[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
Out Of Character (OOC)
I, uh...like chicken nuggets.

Name: Beav/Bueav
Age: 17
PSN: DBeav12
Role Play experience: I've role played a decent amount in this club before, but I'm reapplying with a new character.

In Character (IC)

Name: Christian Brookley
Age: 24
Job/Career/Money Source: Astronomer at Galileo Observatory

Bio: Christian's childhood was basically more spoiled than 3 year old milk. His parents owned the Los Santos Country Club, therefore, they were pretty loaded. His parents bought him every toy he ever wanted as a kid.

After graduating high school with about average grades, he went to study Astronomy at college at the University of Los Santos. The tuition was through the roof and he didn't get any scholarships. Of course, his parents paid off his tuition up front. They weren't concerned about his tuition.

For the first two years, he partied more than anything, not taking college too seriously. He ended up having to go to summer school to make up for some failed classes. The next year, after summer school, he really turned his grades around. He worked hard the next 2 years and graduated with impressive grades. He graduated with a degree in Astronomy. He applied to the Galileo Observatory and got accepted. He was making six figures for a while, but he's been making much less lately due to a cut in government and state funding. He could have enough money to live comfortably if he saved his money, but he'd much rather just mooch off his parents. He currently lives back at home with his elderly and grumpy parents in a spacious home in Vinewood Hills.

Christian is the second youngest of four brothers. He gets along okay with his brothers, but it's not like they have a good relationship. They have the occasional heated argument like most brothers do. His parents occasionally yell at him to get off his a** and do something.

Personality: Christian is usually pretty relaxed, him being an Astronomer. But, don't mistake him for a hippie pot smoker.

Pegassi Bati 801 & Pegassi Vacca

Sandking SWB

Photograph (If available):
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@Pinkintron Sorry about causing a hassle, but I'm changing my character, so could you redirect that link in the OP to this post? Thanks!

Name: Diego Brookley
Age: 25
Job/Career/Money Source: Bank Clerk, and in his spare time he goes and helps out in Family Country Club.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Diego is the middle child of the Brookley household. Like with all of his brothers, he didn't spend much time with his Father, so their relationship has gotten to a point where they don't contact each unless Diego wants some money to spend on things, such as buying or modifying his numerous amounts of vehicles. Because of this, he didn't really have a Fatherly figure in his life, so he looked up to other people. Most kids looked up to Superman, or Batman; but Diego wasn't like most kids. Instead, he turned to the world of motorsport; he looked up the likes of Aryton Senna and Michael Schumacher. It was quite obvious as to what he was in to, as his room was a complete contrast to everyone elses at his age; posters from floor to ceiling of cars instead of the likes of Superheros and Villans.

As Diego got older, his fond for it got stronger, so by the time he was 16, he asked his Father to buy him his first car, a Karin Futo, despite the fact that the LS-DMV states that the minimum age for driving is 18. Nonetheless, he had a car that he could spend 2 years modifying to become 'the best' - although, he would secretly sneak out at the early hours of the morning driving and drifting around Rockford Hills until the sun rose. At the same time, however, he noticed that he was drifting further and further apart from his family and siblings; infact he remembers not even seeing Vixen, the youngest member of the household, for hours or even days at a time. The times that they did see each other was pretty awkward, however. He could sense something was right with Vixen, but he couldn't put his finger on what though.

By the time his 18th Birthday came, Diego asked his Father for another car - an Übermacht Zion Cabrio'. This too was tuned up heavily; at the expense of his Father. Diego never really knew what his Father did to afford all of this - but he didn't really care. A free life, according to him, was a good life!

When Diego hit the 21 mark, he thought drastically about his life and how he couldn't live of his parents forever, so he got a couple of applications for jobs ranging from a Cashier at a 24/7 Mart to a Salesman at the Vapid showroom in Town. He, eventually, did hear back - and was offered a job as a Bank Clerk in the Vinewood Bank. Finally earning a salary for himself, Diego bought a car to treat himself - a Benefactor Schwatzer no less.

