Project Cars boost

  • Thread starter Corsa


United States
United States
Audi R8 LMP 900 @ Monza.

Online race, qualified on pole best lap 1:36.138
2nd came in at 1:37.

5 lap race, position 2 and I pull away on the first lap as they all wreck in turn one, giving us a 5 sec lead on the field.
We are running identical clean lines, he remains one second or so behind until lap two.

This is where things get strange.

In my rearview I see him dump turn one.
Compete spin out leaves him facing the stands. I'm accelerating watching our lap delta hit over 8 seconds as I enter the next chicane.

Now I'm fairly quick and consistent, no where near alien, but decent enough to ask...

How the hell was he riding my bumper going into the final turn on the same lap he spun out?

I made no mistakes and turned a 1:37.5 on that lap. Has anyone else experienced this "boost" or I don't know what to call it?