Regional Gamesave conversion

  • Thread starter Famine


GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author
United Kingdom
Rule 12
Having a few problems here... :D

I KNOW that to convert an NTSC GT3 gamesave into a PAL GT3 gamesave, one can open the file in a Hex editor (assuming you've moved it to the PC), locate the four instances where the phrase "bascus-97102" appears and change them to read "besces-50294". I also know that it works the other way round too. But...

This has only been tried on NTSC/US saves. Is there a different code for NTSC/J saves, or will this work fine'n'dandy?

Edit: Thanks to finding a save (albeit a replay) from a gentleman in Taiwan (really), I believe I have my own answer.


If anyone gets a chance to try this out (grab a gamesave from "x" region, find the four instances of the code above for that region, change them for the code for another region and try it out on a game for the new region), let me know how it works...
Does this work with replay's in GT3 also? It would be nice to be able to view PAL replays. I'm guessing it's only the save game because of the whole TV issue with PAl/NTSC but I dont know.
It depends how you define "works".

It will convert the replays, but your machine won't show them as they ought to be shown. Remember that the PAL machine records (and plays) replays at 50 times per second, including controller inputs, and the NTSC machine records them at 60 times per second.

NTSC/US to NTSC/J replays (and vice versa) ought to be interesting.
Do you want a Japanese gamesave from GT3?

Hmm, would it be the same with GT4, I wonder if the Asia version has a different code from the Japanese version.
Yes - that's true. My master GT3 save game was an NTSC/US to PAL conversion, precisely so that I can drive in my native miles per hour.
Famine; I am guessing the reason my game save would not load after editing it in Notepad is because I didn't use a hex editor, correct? I will try a hex editor now, and see if that changes the outcome (it wouldn't even load in MKS).
Well, I opened my GT3 save up in a hex editor, and could only find three (3) instances of the region code, replaces those, and GT3 can't find the save on my memory card, so I guess it doesn't work for me :(
Can anyone help me out? I'd really like to be able to drive in my native km/h instead of mph.
I've tried various hex editors, but none seem to find that elusive fourth region code Famine refers to.
Also, if I change my NTSC save to PAL for km/h purposes, will it drop the game to 50 FPS, or cause any other weird things to happen?
Well, what I've been doing is opening two MK's with one being "us" and the other "EU" and "exporting" from the "EU" and then changing the region in notepad and the "inporting" them into my "US" one. Hope this helps you. . . .

Sorry, Majarvis... :D Wasn't paying attention.

There's a PAL-to-NTSC conversion on my site. Only thing is, it's at 0%. :D It won't have any adverse effects on your game at all - although I'd be interested to learn what happends when you win some of the varying F1 cars...

(I've attached it, to make life easier)


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Sorry, Majarvis... :D Wasn't paying attention.

There's a PAL-to-NTSC conversion on my site. Only thing is, it's at 0%. :D It won't have any adverse effects on your game at all - although I'd be interested to learn what happends when you win some of the varying F1 cars...

(I've attached it, to make life easier)
No worries Famine, thank you :)
I was hoping there was a way to convert my current game save, but since I use hybrids, and have started my game over several times, I guess it's no big deal :)
Hey Famine,
you know that code (to convert from regions) is it the same for GT4?? or is it different??
if so have you got the new one??

I tried using a Save ID changer on a Japanese save to get it to another region but it didn't seem to work. I was taking the new ID off the DVD case so I assume that is correct. I suspect it may not be quite that simplet with GT4. Unless anyone can prove otherwise (which would be great!).

As far as saves are concerned I have a 100% Japanese GT4 with all cars. Other regions (well PAL and American) I can use codes to create a save.