POLL: Happy or unhappy with Standard cars?

Are you happy having standard cars in GT6?

  • Yes, I'm happy of having standard cars in GT6

    Votes: 188 31.8%
  • No, I'm not happy of having standard cars in GT6

    Votes: 237 40.0%
  • Don't care.

    Votes: 167 28.2%

  • Total voters
My problem with Gran Turismo 5 was not so much of Premium vs. Standard, but the TREATMENT of the two kinds of cars. Standards are treated more like glorified filler compared to the Premiums. There are still a number of things you can and can't do with Standards that Premiums can do. However, they are not to be fully neglected. After all- some of the fastest and most unique cars are the Standards. Think about it- most of the Group C Sportscars and Group B rally cars are Standard cars. Are you going to let some fancy Premium offer a better experience than these famed race cars? If anything, bring Premiums and Standards to a middle ground that makes owning both styles of car enjoyable. Why do Standard cars have to be "Used" with some slowly annoying looping song in the background while the Premiums have lavish views and some stylish music playing?

No problem with the Standards. Just find a middle ground so that I don't feel silly for loving a Standard car when I could be enjoying a Premium car and all of the "perks" of racing and tuning a Premium car.
I'm happy that PD is doing something to improve them and supposedly ridding some of the pointless duplicates (like special paint options, and regionally different names), but I'm still not pleased that they're there. It's unfortunate that we'll be seeing something that looks like LAST generation on this gen, ESPECIALLY since we're right on the cusp of the NEXT generation of gaming. I get (and like) that PD would still like a large car list, but It IS annoying to see jagged edges. There ARE ways to make low-poly count look good with some nice texturing, but I'm not sure if PD can do so either because it'd take too much time, or it's too much for the PS3's hardware to take, or both.

If the Standard cars don't look TERRIBLE when compared to the premiums, I'll be satisfied. If not, then I'll have a bit of a grudge in that department. I'm still getting GT6 either way. I was able to have fun with GT5 with it's (VERY many) shortcomings, and GT6 is supposed to have less. And even with that all that was wrong in GT5, it was still one of my all-time favorite games (not ever playing a GT game prior to it, or even a driving sim aside from NFS ProStreet, which I wouldn't exactly say counts). GT6 should top it, then. Physics and amount of content to use with the physics is my main concern with racing sims.
Standard cars was one of the biggest problems with GT5. Why does PD insist on repeating their biggest mistake ever with their new game? The way I see it, if you can't make every car have the same quality, don't even bother putting those cars in. 800 standard cars and 200 premiums? That is pathetic. Transferring GT4 models over to GT5 comes off as lazy and PD trying to cut corners to make their game seem "better" when it is nowhere close to other sim games. I don't know of any other company out there that puts half-assed cars into their games.

Absolutely well said and agree 100%! This is one of the reasons for me that GT5 was a big fat failure. EVERY car in the game should be premium quality. Jus shows how out of touch and lazy PD are
Absolutely well said and agree 100%! This is one of the reasons for me that GT5 was a big fat failure. EVERY car in the game should be premium quality. Jus shows how out of touch and lazy PD are

How is PD lazy? I find their work quite efficient.
Reusing the same work from ten years ago, TWICE. Seems pretty lazy. Do they keep using standard cars on PS4? That would still be just as efficient, and just as lazy.

I would much rather have the newer modelled cars and tracks compared to them remodelling the standards really. Adding new faces and surfaces is more exciting to me then fixing up older ones.

But to each his/her own.

POST 1000! :D 👍:cheers::gtpflag:
I like the fact that the Standard cars will return in GT6, the tracks too. And I'm serious. ;)

And this is why PD think it's ok to do this kind of crap. Keep thinking like that and we'll continue to see Standards on PS4. You people might as well stay on GT2 or something, if you can't let those cars go.
You people might as well stay on GT2 or something, if you can't let those cars go.

Oh? So because others and I like the standard cars, we have too go back to the older games for YOU people who don't like them? Yeah not gonna happen, stop BSing. QQ about it for all I care... 👎
And this is why PD think it's ok to do this kind of crap. Keep thinking like that and we'll continue to see Standards on PS4. You people might as well stay on GT2 or something, if you can't let those cars go.

As much as I dislike standard cars, you can't tell somebody to stop expressing their opinion just because it may get heard and you disagree with it. People telling other people to shut up has been a constant problem in this thread and it's getting really old.
a division of quality never made sense to me. What good is the content if it's up to a subpar standard? I'd rather have a hundred great cars than a thousand cars that look and feel like they were last touched in the last century.
Oh, and another thing I want to point out. Since people likes the standard cars, others have a need to say "what if the standard cars go on GT PS4". What about the standard cars going on PS4, is that somehow a threat for GT or is it for yourselves?

I'm honestly surprised PD is even resorting to work their asses on 1200 cars, with new physics and aerodynamics. Premium or not, NO dev I've seen has never gone that far before, ever. PD will totally gain my respect if I hear positive reviews regarding physics on all cars.
What, you seriously think standard cars on a PS4 would be a good idea?

As for the last part, well they're the only dev making a game like this that has been around for 15 years with 10 year old assets to use. As for the physics engine well it's one size fits all, the cars themselves are just given values so of course they'll all benefit the new physics engine even if the handling characteristics are wrong compared to the real thing.

