• Thread starter mustangxr
Victoria, B.C.
Last night I saw the "new" quick match sign and thought I would give it a try. I've been very leary about online racing with all the idiots flogging high powered cars that are all wagging their tails like salmon swimming up stream to spawn in the shallows. So, I signed up to race the 905B against 787B's and Sauber Merc etc thinking I might finally get some good head to head racing on Suzuka with actual people instead of the AI.

Sadly, it was not to be!?! All the same rubbish shenanigans happened with cars zipping off the track, crashing into my car, traveling THROUGH my car, (cannot figure that out) etc. About halfway through lap 2, I found myself in the lead and carried on driving carefully, but quickly when T.CREED came out of the sidelines, obviously lurking, and repeatedly rammed my car until it went off the track. This happened right at the last chicane before the finish. This is so ridiculously juvenile that I cannot say how much this pi$$es me off. WHY, WHY WHY do people take a good thing and pi$$ on it???

OK, that's my rant for the day and why you will never find me in online racing.
Cheers, Pete
There is alway's some people that have to ruin it for other's. If you go to the GT6 online racing you can find different group's to join that have rules to abide by. Cargoratt say's GTP WRS is a good place to race.
There is alway's some people that have to ruin it for other's. If you go to the GT6 online racing you can find different group's to join that have rules to abide by. Cargoratt say's GTP WRS is a good place to race.

That is correct. 👍 They have weekly TT's as well as weekly online races. If you want to be assured of good, clean online racing @mustangxr then the WRS is the place to be. I don't know what skill level you are, but if you are looking for a place to learn good racecraft and improve your skill level, then the WRS is the place you want to be. Everything you need to know about joining can be found in the following link.

Yeah, I have to say that similar things have happened to me quite regularly. I will say though, I have had some memorable encounters with good racers which have led to some very intense racing. Guess you just gotta get through the charf to find the wheat, but when you do, its great.

Between my problems connecting and the questionable tactics employed by drivers who are apparently of a similar skill level to mine, Quick Match is a bit of a fail for me.
The best and fairest online racing was the Shuffle Races from GT5, which unfortunately still havent been introduced to the Online Racing section of GT6.
That is correct. 👍 They have weekly TT's as well as weekly online races. If you want to be assured of good, clean online racing @mustangxr then the WRS is the place to be. I don't know what skill level you are, but if you are looking for a place to learn good racecraft and improve your skill level, then the WRS is the place you want to be. Everything you need to know about joining can be found in the following link.

OK Thanks fellas, I will give that a shot. I can run 1:40's, (high 1:40s) at Spa with the 97T, I dunno where that puts me but I will join up and give it my best.
If you are fast enough, once you pass them and you'll get in front, you can easily pull away and have a nice and fast ride. First 2 turns are very important to pass the nasty ones.
I've had some good, some bad and some ugly, but on the whole I've enjoyed the quick match events. I don't let the rammers get on my nerves, it is after all only 2 laps and as Jocker points out, if you take them cleanly on the first two turns you can usually have a reasonable race. also the grineding factor is high, 60-90,000 credits for podium finish. not bad...
I haven't done much Quick Racing, but my problem isn't dirty racers punting me off the track. No, I have a harder time with the AI doing that than with the people I've done Quick Races against (though not for lack of trying, it seems). No, my problem is that I just get my butt kicked. :) I may start out okay, but over the course of the laps, I just slowly lose position after position until I'm in last (barring someone massively screwing up). I kinda figured that, given that I can usually gold the seasonals, I should be a pretty good driver, even if I'm not great. The Quick Races seem to be telling me that, nope, I apparently am not.

Still, it wouldn't surprise me if people are mistaking GT6 for Mario Kart.
I haven't done much Quick Racing, but my problem isn't dirty racers punting me off the track. No, I have a harder time with the AI doing that than with the people I've done Quick Races against (though not for lack of trying, it seems). No, my problem is that I just get my butt kicked. :) I may start out okay, but over the course of the laps, I just slowly lose position after position until I'm in last (barring someone massively screwing up). I kinda figured that, given that I can usually gold the seasonals, I should be a pretty good driver, even if I'm not great. The Quick Races seem to be telling me that, nope, I apparently am not.

