Political Tweets Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno
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Slowest of the Fastest!!
United States
Dahlonega, GA
A thread to post political tweets. An opportunity to free the meme/image thread of things that aren't memes or images. Y'all have fun, I don't do Twitter so this is my only contribution to this thread.
Feel free to delete this you don't agree.
We already have the meme thread and cursed political content thread. We don't need any more. Thanks.
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"I don't do Twitter so I'm creating a thread for y'all to post content from Twitter."


This is my only post in this thread because content from Twitter can be relevant to very nearly anything, and so every other thread on this entire forum is a more approproate place for content from Twitter.
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The formerly cursed social media is the "tweet thread".
Well someone missed the memo.
"I don't do Twitter so I'm creating a thread for y'all to post content from Twitter."


This is my only post in this thread because content from Twitter can be relevant to very nearly anything, and so every other thread on this entire forum is a more approproate place for content from Twitter.
A tweet isn't a meme!
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