Also, quit pretending there are 1200 different cars with different physics characteristics. You know there aren't.
What, you seriously think standard cars on a PS4 would be a good idea?

Did I say or thought it was a good idea? I only said if its somehow a threat to GT or to those who really dislike them.

Also, quit pretending there are 1200 different cars with different physics characteristics. You know there aren't.

Nope, not pretending anything. U_U
Well why would you even question people not wanting standards on PS4, no matter what their reason? Models of this quality:


Are really not going to be able to sit alongside cars of this quality:


There is absolutely no defense of those cars on PS4. It can not and should not happen, even if some cars are lost.
Well why would you even question people not wanting standards on PS4, no matter what their reason? Models of this quality:

Are really not going to be able to sit alongside cars of this quality:

There is absolutely no defense of those cars on PS4. It can not and should not happen, even if some cars are lost.

Yeah, the quality of that Celica wasn't even worked on in GT5. You and I honestly don't know how the standard cars are going to look like, but I highly doubt there going to look like that. Don't assume there going to look just like the ones from GT5.

And you're right, there is no defence for cars like the standard cars for PS4, but on the PS3 however. If there up to quality at least behind the premium cars, no problem.
I'm honestly surprised PD is even resorting to work their asses on 1200 cars, with new physics and aerodynamics. Premium or not, NO dev I've seen has never gone that far before, ever. PD will totally gain my respect if I hear positive reviews regarding physics on all cars.

I mean, it's not like PD is going car by car to tune the physics individually. They're throwing the car data into their revamped physics engine and instantly observing the results. It wouldn't matter if there were 500 or 5,000, it takes just as long. Granted there may be a few cars that they make exceptions for, like say the X2010 or F1 cars; because they're so unique, they might need extra tuning to get "just right." But again, those are exceptions. So at the end of the day what PD is doing isn't any more impressive than what any other dev is doing.
I mean, it's not like PD is going car by car to tune the physics individually. They're throwing the car data into their revamped physics engine and instantly observing the results. It wouldn't matter if there were 500 or 5,000, it takes just as long. Granted there may be a few cars that they make exceptions for, like say the X2010 or F1 cars; because they're so unique, they might need extra tuning to get "just right." But again, those are exceptions. So at the end of the day what PD is doing isn't any more impressive than what any other dev is doing.

I won't disagree with that. Oh well. :\
Oh, and another thing I want to point out. Since people likes the standard cars, others have a need to say "what if the standard cars go on GT PS4". What about the standard cars going on PS4, is that somehow a threat for GT or is it for yourselves?

I'm honestly surprised PD is even resorting to work their asses on 1200 cars, with new physics and aerodynamics. Premium or not, NO dev I've seen has never gone that far before, ever. PD will totally gain my respect if I hear positive reviews regarding physics on all cars.

If PD focused on getting the unique feel of all 1200 cars, then we would never get the game.
Hey, more cars is more cars. I'd rather have a standard car than no car. So the cosmetic quality isn't good and there's no cockpit view, or high beams, or windshield wipers, but at least you can kind of drive it.
Hey, more cars is more cars. I'd rather have a standard car than no car. So the cosmetic quality isn't good and there's no cockpit view, or high beams, or windshield wipers, but at least you can kind of drive it.

Most average post ever. I agree!
Nsx R 92, Supra RZ standerd!, these are iconic sports cars Is this a joke.Yet you have premium fuel efficient city cars. Can't remember the models right know. 1,000 and some standerd cars and history, this has been going on for the last five title's of GT. PD needs to foucs on makeing 1,000 and more premium pure sports cars and more real world circuits. I look at that forza and say to myself wow! that game is emersed with content that I would like to experiance.
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not even a question if you ask me. sure im happy with them. couldnt care less about them not beeing on paar with the Premiums. At the end of the day it comes down to either having 800 extra cars or not having them.
Sure i want them!
I tend to drive more standards than premium. But I don't understand why a select few cars remain standard. Eg AE86 Levin/Trueno seeing as they are doing so much with the GT86 and the JZA80 Supra as mentioned above.

I really like having more cars so keep the standards. They have limited visual tuning but the mechanical tuning is the same as premium.
No, won't be too please, but the more the merrier, right? So I won't complain if they do but still won't like it.
Well why would you even question people not wanting standards on PS4, no matter what their reason? Models of this quality:

Are really not going to be able to sit alongside cars of this quality:

There is absolutely no defense of those cars on PS4. It can not and should not happen, even if some cars are lost.

I'm just not seeing aany solid reasons for the outrage. And these are the unimproved GT5 Standards. Alongside some Premium cars, they don't look shabby to me. This is why I want them.

Now, I understand on PS4 when we begin to discuss serious issues like damage, things get a lot more complicated. Undamaged or mildly damaged Standards just wouldn't be awesome. But really, this is jumping the gun two or three years, so it's really sensible to leave that bridge for the year we come to it. We have no idea how good the Standards are going to look in GT6, but seeing as most of my racing and Photo Moding was with the Standard cars in GT5, I think you know where much of my attention is going to be in GT6.
I like how they're all small images so you can't see the problems. It doesn't matter what they've done or will do to the standards, they are not going to look up to par compared to PS4 quality models like the Forza one I posted, at huge resolution I might add. They absolutely cannot exist on PS4.

Yes I know we're talking about GT6 primarily but PS4 was brought up hence me mentioning it.

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