PSX Review: Xenogears

  • Thread starter Race Idiot

Race Idiot

Sao Tome and Principe
Sao Tome and Principe
PSX Review: Xenogears

Sorry about the poor image.
Platform: PSX (Also compatible with PS2 system)

Developer: Squaresoft (Or was it monolith? I don’t know)

Publisher: Square EA

Genre: RPG

The Story

Oh bugger why did I have to my first review on a game that has such a complicated plot? Oh well let’s start with the basics then.
The story revolves around the young artist Fei Fong Wong, who at the start of the game is living in the quiet village of Lahan. He has only lived there for a year or so because, he was delivered by a strange masked man to the village chief, who nursed him back to health. Unfortunately Fei was so badly injured that he seems to have lost his memory. During the year or so that Fei was in Lahan, he became friends with almost all the residents of the small village during his stay, most notably Timothy, his girlfriend Alice, and Alice's little brother, Dan. He also became acquainted with Dr. Citan Uzuki who served as the village's doctor. Fei lived happily in Lahan until the day that Timothy and Alice were to be wedded. That evening the village was attacked by a squad of large bi-ped robots called gears. During the skirmish Fei finds himself in the position to board an abandoned gear, he gets into the gear and attempts to save the village. He manages to take a few of the enemy down but eventually he is surrounded, one of the enemy gears is ordered to shoot Fei’s friend Timothy. This causes Fei to loose all control of the gear and subsequently destroy the whole village. How did Fei know how to pilot the gear? How did he manage to destroy the entire village?
Well I’m not going to tell you.

Well most of it is your typical RPG fare, explore town talk to people, buy items equipment, carry out tasks play games etc. These towns, cities, weird places are very well laid out and are quite fun to explore. Then you have the random turn based battles (which in my opinion are a good thing) which is one of the things that are unique to this game. When you fight on foot your moves are inputted in a fighting game style also certain button combinations allow you to pull off super moves called deathblows which can kill most normal enemies in one hit and can do serious damage to bosses. Most of the characters have these deathblow moves and magic spells (although a few don’t). Although fighting on foot is no way as fun as fighting in your gear. Although your selection of moves is more limited than when you are on foot, they certainly make up for that with showy effects and killer combos. Fighting in your gear adds a bit more strategy, firstly because at the start of the game you are unable to restore your gears HP at all (although latter in the game you are able to) and every gear has a fuel gauge. So every time a move is executed it uses fuel, also restoring HP later in the game uses fuel. You also have the option to charge a small amount of fuel during the battle but it costs you a turn, so sometimes the boss fights can be quite difficult especially if you use allot of powerful moves without bothering to charge your fuel back up occasionally. At the moment the only few negative things I can think up about this game are that it does take a long time to learn new moves requiring allot of random battling. Also most of the second disk is spent watching the characters tell the story and then fighting, which at some points becomes a tad boring. Although these points don’t detract much from the games enjoyment they are a bit of a spoiler, but that’s if you are being really negative. On another positive note there is a really fun fighting side game included which you and a friend can battle each other.

Xenogears was released in Japan sometime late 1997 (Some time like that anyway, someone please correct me if I’m wrong) so most ‘modern’ gamers will probably think it looks ‘wack’. For it’s time the graphics were amazing, giving you huge areas to explore and with quite a good level of detail, the gears look very impressive (if you play the game on an emulator with a decent graphics card it reeks of awesomeness) also you get a good sense of perspective with you little characters and their huge gears, even bigger battleships and sand cruisers. The towns are very well made as well, from the church in Nisan, Aveh’s royal castle and the amazing floating city of shevat all are huge and very picturesque (for a PSX game!). There are also some Anime style cut scenes and flashy computer graphic scenes.

The sound effects are, well sound effects with the gears clanking and making mechanical type noises you would expect them to. In a forest you can hear birds tweeting rivers rushing and monkeys spanking. The characters speak occasionally (about twice) and they make noises akin to “oof!” (I’ve been hit) “Hiya!!” (I’m hitting you) and “Arrr” (I’m about to hit you), It all works well. The music is well produced and always suits the situation that you are in. That is just putting it lightly, the music is simply brilliant it can make you feel happy or even on the verge of wanting to kill yourself (In a good way :P), I can’t really describe it, but it is on a par with the music in most of the Final fantasy series games.