Currently, he still lives at the Family Home with his Parents and his 4 other Brothers; and only occasionally asking for money - but only for things such as fuel or to buy a turbocharger. Diego's relationship with his brother's aren't exactly the best - arguing between them all is quite common.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):
Diego is usually calm - but his mood can change pretty quickly if someone or something antagonizes him; and thus he will usually just get into his Futo and drive off into the hills drifting to calm himself down.

Vehicle(s): Benefactor Schwatzer, Karin Futo & Übermacht Zion Cabrio'.




Photograph (If available):


Diego posing with his Schwatzer outside of his workplace; Vinewood Bank.
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Okay, application time!

@AzNTypeR, @DBeav12, @ProjectWHaT, @XxKaitoShionxX, and I are in a single family. I'm gonna post the family background along with my own application

Family background:

The Brookley's is a big, rich family in Los Santos. The father, Andrew, is a successful business man that owns the [Name the country club on the game]. Andrew is married to a woman who he had met in a fancy party. Together, they have a total of five males children and one female child who, at this point, had grown into fully legal adults. From youngest to oldest, they go from Ricki at 21, Kristi at 22, Christian (DBeav) at 24, Diego (AzNTypeR) at 25, [John] (Demiclon) at 28, and the oldest being (ProjectWHaT) at *insert age*. Each son, despite being brothers, vary differently in behavior, friends, activities, and even jobs... one or two living off the cash. Even so, they all live in a big house in the Vinewood Hills near Richman.

Andrew was, at first, a big shot who had gotten connections within the business industry. He even had a small involvement of the illegal underground of gun smuggling. So of course it would be typical that he would be a bit cocky and stuck-up... and he sort of was, but he did have a little compassion.... not enough to overcome the typical rich traits, however. He went to exclusive fancy parties and nightclubs a lot, when he actually found his future wife, Brenda. They both eyed each other for some time, until Brenda came up to Andrew during one party and asked to spend a night with him. He agreed and that led the start of the family. First night was a charm with each one getting more intimate that later led to the sexy time (not in my opinion, but you already know me).

The second sexy time (First time was with protection. NOT SECOND GO ROUND, HE WENT NUTS. LEL) caused Brenda to become pregnant with [Project WHaT's RP name]. After giving birth to [WHaT's RP name], they decided to get married as they still cared about each other; a rarity these days. Then they had [John], then [Diego], then Christian, and when you thought they had run out of energy being so damn active, they had Kristi and then Vixen, who original name was Richard, but Richard wanted the name changed to Vixen... so they changed it to what he wanted.

In the mist of the birth of each child, Andrew's work was increasing by each time, so he rarely had time to spend it with his sons. However, he did end up buying them basically anything they desired, making some of the sons very spoiled with snobbish attitudes.

By the time the youngest child reached 21, Andrew retired from doing big business and bought the country club within Los Santos. However when he thought he could've spent time with his sons, he was 60-80% right. Ricki thought he was too far gone since he wasn't involved in his life enough only to deal with life with only his brothers, his mother, school d*cks, and the maid, so he sort of wanted to be away from him.
*This will be edited once Project comes in

Now my app:
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Ishikawa Masaki (You can look at my personal info for my real name)
Age: 16
PSN: PeteWheet
Role Play experience: GTA V RP, GT5, GT6

In Character (IC)

Name: Vixen Brookley
Age: 21
Job/Career/Money Source: Freelance photographer and artist
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Vixen is the youngest son of the Brookley family and possibly the least snobby of the lot. It probably would've been better for Vixen to be put in a different family instead of a rich family, because he doesn't really like having a rich status to deal with. During his youth and basically all of his teen years, he dealt with going to a rich, snobby school with bratty classmates that he honestly wished he was in a different school. The only people he was around was his older brothers and the maid partly because he was sheltered most of his life and partly because the parents weren't around 8/10 of the time, so naturally he would go along great with his brothers right? Not exactly...

