Ps4 controller similar to gt5/6

  • Thread starter Volpi
hey forum.
I've been off pc and gt for a long time.
Since then im sure, many settings have been tweaked.
SO - i want a controller pattern, which is quite similar to gt5, since gt is a series i've player since gt1.

Is it possible? Please post links
hey forum.
I've been off pc and gt for a long time.
Since then im sure, many settings have been tweaked.
SO - i want a controller pattern, which is quite similar to gt5, since gt is a series i've player since gt1.

Is it possible? Please post links

Well,on controler the game is difficult, cause it's really made for a wheel, and the game has also a higher simulation level that any GT ever got.

Sometimes i just can't play with my wheel and do some runs on controler. Here is my setup, goes a lot better than the standard one's

First put controller mode on "mode 2"

-All deadzone at 0
-Steering sensitivity at "5"
- All other sensitivity (accel,brake) at "25"

-Force Feedback at "100"
-Speed sensitivity at "65"
-Controler flickering at "25"

-Advanced "on"
-Apply soft steering "on"
-Apply visual filtering "off"
-Apply opposite lock help "off"

This setting maked the cars easier to drive and push to their limits.hoppfully they do the same job for you.