Replay Value
Well I have leant this to friends and all of their saves have lasted around 70+ hours. Personally I have played this game over several times. Although most people will probably only play it once, it is a game worth playing.

One of the best RPG’s released for the PSX, with a story that will keep you hooked to the game until you finish the game. Dated graphics, but that is expected for a game that is almost 4 years old and excellent sound. The only thing is that I wouldn’t recommend this to someone who lacks patience and also people who have never played an RPG style game, I could see it become very frustrating otherwise.

Screw individually rating each aspect of the game and sorry for the poor grammar and spelling.
Hey,you finally did one! Nice job. I was thinking about getting this one, but instead I got Grandia 2 and I'm going to wait for Xenosaga. Once again good job, and I hope you do another one.

Get Xenogears first!!
So hows grandia?
I still have my save, I am really near the end of that game. Although I got totally killed by something stupid.

Do'h i'm still playing Xenogears.

Edit:Whoa, I didn't realise that my review was that big!
Yeah, kind of like my Final Fantasy X review. Grandia is pretty good. The only downfall is that its graphics are almost like Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Its got a decent story so far. I'm four hours in and they haven't even fully developed the characters yet. That could be good or bad. Look for the Grandia 2 review after I finish the game.

Well the graphics are a bit lame because they are converted from the Dreamcast version. I have never seen a good Dreamcast to PS2 conversion, the graphics always seem to come out looking worse.
I did that review because it was too cold do go out this weekend. By the way are you on yahoo, or aim or something?
xenogears is amazing. who cares about graphics? ffx players! I havent tried ffx yet because i dont like where ff is going. maybe ffx isnt this way, but im really getting to hate that ff games are little more than movies.
Cool review! I wished I picked this one up when it came out. I don't "do" PSX games anymore.

I think FFX is a step in the right direction. The cutscenes didn't bother me at all, they were just one more chance to get to know the characters better. On the other hand, I think FFXI and FFX-2 are going down the wrong road. If Square wants to test out new technologies and "ideas", then they should make a new game, not mess with the Final Fantasy franchise.
Originally posted by askia47
good review rce idiotcan't wait for xenosaga

Bah thats if Xenosaga get's released over here.
I had to buy an import copy of Xenogears just to play it.

If Square wants to test out new technologies and "ideas", then they should make a new game, not mess with the Final Fantasy franchise.

Too true, the thing about the more 'modern' FF games is that everything is layed out infront of you and you don't have to think or use your imagination. I think they are doing this to appeal to a broader audience, but this makes the games less appealing to me.

BTW did anyone think that Tidus's voice sounds a bit like Fry's from futurama?
i dont really like final fantasy. i dont think its huge name deserves the respect it gets.

back on subjet though, this game is amazing. I was on disc 3 i think when I stopped playing it. ( i have like 15 psx games started that I never finished. started with me downloading TONS of games from IRC iwth my 28k modem, hahaha.). This is one I look forward to going back and finishing soon. (get me ready for xenosaga i guess).

like race idiot said the music is amazing. it is one of the best game soundtracks out there. it really gets you into the game. as you can see from games like mgs2 and chrono trigger, a good soundtrack does wonders for adding depth to a game. the music was composed by yasunori mitsuda, .... I think. I think he also did the great music for chrono trigger. go find some of the OSTs at an import store or kazaa i guess. I remember xenogears CREID is the best one. it is awesome.
I woke up this monday and I said whats happing on gt just for kicks then I got sucked back into it again

oh well I am addicted

fei = keeno = rules

citan = race idiot = slightly rules

Do you remember anything about it? This android robot thing just joined my party, and I wanted to know if I ever get the wussy little boy back.

nah I never got that far I got to some futuristic place where the WUSSY boy came from then I couldnt be bothered to go through the same routine of finding out what was wrong with the place and and finding another body part of valmar I think

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