PSC: "MJHS" Logo

  • Thread starter sn00pie
It is a little tough to read Jpec. i'm crap at this stuff so i dunno what you could do, but maybe try outling the letters in a light colour to highlight them or something...
I might considder that for my third and final entry... (P.S. he never said anything about the file extension...)
hmm, I figured out why mine doesn't look quite right. in the tutorial it calls for the use of a mask, PSE2 doesn't have masks...
Are you batch-converting those or just doing a "save as?" Most of this stuff is blurrier than JPEGs have to be.
Originally posted by Joey
Are you batch-converting those or just doing a "save as?" Most of this stuff is blurrier than JPEGs have to be.

Who are you talking to?
Originally posted by Joey

Oh, well, they probably seem blurry to you because i didn't save them at maximum size. I moved the quality meter down to 8 or 9.

But i really don't notice any blur...
It's not like nasty blur, it's just seemingly unintentional. The MJHS part, I assume, is supposed to have some degree of blur to it, but I don't think the actual words at the bottom were. It still looks great, though :).
Originally posted by Joey
It's not like nasty blur, it's just seemingly unintentional. The MJHS part, I assume, is supposed to have some degree of blur to it, but I don't think the actual words at the bottom were. It still looks great, though :).
Bitmap fonts and antialiasing don't go well together - that's why the text is a little blurry.
can someone answer my post further up
and if u cant be bothered to scroll the here it is again

how do u do textures like that?
and on the text layer as well

im using photoshop 7 please help
Its monday.... im too knackered to be creative

as you can probabley tell, this took 10 mins and i lost the energy.



Please keep in mind you're creating a logo, so it needs a certain degree of simplicity, practicality and above all it needs be recognisable.