Still, it wouldn't surprise me if people are mistaking GT6 for Mario Kart.
Hi all and RobertM525,
I had similar problems but I raced on and on in one good session with 8 racers at Laguna last night. I followed faster racers and improved my cornering and drove a merc with ABS 1. In the end I was able to get good placings. Today met only fishtailers and had no good races whatsoever. Even encountered someone who was teleporting their car all over the place, (hope bans are enforced quickly on these clowns). Quick match has great potential but a few idiots are spoiling it for others as per usual. Will try again tonight and know know the trick is to find a good group and stick to it. To all I say my biggest gripe is being rammed from behind and getting a collision penalty!
Last night I've done 2:51.3xx in a Merc but fastest is a 2:51.0xx in a Nissan Gt-r (the one with youtube logo on it)... in races (Laguna) with crazy drivers... Teleporting is from the their internet connection and is nothing to be done to fix that. They might be in the race at their end, but you don't see them because of their weak (maybe) dial-up internet connection. The moment they get data exchange on the network, they will be right in the race (at your end), and if you are close to their moving location, BANG. On the other hand, bad turning and handling comes from the controllers, which many of those players are using. Basically, they are only relying on straight line speed, trying to make it up around the corners.
The ghost effect in the turns is given by the online events setup, in order to avoid crashes when more players hold the same line while turning. If you play it long enough, you'll understand that you have to position your car on the inside of the corner to defend (if you are ahead) or to pass (if you are behind). Passing should be done while braking for the turn (go down to the right speed instead of going like a lunatic just to hit the car that's in front of you, to push it over). Ideal is not to touch at all, but that will be quite difficult when they don't have any idea where the braking points are.
I like the concept behind it
You have been disconnected from the server

every time I join a quickmatch lobby
You have been disconnected from the server

or when the race has just finished
You have been disconnected from the server

I have no trouble with any other game, only GT6
You have been disconnected from the server

Trying to matchmake without any regard to region can have only one result
You have been disconnected from the server

I give up.
This happened right at the last chicane before the finish. This is so ridiculously juvenile that I cannot say how much this pi$$es me off. WHY, WHY WHY do people take a good thing and pi$$ on it???

On my part as long as those idiots 🤬 🤬 stays in quick match instead of online lobby, I'm find with it. 👍
Right now I'm giving a try in Clubs where I hope to find clean racers. In few month we'll see if this will be case.
I have run hundreds of races in Quick Match and have found it an enjoyable challenge to succeed at when there are no rules. I think of QM as a NEW game I got for free and I'll go to organized clubs and leagues to experience GT6 on a different level.
I have had a terrible time just staying connected for quick matches. Today, I decided to try out the new Laguna Seca race.

First, what's with racing soft tires being available? I picked the Corvette which at 550pp is kind of rediculous to be on race softs.

It didn't matter because after staring at a blank screen "waiting for others to connect" it promptly disconnected me just like the last time I tried a few weeks back.

I decided to try again and this time it actually let me onto the track for warm ups. After about half a lap, however, I got disconnected yet again. Over-grippy tires and repeated disconnects is not my idea of a good time so I'm done with "quick" matches again for the time being. 👎
This is a joke. Fun, at times, but still a joke.
Meeeh "Quick Match" does not work at all. Servers deep freezing, so never get to race. Malfunctionong is all it contains 👎👎👎

If you are fast enough, once you pass them and you'll get in front, you can easily pull away and have a nice and fast ride. First 2 turns are very important to pass the nasty ones.
I have made clean passes and out of nowhere someone come careening in and passes me.
This is a joke. Fun, at times, but still a joke.

And another thing, how the heck does one car pass through another to pass.
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If I do not get disconnected I end up having to reboot the ps3, losing all the credits I may have gained.
For me it is a waste of time.
Last night I saw the "new" quick match sign and thought I would give it a try. I've been very leary about online racing with all the idiots flogging high powered cars that are all wagging their tails like salmon swimming up stream to spawn in the shallows. So, I signed up to race the 905B against 787B's and Sauber Merc etc thinking I might finally get some good head to head racing on Suzuka with actual people instead of the AI.

Sadly, it was not to be!?! All the same rubbish shenanigans happened with cars zipping off the track, crashing into my car, traveling THROUGH my car, (cannot figure that out) etc. About halfway through lap 2, I found myself in the lead and carried on driving carefully, but quickly when T.CREED came out of the sidelines, obviously lurking, and repeatedly rammed my car until it went off the track. This happened right at the last chicane before the finish. This is so ridiculously juvenile that I cannot say how much this pi$$es me off. WHY, WHY WHY do people take a good thing and pi$$ on it???

