform games to that superior system (look at how hard / impossible it is to put a PS3 game on the Wii, think of that but in reverse).

Even if you enter the market a few years after and have a superior product to everyone else its a huge gamble because people have already bought their expensive consoles, built up an online persona, franchise allegiances etc and will probably want to stick with them like what happened with the 360.

In reality no one can call it, its down to launch titles, features, price and raw system power. Even then it still can flop! If Sony comes out with something with the features you mentioned it might stand a chance but it would have to be a good price to ween everyone off their few year old 720's!

I still would much prefer Sony to get in early seeing as hanging back last time was a terrible decision.

You would think sony would have learned with this generation of consoles, that whichever one comes out first is important. I can't believe they would let microsoft get a years headstart again.

As for sony not making another console, I actually would kind of like that. I get tired of friends having games for different consoles, and having to choose which I'll het it for. Another side might be PC games making a little comeback, if their was only one big console. To me the ps3 was kind of a flop anyway. All my friends that got one, ended up just getting 360's and playing on it more anyway. Most of our PS3s are just either in closets or dedicated blu ray players. The one exception, is the 4 or 5 games that were exclusives for the PS3.

I agree, I also feel the PS3 was somewhat of a flop. When I got mine everyone had 360's and were playing Gears and thought I was mad to buy what was an overpriced Blu Ray player with no good games. In the years that followed Sony did themselves no favours on a number of occasions. To this day most of my friends still have 360's and only a handful have PS3's and don't even use them that often, I don't even use mine much.
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There's no need for Sony to release another console yet, granted the root key has been obtained, and they've had hacking incidents, but things could be worse. There is no super special new technology out that warrants a new console, if microsoft put out a new console soon, it'll be a mistake.
The PS3 journey has been a painful one for them, and it has clearly been bested by the 360 despite it's flaws, they'll just have to continue to ride out the next 3 years in cruise control, then make a comeback with a 4th PS, it won't be easy.

I think we'll hear a vague announcement in 1.5-2 years, and solid information about a new Playstation in 3 years rather than 5, 3 years is not a long time, but technology advancement never sleeps.

Don't try to dazzle people with all this voice and motion activated stuff, it's crap, give me something good. I don't mind if it's just a few clever things, like clicking my fingers to pause the game or open a menu (that's right, go patent that now haha. +I think this would go well to bind finger clicking with class changing in those CoD games), but this airey-fairey stuff is a false selling point.
That was a long time ago. I had a sega, and the games, for the most part, were terrible.

The dreamcast had almost ONLY good-brilliant games, which also, were very innovative. If there was a system with amazing and high-end games, it was Segas Dreamcast.
True however there is still more buzz about the Camaro ZL1 despite it lacking the hp of the GT500. The Camaro family as a whole has noticeably taken the muscle car segment by storm with its aggresive styling and is getting more sails as a result.

That's expected with a new care release. Sales should settle shortly.
Oh come on you actually think Sony couldn't afford the R&D and marketing for a new console? Of course they will have a new one for this generation, ridiculous to think otherwise.
Affording to do the R&D and coming up with a business case that shows that it would be making Sony enough money to actually do so. In the near future, at least.
The thought behing that strategy is the novelty and superiority by launch, much time for big developers like PD for a real launchtitle and of course, which is the most important, saving up money with the sells of PS2, PSP, PS3 and now the PSVita. You get my point?
Well, novelty and superiority is all well and good. However, it also means that, if the Nextbox was released significantly earlier, its replacement will also be released much faster after the PS4's release.
Remember the last time that a console maker had at least a six month jump on its competitor? It became a third party publisher instead and shut down its console division. That's right, I'm talking about SEGA.
Just no. As someone else here already said, look at what happened to Sega.
Was the Saturn one of the best selling consoles of all time (and the Game Gear the best selling handheld of all time), giving Sega so much money in their coffers that they could fill a room and swim in it like Scrooge McDuck?