Knowing that some of his brothers are just snobby, self-centered dicks family members, he didn't felt at peace dealing with them so he preferred to be alone away from them. He also was keeping a secret of being the gay child, worried about how his family would react along. As a result, he underwent depression for years but without displaying it in front of his family members. Later on in his teen years however, Vixen started to pick up a hobby of photography, drawing, and a little bit of painting. By age 20, he went to a local photography workplace and showed his work. They loved it and offered Vixen a job as an photographer and, because of the owner's connections to a art studio, an artist. The pay was well enough for him to get two cars.

A year later after working as a photographer, Vixen hopes to get independence from the family soon by getting his own penthouse and supplying himself instead of living off his father's money. He simply resent his father because of his lack of parenting, leaving him alone to deal with life. He doesn't associate with his brothers that often either. Also, he hopes to make some friends in Los Santos (Sorry Kenton, you're not one of them) after being so sheltered during his early life. He also hopes to live his life as the gay child.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Vixen has nearly all of his traits as a Pisces man, so the list goes as so: (Hit the link to check out the list and no it's nothing inappropriate)http://www.compatible-astrology.com/pisces-traits.html.
Vehicle: The newer Oracle
the Albany Alpha

and the convertible Sentinel because... swag.

Photograph (If available):

*This also will be edited soon.
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Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: James
Age: 15
PSN: demiclon2002
Role Play experience: Gta Iv, Minecraft, Nfs MW, Nfs HP and TDU2

In Character (IC)

Name: John Brookley
Age: 28
Job/Career/Money Source: Engineer at Fort Zancudo Military base.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

John is the second oldest brother of the Brookley sons. As a result of being the second oldest child of the family, he let the money get to him, spoiling him almost to the same extent as his younger brother Christian. However, it didn't prevent him from managing high grades throughout most of his teenage school years. He kept a high grade average of A's, partly because to keep his snobbishness status of having higher grades than the rest of his classmates, and partly because he slightly cared about getting an education... slightly.

But even though he was the second oldest, Andrew still wasn't around him a lot along with Brenda. The result of that meant that he hasn't had a connection with the parents, only to have a small connection to his brothers except for Vixen, who didn't want to be around him or his brothers that much anyway.

John had an interest in constructing and fixing machines, so after he finished high school, he went to a expensive college with Andrew paying for everything he wanted to major in Engineering. After 4 years of being a total snob but still keeping his high grades, he graduated with a master's degree. Later on, he obtains a job at Fort Zancudo Military base where he still remains now.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): John is very snobbish with a self-centered attitude. He will go on and on about the amount of money he has through his father and makes sure you know it. Also, he's a bit stuck-up; typical of a rich son.

Vehicle(s): Übermacht Oracle and Benefactor Schafter.

Photograph (If available):
Will have some when I get home.

I like nuggets.
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Sadly no - my brother's 1997 Haaaaaaanda Accord. I would murder somebody for an LS400, or Doog's LS430 though.

I am also setting up a lobby and I'll read the recent applications when I load up.
I want them so bad ;-; especially Doog's LS430.
LS400 can sell for cheap where I'm at.
Hey @Pinkintron , I have a race today in GT6 and a Uni test tomorrow, so I'm practicing a bit for the race, then go back to studying then I'm gonna race, so I won't be joing the RP today. Hope you don't have a problem with that.
I Liek Nuggets...

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Thomas
Age: 15
PSN: TheKitten__
Role Play experience: Some in GT5, GTA SA MP, And others i dont remeber.

In Character (IC)

Name: Mark Miller

Age: 29

Job/Career/Money Source: Police Officer
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Mark grew up in the heart up Los Santos. His father was a Sergent of Los Santos Police Department. On 1999 his father was working and was following a Suspicious Vehicle.. The vehicle lead him to the oil refineries. The guys got out and shot him couple time in the Chest. Mark was Devested by this. At age 18 he joined the Military, and was devoted on keeping his Country Safe at all cost. The year 2005 came he left the Military, and he went to do his degree in Law Enforcement. In 2009 Mark joined the Los Santos Police Department. 2011 Mark Drug Busted 4 people. Who were carrying in there vehicle 300Ibs of Cocaine. June 5th 2012 he was promoted to a Sergent of Los Santos Police Department. Mark now works 6 Days a week and Patrols the streets of Los Santos in his Buffalo Police Vehicle or a Undercover FIB Granger. He also like to go to go to Cluckin Bell every Monday to get Chicken Nuggets.