OK, that's my rant for the day and why you will never find me in online racing.
Cheers, Pete

That is the best description of it that I have ever read. Still laughing. "…tails wagging like salmon swimming.." Absolutely perfect!
Am i the only one that has had to repeatedly start from last place on the grid even tho it's ''random'', sometimes i've even had to start last on the grid when there is only 11 people racing (16 gridspots on Laguna Seca) so i was way behind everyone at the start (one time i had to start from 15th gridspot when there were 6 people racing).
Well like most online races I've done i had no problems getting past most of the people at the back since half the field in most races just go for the missile tactic and don't give a hoot about their brakes and just slam into the back of everyone else and punt them of the track.

And what about all of these bad losers that punt you of the track as soon as you try to overtake? Some people even do this during the warm up... My hands and feet isn't enough to count the number of times this has happened to me, I go along having a good race and then when i decide to have a little bit of a lunge up the inside of someone and i do get past while giving the other guy plenty of room, the person i passed just gives up and drives right into the back of me or does a pit maneuver and go on their way, but if I so much as touch someone i get a 3 second penalty.
but if I so much as touch someone i get a 3 second penalty.

I was doing the Laguna Seca quick match yesterday... Some guy almost goes off track in front of me and gets back in, I try to brake to not run into him, and I get a five second penalty for barely touching him.

I quit GT6 afterwards.
I was doing the Laguna Seca quick match yesterday... Some guy almost goes off track in front of me and gets back in, I try to brake to not run into him, and I get a five second penalty for barely touching him.

I quit GT6 afterwards.

The same thing has happened to me multiple times, sometimes after multiple people actually go completely of track, sometimes i also believe that people intentionally break really early when you're close behind just so they make you get a penalty for ramming them so they can storm of and create a gap between them and you.

Sometimes I get a penalty for ''ramming'' the person I'm overtaking when I have the inside line and the other guy on the outside rams me of the track.
Man this really 🤬 Me off!! Busted out the GTR RJN at Laguna last night and was in the lead of every race I was in, until sore losing A** ****s punt you off the track..

Probably had 2 races where I avoided getting smashed by getting far enough ahead :banghead:
Man this really 🤬 Me off!! Busted out the GTR RJN at Laguna last night and was in the lead of every race I was in, until sore losing A** ****s punt you off the track..

Probably had 2 races where I avoided getting smashed by getting far enough ahead :banghead:

I know the feeling. When playing quick matches i always get worried when approaching a corner with cars close behind as i always believe that they will push me off track
The whole thing is a waste of time if you ask me. Then again, I only really race against myself, changing lines and trying to learn something along the way.
For clean races this is absolutely a NO-GO-AREA.:odd:

But for quick money making it is excellent. I had easy wins last couple of days with the Hot Hatches at Cape Ring. All though with miserable opponents. But I find it funny to see people trying to ram you off in one corner only to crash on there own in the next.:lol:

Reasonable pay out if you compare it to normal on line racing where you get peanuts. :ouch:
For clean races this is absolutely a NO-GO-AREA.:odd:

But for quick money making it is excellent. I had easy wins last couple of days with the Hot Hatches at Cape Ring. All though with miserable opponents. But I find it funny to see people trying to ram you off in one corner only to crash on there own in the next.:lol:

Reasonable pay out if you compare it to normal on line racing where you get peanuts. :ouch:

I especially love it on the last corner on laguna seca when you look back and they had charged at you but you got around the corner before they could hit you so they're stuck all the way out at the wall in the sand :lol:
If you turn on penalties light that seems to be what QM uses. A great tactic to deal with slammers when you are placed mid or rear pack is to let them do their thing. Between ramming and short-cuts, they get penalized. While the clock runs, they are ghosted and you can drive through. The preventative ghosting is mostly on speed difference and WRT getting penalized, it focusses on rear-ending. You can bump from the side a lot harder than the back and it won't mess with you. I've played in online rooms with it off and on and I prefer that someone can't slam you off as easily with the ghosting thing.

I've had connection issues with QM but heck, with a club room we had problems Sunday with these jerkoff hackers. I've found if you just stay with a room for a bunch of iterations, the scratchy connection folks get moved out and you can have stable events. Strangely the most aggressive drivers also seem to go so it is normally round 4 or 5 that I actually get some good clean racing in. Ran into some fast drivers who were able to beat faster cars (many of the QM car menus are not truly represented by the PP and there is a learning curve on each change to figure out which car on the menu is fastest).

I'm doing this on a sixaxis. If you're good with a wheel and no traction control interference you should be able to clean up.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has had problems with these. No connects, freezes, takes forever for the grid to load if it ever does. I'm glad for the folks that have had fun. I simply don't want or need the frustration. I too end up last on the grid if it ever does load. So no thanks. If they would bring back gifting, trading like we had in GT5 then GT6 would be almost as much fun as GT5 was.