• Thread starter Andrea21
see you guys next week in Netherlands !!
Please sign me up, I will be in from zandvoort onwards. How was yesterday's race?! Didn't know this, looks fun and I hope I can still join and ride with you all


PSN: bitsubitsiu
GTP ID: Jorrick
NATIONALITY: Dutch/the Netherlands

yes you can ! see you sunday !

Andrea21 I finished 3rd in the race and you finished 4th while Wayno1uk finished 1st and someone not in the group finished 2nd. So the standings are a little bit wrong.

John G you came in the second spit of the race just after we had finished the first spit, so some of use that was in the first race spit had already left. So that is probably why Andrea21 put down as DNF.
someone not in the group finished 2nd. So the standings are a little bit wrong.

John G you came in the second spit of the race just after we had finished the first spit, so some of use that was in the first race spit had already left. So that is probably why Andrea21 put down as DNF.
I am racing under my psn name "doesnt_afraid", i was definitely racing with you and andrea21 until the end?
I am racing under my psn name "doesnt_afraid", i was definitely racing with you and andrea21 until the end?

Ooooh Yeah that is correct I did not realise that was your psn name, you did finish 2nd and I finished 3rd.
Guys sorry I messed up the standings.. I was looking at the screenshot of another race... I’ll fix everything tomorrow :)
Glad to see we have few more people joining us
Race was great fun. But could you just flip the German Flag around on the leaderboard? its just a small detail but you know :D
What a shocker of a race.
Got tangled up in the first lap, then spent 20 seconds working out how to serve a 5 second penalty for going off track, crashed three times by myself with really stupid mistakes, and put soft tyres on by mistake at my midpoint pit stop (contributing to my final crash)

Not sure how i finished 3rd as i thought i was 4th on the road?