Personality: He is a very open minded man, Likes to Pursue his dreams. And make Los Santos Safe. Very nice man.


Now. I am a retired police officer. I just drive around in my Comet.. Kind of anti-social...

This work :P?
Out Of Character (OOC)
I, uh...like chicken nuggets.

Name: Beav/Bueav
Age: 17
PSN: DBeav12
Role Play experience: I've role played a decent amount in this club before, but I'm reapplying with a new character.

In Character (IC)

Name: Christian Brookley
Age: 24
Job/Career/Money Source: Astronomer at Galileo Observatory

Bio: Christian's childhood was basically more spoiled than 3 year old milk. His parents owned the Los Santos Country Club, therefore, they were pretty loaded. His parents bought him every toy he ever wanted as a kid.

After graduating high school with about average grades, he went to study Astronomy at college at the University of Los Santos. The tuition was through the roof and he didn't get any scholarships. Of course, his parents paid off his tuition up front. They weren't concerned about his tuition.

For the first two years, he partied more than anything, not taking college too seriously. He ended up having to go to summer school to make up for some failed classes. The next year, after summer school, he really turned his grades around. He worked hard the next 2 years and graduated with impressive grades. He graduated with a degree in Astronomy. He applied to the Galileo Observatory and got accepted. He was making six figures for a while, but he's been making much less lately due to a cut in government and state funding. He could have enough money to live comfortably if he saved his money, but he'd much rather just mooch off his parents. He currently lives back at home with his elderly and grumpy parents in a spacious home in Vinewood Hills.

Christian is the second youngest of four brothers. He gets along okay with his brothers, but it's not like they have a good relationship. They have the occasional heated argument like most brothers do. His parents occasionally yell at him to get off his a** and do something.

Personality: Christian is usually pretty relaxed, him being an Astronomer. But, don't mistake him for a hippie pot smoker.

Pegassi Bati 801 & Pegassi Vacca View attachment 161598
Sandking SWB
View attachment 161597

Photograph (If available):

@Pinkintron Sorry about causing a hassle, but I'm changing my character, so could you redirect that link in the OP to this post? Thanks!

Name: Diego Brookley
Age: 25
Job/Career/Money Source: Bank Clerk, and in his spare time he goes and helps out in Family Country Club.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Diego is the middle child of the Brookley household. Like with all of his brothers, he didn't spend much time with his Father, so their relationship has gotten to a point where they don't contact each unless Diego wants some money to spend on things, such as buying or modifying his numerous amounts of vehicles. Because of this, he didn't really have a Fatherly figure in his life, so he looked up to other people. Most kids looked up to Superman, or Batman; but Diego wasn't like most kids. Instead, he turned to the world of motorsport; he looked up the likes of Aryton Senna and Michael Schumacher. It was quite obvious as to what he was in to, as his room was a complete contrast to everyone elses at his age; posters from floor to ceiling of cars instead of the likes of Superheros and Villans.

As Diego got older, his fond for it got stronger, so by the time he was 16, he asked his Father to buy him his first car, a Karin Futo, despite the fact that the LS-DMV states that the minimum age for driving is 18. Nonetheless, he had a car that he could spend 2 years modifying to become 'the best' - although, he would secretly sneak out at the early hours of the morning driving and drifting around Rockford Hills until the sun rose. At the same time, however, he noticed that he was drifting further and further apart from his family and siblings; infact he remembers not even seeing Vixen, the youngest member of the household, for hours or even days at a time. The times that they did see each other was pretty awkward, however. He could sense something was right with Vixen, but he couldn't put his finger on what though.

By the time his 18th Birthday came, Diego asked his Father for another car - an Übermacht Zion Cabrio'. This too was tuned up heavily; at the expense of his Father. Diego never really knew what his Father did to afford all of this - but he didn't really care. A free life, according to him, was a good life!