Because that is the financial situation Nintendo is in right now.
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The previous gaming consoles has no similarity to todays massively expanded and evolved technology market.
The systems back then were almost purely designed for kids and teenagers, it was the beginning of video gaming...

I would even argue PS2/XBox days were still almost exclusivly designed for kids and teens.

Now we're heading into an era of many new purposes and the key for both companies is to get as many features and technologies packed into 1 unit.

A huge chunk of gamers are over 30 these days, and therefore has become MUCH different industry and I think the main focus of "gaming" systems are to be the best All-in-One device, which will appeal to the entire demographic.

What I mean is that both these next consoles have a huge potential to be something even greater than a gaming machine, so the question is, who will do the best job to be a powerful desktop PC with the most powerful OS to run a variety of programs.

A market almost never does well with two identical products selling for roughly the same price, so if the next Xbox and PS are shooting for the same goals (performance/price wise) there could definitly be one big looser in the end. This would affectively be the same as Nintendo/Sega days, but again it was a market decided by a very young crowd.

Now it'll be more of chess game between both companies to be able to evolve into something unique that each can call their own. I'm not sure how this is going to work, because I don't think either one wants to be the weaker system, so guaranteed both will make sure their hardware specs are high-end out of the box, which could be rather expensive at first.

So ultimatly the reason for the downfall of one of these companies would be by not including enough power and capability, as opposed to the being the most affordable package, because frankly, if the succsess of a $500 iphone was so dominant, a super powerful gaming console should not be hindered by younger people/parents not willing to make the purchase.

That said I'm confident Sony and Microsoft will make a dramatic step forward because they both know that not doing enough is not an option, as well not coming super late to the party (like PS3). Sony definitly will do something special...and they won't sleep until 2015, unless they play a completely different stradegy which would be insanely risky (as in letting Nextbox create their own market and PS4 being the "ultimate" gaming machine 2 years down the road).
It really is going to be interesting to see how it all plays out.

Anyway, all I really want is a stunning graphical Gran Turismo experience running fluidly with a much more complex physics model. :D:
We do not need the PS4 yet, but I know that there will be one. Sony just has too much going for it now to not make another console. For me the PS3 is probably my favorite console ever, I do not see how some people consider it a flop. The PS3 destroyed the 360 in almost everyway possible. I will not buy the PS4 at launch because there is still lots of life left in my PS3.
The dreamcast had almost ONLY good-brilliant games, which also, were very innovative. If there was a system with amazing and high-end games, it was Segas Dreamcast.

I agree with that. The dreamcast might have been the greatest console ever. It was way ahead of it's time, and the games were outstanding. I think it was even the first major console to try and get people to play online. The original sega console though, sucked. The games were bad, and the commodore 64 was still much better then it. I actually liked the saturn alot too. I thought it was much better then the ps one.
Meh. Didn't the PS2 follow the "10 year" plan as well.

They sold 500 000 of them during the holiday season according to their sales report so isn't it on like a 15-20 year plan? :lol:

You scored major points with the fact that at first, the PS2 and the original Xbox was targeted to younger gamers, however, the other console in that generation, the gamecube, was so out of touch with today, heck even the WiiU is still out of touch by the simple fact that they are not including a dvd player built in. Only Sony and Microsoft realize who their main audience is, and delivers a console that treats them like their age.
True however there is still more buzz about the Camaro ZL1 despite it lacking the hp of the GT500. The Camaro family as a whole has noticeably taken the muscle car segment by storm with its aggresive styling and is getting more sails as a result.

That's expected with a new care release. Sales should settle shortly.

i meant "sales" lol. Damn you autokarrot!

But I dont think the camaro is going to stop dominating. Me who does not want anything to do with american cars actuall recommended that a friend get the 2011 Camaro V6. The Camaro just plain looks better than the Mustang. Even though its heavier theres just something about the GM Camaro. I dont like any other american car.
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Meh. Didn't the PS2 follow the "10 year" plan as well.

