Porsche 935

  • Thread starter VXR


United Kingdom
Plymouth, UK
What an absolute beauty.


The cynic in me wants to call this a shrewd cash-in on a historic name, a limited run that will almost surely spend the majority of its life locked away from not only tracks, but people.

But the other part of me is calling the cynic a whiney baby, and screaming "just look at it!"

I love Porsche, they have giving us some truly awesome beautiful cars over the years... But I look at this and can't help thinking... Mehhh

As I look at this it makes me think someone found the slightly younger brother of the 935, who shared in the glory of his older brother. Going to the same after parties, and living it up over the years. Now after 4 decades of smoking, boozing and throwing caution to the wind, has decided to squeeze into his brothers racing overalls and head out to the track to try and emulate what was done before him!

I will no doubt get some flak, but
honestly, its just not doing it for me!
Wow! I clicked through expecting this to be some sort of aftermarket conversion, but to see this sort of thing straight out of Porsche's own stable is something else!

Also worth noting that this would be the perfect alt-mode for Jazz in a GM-free Transformers reboot!
I, for one, welcome the ultimate 911.

It would be a big shame if this thing really won't participate in motorsport. Keeping it off both streets and competition is a big waste of a fine automobile. Hopefully at least one of these things will receive similar treatment to this Vulcan's later on.
With no road legal homologation it's options in motorsport would be limited to some of the less high profile options I guess. Plus.. y'know, collectors, investors and speculators might not want to get them dirty.
I'm also excited to see this car in a game, but at the same time dreading that the only game it'll be in is a mobile drag racing game.

That’s what I’m worried about. It seems like mobile games always beat everyone to the punch when it comes to new cars. With a car like this, I think everyone should be able to drive it. Let’s hope that there aren’t any exclusive licenses this time.