When Diego hit the 21 mark, he thought drastically about his life and how he couldn't live of his parents forever, so he got a couple of applications for jobs ranging from a Cashier at a 24/7 Mart to a Salesman at the Vapid showroom in Town. He, eventually, did hear back - and was offered a job as a Bank Clerk in the Vinewood Bank. Finally earning a salary for himself, Diego bought a car to treat himself - a Benefactor Schwatzer no less.

Currently, he still lives at the Family Home with his Parents and his 4 other Brothers; and only occasionally asking for money - but only for things such as fuel or to buy a turbocharger. Diego's relationship with his brother's aren't exactly the best - arguing between them all is quite common.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):
Diego is usually calm - but his mood can change pretty quickly if someone or something antagonizes him; and thus he will usually just get into his Futo and drive off into the hills drifting to calm himself down.

Vehicle(s): Benefactor Schwatzer, Karin Futo & Übermacht Zion Cabrio'.




Photograph (If available):


Diego posing with his Father's Khamelion.
Not a hassle at all, thanks for letting me know :)

Okay, application time!

@AzNTypeR, @DBeav12, @ProjectWHaT, @XxKaitoShionxX, and I are in a single family. I'm gonna post the family background along with my own application

Family background:

The Brookley's is a big, rich family in Los Santos. The father, Andrew, is a successful business man that owns the [Name the country club on the game]. Andrew is married to a woman who he had met in a fancy party. Together, they have a total of five males children who, at this point, had grown into fully legal adults. From youngest to oldest, they go from Ricki at 21, Christian (DBeav) at 24, Diego (AzNTypeR) at 25, [John] (Demiclon) at 28, and the oldest being [Insert WHaT's RP Name] (ProjectWHaT) at *insert age*. Each son, despite being brothers, vary differently in behavior, friends, activities, and even jobs... one or two living off the cash. Even so, they all live in a big house in the Vinewood Hills near Richman.

Andrew was, at first, a big shot who had gotten connections within the business industry. He even had a small involvement of the illegal underground of gun smuggling. So of course it would be typical that he would be a bit cocky and stuck-up... and he sort of was, but he did have a little compassion.... not enough to overcome the typical rich traits, however. He went to exclusive fancy parties and nightclubs a lot, when he actually found his future wife, Brenda. They both eyed each other for some time, until Brenda came up to Andrew during one party and asked to spend a night with him. He agreed and that led the start of the family. First night was a charm with each one getting more intimate that later led to the sexy time (not in my opinion, but you already know me).

The second sexy time (First time was with protection. NOT SECOND GO ROUND, HE WENT NUTS. LEL) caused Brenda to become pregnant with [Project WHaT's RP name]. After giving birth to [WHaT's RP name], they decided to get married as they still cared about each other; a rarity these days. Then they had [John], then [Diego], then Christian, and when you thought they had run out of energy being so damn active, they had Vixen, who original name was Richard, but Richard wanted the name changed to Vixen... so they changed it to what he wanted.

In the mist of the birth of each child, Andrew's work was increasing by each time, so he rarely had time to spend it with his sons. However, he did end up buying them basically anything they desired, making some of the sons very spoiled with snobbish attitudes.

By the time the youngest child reached 21, Andrew retired from doing big business and bought the country club within Los Santos. However when he thought he could've spent time with his sons, he was 60-80% right. Ricki thought he was too far gone since he wasn't involved in his life enough only to deal with life with only his brothers, his mother, school d*cks, and the maid, so he sort of wanted to be away from him.
*This will be edited once Project comes in

Now my app:
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Ishikawa Masaki (You can look at my personal info for my real name)
Age: 16
PSN: PeteWheet
Role Play experience: GTA V RP, GT5, GT6

In Character (IC)

Name: Vixen Brookley
Age: 21
Job/Career/Money Source: Freelance photographer and artist
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Vixen is the youngest son of the Brookley family and possibly the least snobby of the lot. It probably would've been better for Vixen to be put in a different family instead of a rich family, because he doesn't really like having a rich status to deal with. During his youth and basically all of his teen years, he dealt with going to a rich, snobby school with bratty classmates that he honestly wished he was in a different school. The only people he was around was his older brothers and the maid partly because he was sheltered most of his life and partly because the parents weren't around 8/10 of the time, so naturally he would go along great with his brothers right? Not exactly...

