quickest AFK credit boosting method without the Honda Beat?

  • Thread starter digitalic
I see many youtube videos using this car to quickly farm credits but I can't seem to get this car as it never appears in the used dealer for me. With that being said, is there another alternative car I can use?
It is not that it never appears, but it appears with a rotation delay as all cars at UCD.

For AFK farming, you need to find a car that you can detune under 300PP and max it out so it laps quickly enough at Daytona.
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Sorry, stupid question, what is the acronym AFK referring to?
"Away from keyboard".

Although few people play GT7 with a keyboard, it essentially means that the game is doing something productive while you're not even there.
Sorry, stupid question, what is the acronym AFK referring to?
The games grinds credits on his own while you are doing something else, and when you play, you don't care about credits, just having fun. I think the economy of the game is a shame if people resort to these kind of tricks, but I don't blame them. Grinding manually burned me out of the game twice in 2 years already.
I appreciate the replies, thank you. I know what it is and have done it myself. Just could not figure out the acronym, I tried to come up all kinds of things but none worked .....