Round 19: 4 Hours of Spielberg

  • Thread starter AJ


United Kingdom
UK [UTC+1]
Header SP4.png


- Event Schedule
- Event Entry List
- Circuit Map


- Sporting Regulations
- Technical Regulations


- Race


- After Qualifying Practice

- Qualifying Practice Classification


- Provisional Starting Grid

- Provisional Classification - HOUR 1
- Provisional Classification - HOUR 2

- Race Control Notices

- Provisional Classification
- Provisional Classification by Driver
- Provisional Classification by Driver Fastest Lap
- Stint Analysis by Team

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I'll try not to have such high expectations of myself but when Avalerion gives you another opportunity on the team it's time to buck up and get down to business. :mischievous: Hopefully we will have a fun and exciting race this weekend alongside our Hyperion colleagues. Best of luck to all of the teams and drivers taking part this weekend, it is an honor to be on the track each and every race I do with the GTPlanet community. :cheers:

Also, don't do this!
Does anyone have a weather forecast?
Also congrats to the Avalerion guys for picking up the extra franchise. If I'm not mistake the lowest ranked LMP3 driver will still only be gold.
So pumped for this race! After the disasters from a driving perspective at VLN 4 and N24 I'm thrilled to be back driving a car that isn't an utter pile of garbage. Good luck to everyone!
Looking forward to this! Coming off the back of my VLN 3 performance, I'm looking to prove that I'm worthy of my new Gold title and that it's not just one good race. Gonna be tough for us at INF to make up the points we lost in the first 3 rounds but we were able to come back and win LMP2 in a similar manner so don't count us out of this championship just yet!
Good Luck to all the teams - and: HAVE FUN :cheers:
It's very nice to have the AVALERION team on track with us this time 👍

Nice weather here in Austria, and it will stay like this over the weekend.
Forecast for Spielberg during our race day: max(day) 22°C min(night) 8°C; humidity: 55-65% no rain; maybe some clouds in the evening.
The following has now been published;


- Event Schedule
- Event Entry List
- Circuit Map (including Parc Ferme location)

#14 & #81 have received Warnings for late Event Registration.
We submitteed weeks ago and had to change our entry due to a driver not able to get in so I had no choice but let you know nothing really changed though
We submitteed weeks ago and had to change our entry due to a driver not able to get in so I had no choice but let you know nothing really changed though

Please check your TM thread.
Surprised to be 3rd after an extremely tight session where I struggled to get a good lap in. Relived though to get a mid 25 although not enough for the front row. It's going to be a great race this one.