Knowing that some of his brothers are just snobby, self-centered dicks family members, he didn't felt at peace dealing with them so he preferred to be alone away from them. He also was keeping a secret of being the gay child, worried about how his family would react along. As a result, he underwent depression for years but without displaying it in front of his family members. Later on in his teen years however, Vixen started to pick up a hobby of photography, drawing, and a little bit of painting. By age 20, he went to a local photography workplace and showed his work. They loved it and offered Vixen a job as an photographer and, because of the owner's connections to a art studio, an artist. The pay was well enough for him to get two cars.

A year later after working as a photographer, Vixen hopes to get independence from the family soon by getting his own penthouse and supplying himself instead of living off his father's money. He simply resent his father because of his lack of parenting, leaving him alone to deal with life. He doesn't associate with his brothers that often either. Also, he hopes to make some friends in Los Santos (Sorry Kenton, you're not one of them) after being so sheltered during his early life. He also hopes to live his life as the gay child.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Vixen has nearly all of his traits as a Pisces man, so the list goes as so: (Hit the link to check out the list and no it's nothing inappropriate)http://www.compatible-astrology.com/pisces-traits.html.
Vehicle: The newer OracleView attachment 161593the Albany AlphaView attachment 161596
and the convertible Sentinel because... swag.View attachment 161594
Photograph (If available): View attachment 161595

*This also will be edited soon.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: James
Age: 15
PSN: demiclon2002
Role Play experience: Gta Iv, Minecraft, Nfs MW, Nfs HP and TDU2

In Character (IC)

Name: John Brookley
Age: 28
Job/Career/Money Source: Engineer at Fort Zancudo Military base.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

John is the second oldest brother of the Brookley sons. As a result of being the second oldest child of the family, he let the money get to him, spoiling him almost to the same extent as his younger brother Christian. However, it didn't prevent him from managing high grades throughout most of his teenage school years. He kept a high grade average of A's, partly because to keep his snobbishness status of having higher grades than the rest of his classmates, and partly because he slightly cared about getting an education... slightly.

But even though he was the second oldest, Andrew still wasn't around him a lot along with Brenda. The result of that meant that he hasn't had a connection with the parents, only to have a small connection to his brothers except for Vixen, who didn't want to be around him or his brothers that much anyway.

John had an interest in constructing and fixing machines, so after he finished high school, he went to a expensive college with Andrew paying for everything he wanted to major in Engineering. After 4 years of being a total snob but still keeping his high grades, he graduated with a master's degree. Later on, he obtains a job at Fort Zancudo Military base where he still remains now.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): John is very snobbish with a self-centered attitude. He will go on and on about the amount of money he has through his father and makes sure you know it. Also, he's a bit stuck-up; typical of a rich son.

Vehicle(s): Übermacht Oracle and Benefactor Schafter.

Photograph (If available):
Will have some when I get home.

Now. I am a retired police officer. I just drive around in my Comet.. Kind of anti-social...

This work :P?
So you're no longer a cop?
I Liek Nuggets...

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Thomas
Age: 15
PSN: TheKitten__
Role Play experience: Some in GT5, GTA SA MP, And others i dont remeber.

In Character (IC)

Name: Mark Miller


Job/Career/Money Source: Police Officer
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Mark grew up in the heart up Los Santos. His father was a Sergent of Los Santos Police Department. On 1999 his father was working and was following a Suspicious Vehicle.. The vehicle lead him to the oil refineries. The guys got out and shot him couple time in the Chest. Mark was Devested by this. At age 18 he joined the Military, and was devoted on keeping his Country Safe at all cost. The year 2005 came he left the Military, and he went to do his degree in Law Enforcement. In 2009 Mark joined the Los Santos Police Department. 2011 Mark Drug Busted 4 people. Who were carrying in there vehicle 300Ibs of Cocaine. June 5th 2012 he was promoted to a Sergent of Los Santos Police Department. Mark now works 6 Days a week and Patrols the streets of Los Santos in his Buffalo Police Vehicle or a Undercover FIB Granger. He also like to go to go to Cluckin Bell every Monday to get Chicken Nuggets. He retired from the Police Force last month ago. He is now working at a Tuning Shop. He tunes Sport Cars - to Super Cars. Making the engine produce more power, better suspension etc. He drives around the mountains in his Comet R, and his Corquette Z07 in the Vinewood Hills.