Its easy to follow a 10 year plan when you literally have no competition, hell it could be a 15 year plan the way things are going for the PS2!

Sony need to seriously re-evaluate the 10 year plan on a product which was a flop for nearly 4 of those years.

In my opinion Sony never really had to date a first party killer game or IP which was a 'must buy' console seller. Killzone was dissapointing and didn't live up to the hype, the only one which came close was Uncharted 3 but nothing has stood out compared to MS's offerings of things like Halo and Gears. Now Kinect has things like Dance Central which alone makes me want to buy a 360.
Its easy to follow a 10 year plan when you literally have no competition, hell it could be a 15 year plan the way things are going for the PS2!

Sony need to seriously re-evaluate the 10 year plan on a product which was a flop for nearly 4 of those years.

In my opinion Sony never really had to date a first party killer game or IP which was a 'must buy' console seller. Killzone was dissapointing and didn't live up to the hype, the only one which came close was Uncharted 3 but nothing has stood out compared to MS's offerings of things like Halo and Gears. Now Kinect has things like Dance Central which alone makes me want to buy a 360.

The PS3 might have had a slow start but the first four years were definately not a flop. Sony has had many killer first party games like the uncharted series, infamous, killzone series, resistance( it might not be a killer series but the games are pretty good), and GT5. In my opinion these games stood out a lot more than Halo and Gears, although since those and forza are about the only xbox exclusives they do get focused on more than other games on the system. Finally, saying Dance Central on Kinect made you want a 360 is just sad.
The PS3 might have had a slow start but the first four years were definately not a flop. Sony has had many killer first party games like the uncharted series, infamous, killzone series, resistance( it might not be a killer series but the games are pretty good), and GT5. In my opinion these games stood out a lot more than Halo and Gears, although since those and forza are about the only xbox exclusives they do get focused on more than other games on the system. Finally, saying Dance Central on Kinect made you want a 360 is just sad.

People queued at midnight around the world for games like Halo and Gears (not my cup of tea at all). Infamous, Resistance and Killzone have never had that reception and have certainly not been massive console sellers. Sure they have been good but you need killer 1st party games to make the difference seeing as so many 3rd party games are multiplatform now.

So I'm sad to respect what is the most innovate piece of gaming hardware this decade, I'm sad for liking a game thats great to play with other people, fun and gives you a work out? I guess everyone who bought the Wii and played a Tennis game in a revolutionary way for the first time was sad, all 90 million of them.
People queued at midnight around the world for games like Monster hunter X and Call of Duty X-

I find it irrelevant. That's doesn't mean much if you like Uncharted, Killzone, Resistance, Little Big planet, Infamous or any First party SCEI game people enjoy playing. I couldn't care less about how another game performs or if it has overnight camp outs as long as the games I'm interested in are available to me. Why should sales and hype affect your interest in a game? I only buy games I'm interested in and I've never played an Uncharted and none of the newer Halo's or Gears of War games. But I do have 150 PS3 games with 93 on Disc.

I guess Sony is wanting to cash in on PS3 for another year before revealing PS4. Vita is late but the hardware did not exist or was too expensive when it should have been revealed in Jan-E3 of 2010. The PS4 may follow the same late arrival.
People queued at midnight around the world for games like Halo and Gears (not my cup of tea at all). Infamous, Resistance and Killzone have never had that reception and have certainly not been massive console sellers. Sure they have been good but you need killer 1st party games to make the difference seeing as so many 3rd party games are multiplatform now.

So I'm sad to respect what is the most innovate piece of gaming hardware this decade, I'm sad for liking a game thats great to play with other people, fun and gives you a work out? I guess everyone who bought the Wii and played a Tennis game in a revolutionary way for the first time was sad, all 90 million of them.