Personality: He is a very open minded man, Likes to Pursue his dreams. Very nice man.
I Liek Nuggets...

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Thomas
Age: 15
PSN: TheKitten__
Role Play experience: Some in GT5, GTA SA MP, And others i dont remeber.

In Character (IC)

Name: Mark Miller


Job/Career/Money Source: Police Officer
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Mark grew up in the heart up Los Santos. His father was a Sergent of Los Santos Police Department. On 1999 his father was working and was following a Suspicious Vehicle.. The vehicle lead him to the oil refineries. The guys got out and shot him couple time in the Chest. Mark was Devested by this. At age 18 he joined the Military, and was devoted on keeping his Country Safe at all cost. The year 2005 came he left the Military, and he went to do his degree in Law Enforcement. In 2009 Mark joined the Los Santos Police Department. 2011 Mark Drug Busted 4 people. Who were carrying in there vehicle 300Ibs of Cocaine. June 5th 2012 he was promoted to a Sergent of Los Santos Police Department. Mark now works 6 Days a week and Patrols the streets of Los Santos in his Buffalo Police Vehicle or a Undercover FIB Granger. He also like to go to go to Cluckin Bell every Monday to get Chicken Nuggets. He retired from the Police Force last month ago. He is now working at a Tuning Shop. He tunes Sport Cars - to Super Cars. Making the engine produce more power, better suspension etc. He drives around the mountains in his Comet R, and his Corquette Z07 in the Vinewood Hills.

Personality: He is a very open minded man, Likes to Pursue his dreams. Very nice man.

RP Summary- Vixen Brookley

Vixen's day started off pretty normally. During the morning, he received a text from the photography agency to go take some photos at the beach and the roads near it. Okay, so he walks down the stairs to his car only to find his brother Christian and Diego having a fit next to his Alpha. Apparently, Christian had accidentally broke a headlight in Diego's Futo and Diego was pretty mad about it. After some yelling had been exchanged, Diego pushed it by kicking Christian's bike, causing him to start crying. By instinct, Vixen went to comfort Christian, with Diego getting a tad bit pissed off. Then, both of them got a tad bit too much for Vixen when Christian said to race him on the bike. Vixen wasn't having it, especially when he had a job to do...

Vixen then said that he had a job to do. Diego, suspiciously, decided to be nosy and asked Vixen what job. Vixen didn't want to tell him, so after he refused to tell Diego, Diego said that he will follow Vixen to this job and so he did... after he rear ended the Alpha trying to follow Vixen leaving the driveway. Then, Vixen decided to try and lose him so he guns it with Diego following him... which resulted him getting into a speeding accident into a tree. Diego, bad enough brother as it is, only sat in his car, snickering at Vixen's accident and then drove off, leaving Vixen in a bad state.

At first, he lost consciousness at impact, but slowly he regain it. His vision was blurry and his head was pounding. He knew that he had to get to the hospital fast, so he managed to get the car to drive. Due to the impact however, he couldn't drive quickly at all, especially when he had some serious pain and hard pants. He did get a phone call from Diego, but remembering that he left him for dead he ignored the call. Eventually, he did make it to the hospital, where the doctor had to tell Vixen that he had to wear glasses due a small loss in sight and that he had to stay in the hospital for some time. Vixen, sitting in a hospital bed at this point, sends a text to Christian and the photography agency that he was in the hospital. Christian responded with a visit to see Vixen. After a bit of small talk, Vixen asked Christian to take the Alpha to the shop, and Christian nicely did so.

Then blah blah blah, I took photo of beach, then radda radda boom shicka boow.

AzN, you really are terrible...