There was a man named Neil Bogart who ran Casablanca Records back in the 70's. What Neil lacked in quality he made up for in terms of sales. Now you might be saying "what does this have to do with Halo and Gears of War?". Neil Bogart had said once that you can sell anything with enough promotion behind it. Well, Mr. Bogart's biggest success story was in fact the band KISS.

It seems Microsoft has adopted a similar strategy. Promote the hell out of it, and they will come. Does anyone think it's a coincidence that they mention the XBox 360 by name on South Park? Or on The Big Bang Theory? Or Two and a Half Men? They PAID for that product placement. What they've done in the process is make these games pretty darn close to religion status that games can be, and have given anyone who doesn't have them, or access to them, an inferiority complex to boot.

It's pretty much the same thing that the auto makers did with the SUV back in the last decade. Anyone who didn't have one felt like they lost status. I really don't have an ending here, but I'll just say that I've never been one to follow the crowd. Eventually people's tastes change, and they move on to other things. Disco anyone?
I only buy games I'm interested in and I've never played an Uncharted and none of the newer Halo's or Gears of War games. But I do have 150 PS3 games with 93 on Disc.

You have 150 PS3 games and you went out of your way NOT to buy any of the Uncharted games? Really?

Sometimes sales are purely due to great marketing and the product is crap, but sometimes sales indicate a really great game.
People queued at midnight around the world for games like Halo and Gears (not my cup of tea at all). Infamous, Resistance and Killzone have never had that reception and have certainly not been massive console sellers. Sure they have been good but you need killer 1st party games to make the difference seeing as so many 3rd party games are multiplatform now.

So I'm sad to respect what is the most innovate piece of gaming hardware this decade, I'm sad for liking a game thats great to play with other people, fun and gives you a work out? I guess everyone who bought the Wii and played a Tennis game in a revolutionary way for the first time was sad, all 90 million of them.

These games are system sellers on there own but together they make the PS3 stand out with too many exclusives to count. I still say that first party games are better than third party for the most part. I never said anything about the Wii so I don't know why you're trying to make it sound like I did. Also 90 million people did not buy a wii for just tennis or Wii Sports. Finally, it is not sad that you want that Dance game but it doesn't make sense to invest in a system for that one game.
I find it irrelevant. That's doesn't mean much if you like Uncharted, Killzone, Resistance, Little Big planet, Infamous or any First party SCEI game people enjoy playing. I couldn't care less about how another game performs or if it has overnight camp outs as long as the games I'm interested in are available to me. Why should sales and hype affect your interest in a game?

I never said it affects me personally, I don't buy into the hype at all and buy the games I want but I'm saying many people do and manufacturers know this. It all comes down to selling consoles and console bundles and if they know they can keep pumping out Halo's, hyping it to infinity and sell a ton then they will keep doing it.

It seems Microsoft has adopted a similar strategy. Promote the hell out of it, and they will come. Does anyone think it's a coincidence that they mention the XBox 360 by name on South Park? Or on The Big Bang Theory? Or Two and a Half Men? They PAID for that product placement. What they've done in the process is make these games pretty darn close to religion status that games can be, and have given anyone who doesn't have them, or access to them, an inferiority complex to boot.

If they can sell more by doing this then power to them, there's nothing immoral about hyping things. Sony could learn something from MS in that department.

These games are system sellers on there own but together they make the PS3 stand out with too many exclusives to count. I still say that first party games are better than third party for the most part. I never said anything about the Wii so I don't know why you're trying to make it sound like I did. Also 90 million people did not buy a wii for just tennis or Wii Sports. Finally, it is not sad that you want that Dance game but it doesn't make sense to invest in a system for that one game.

Well it usually takes one particular game to make you want a system, what that game is is totally down to personal preference, to say it 'doesn't make sense' is a personal opinion. I like where MS are going with Kinect and thats currently the best game which makes use of it, without the Kinect the 360 doesnt really interest me because I can get nearly everything else on PS3.

Most people did actually buy the Wii for Wii sports, often it was the only game people used on the system (all those first time casual gamers).