Rue's Photos - Update: 'Le Mans Classic '12'

  • Thread starter Rue
Yeah! Hah! I just thought she was along for the ride until I saw the other photo.

My biggest fan...

DSC_4209 by R-W-P, on Flickr

As someone commented on how they liked the building photos, I'll put this one up. This huge curved building is just a mass of flats, aircon units and washing lines. I really want to convey how big and imposing it is but just can't capture it as I'd like too, I need a wider angle lens and have to get closer to the ground, but you get the idea. Took this through the dirty window from the back of a moving tram hence the lack of clarity. Better viewed large.

Untitled by R-W-P, on Flickr
Jumbo at the moment of impact

Smoking Tyres by R-W-P, on Flickr

Cathay 777 kicking up the water from a very wet runway

Untitled by R-W-P, on Flickr

A bunch of containers on the back of a passing ship

Shipment by R-W-P, on Flickr

Mine's bigger than yours

We're going to need a bigger boat! by R-W-P, on Flickr

Plane departs over Tsing Ma bridge

DSC_5415 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Macau ferry Turbojet, airport bound

DSC_4721 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Got ballast?!

UASC Ramadi (31 Megapixel Image) by R-W-P, on Flickr
Thanks for sharing Rue 👍
I enjoy watching these, Hong Kong looks very interesting through your photos.
The tomatoes, sparrows, the first container ship shot, the red handles and the corridor in all the boats (DSC4105) I love, but this...


...just blew me away *whimpers*

Generally speaking, all your non-DYSAGT shots show just how good a photographer you are - you have an ability to make the mundane really, really interesting, and I cannot think of a higher praise.
Sup mate :D Some reeeeeally nice shots here, I love the harbour_15, the yellow porsche on the first page, that skyline :drool: and the DSC_5415, the own with the bridge and the plane :D

Keep up the good work! :)
Once again, thanks very much for the comments. I'm really flattered! The weather has been oppressively hot recently but it's made for some really clear skies and quite wonderful light compared to the usual smog filled air. Here are some shots from the harbour last night. Wish I had brought my tripod along.

z_DSC_5972 by R-W-P, on Flickr

z_DSC_5978 by R-W-P, on Flickr

z_DSC_5987 by R-W-P, on Flickr

z_DSC_6015 by R-W-P, on Flickr

z_DSC_6024 by R-W-P, on Flickr

z_DSC_5969 by R-W-P, on Flickr

z_DSC_6010 by R-W-P, on Flickr

z_DSC_6006 by R-W-P, on Flickr

After the sun had gone down, I ran across this monster!

Mercedes SL65 AMG Black Series by R-W-P, on Flickr

Took this little fella in the park on Saturday, quite far away with the 200mm zoom at full stretch. Fortunately it was very bright which helped the sharpness.

z_DSC_5500 copy by R-W-P, on Flickr

and a look in the reflections on the surface of the pond resulted in this hall of mirrors style pic

z_DSC_5522 copy by R-W-P, on Flickr
Duuuuude, I haven't said a thing in here since a long time ago, many of these are insane! I cpuld rant for hours about the buildings, amazing colors, those pcitures are so vibrant! Also, the panoramic night shots are impressive, HK sure is amazing.

But then again, it's the pictures with people that really move me. The dock series is very VERY good, but not only because of the people, but also because of the compisition excercises with the giant cargo ships and boats, but heck, I don't think there is one picture here I wouldn't be happy to call mine. You have a priviledged eye, man, and I'm very happy to see you always catching shots. You don't know how blessed you are of living in a camera-friendly -and safe- place.

EDIT: This is amazing:

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Thanks for the comments guys! Much appreciated.

I bought a bunch of plants yesterday to help attract wildlife to my balcony. Seems to have worked already...

Spinning Orb by R-W-P, on Flickr

zDSC_7421 copy by R-W-P, on Flickr

And I was being closely monitored as I watered the plants on said balcony this morning

Ka Fei Mao by R-W-P, on Flickr

More stares, this time from some kind of minah bird I think

You Lookin' at Me? by R-W-P, on Flickr

He was quite the comical character. I had to be quick with this shot, came out a bit blurred but it's still pretty funny

Doing the Splits by R-W-P, on Flickr

I think he got a little fed up with me snapping pictures. This was just before he made a lunge for the lens...

Angry bird is angry... by R-W-P, on Flickr

He had a very handsome side too...

zDSC_7398 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Some panning shots I was trying the other night with my 30mm Sigma

Aprilia by R-W-P, on Flickr

Honda Integra Type-R by R-W-P, on Flickr

The parts in focus on this Porker came out crystal clear...

Porsche 997 by R-W-P, on Flickr

It's very difficult to capture white cars in bright light, but I thought this came out pretty well, if a little silvery...

Porsche 997.2 GT3 RS by R-W-P, on Flickr

It hammered down with rain shortly after, which yielded some interesting pics, but got me soaked - well worth it!

Ferrari 458 Italia by R-W-P, on Flickr

Shot of the morning...

Ferrari 458 Italia by R-W-P, on Flickr

Took this a couple of years ago when I was in Devon, UK. Apt, as the poster above hails from there. Do you know it NINE_HUNDRED? Guess from my photo it could be anywhere. North Devon IIRC near Somerset border.

Devonshire Beach (Colour Version) by R-W-P, on Flickr

Another pussy-cat... I seem to be a bit of a magnet for them. I'll let you make up the jokes...

DSC_6144 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Took this a couple of years ago on a compact. IFC, now HK's 2nd tallest building...

IMG_2358 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Also took this around the same time I think. HK Exhibition Centre with Wanchai in the background...

IMG_0458 by R-W-P, on Flickr
the side picture of the bird is very VERY good. It's clear as heck in the places it has to be, I love how some feathers are blurred. Blue = cool.

Also, the dock in Devon. Very good. If you saturated the sky a bit more it would look a lot better, but the picture in itself is very good.

Also, lovely fat cat.
Howsabouta update...

Some ex-military slash merc dude with HK and Blackwater patches on his sleeve and a samurai sword (I think it may have been an umbrella). Whatever, the young guy on the left was looking a little uneasy. I got a (potentially) brilliant shot of this guy with full braided pony tail and beard with a 1,000 yard stare, surrounded by the blur of a busy HK street, but some young lady decided to walk past just as I pressed the shutter and obscured half his face. That's photography...

Samurai Showdown by R-W-P, on Flickr

Street performer from the Mainland with one of those thingys. I liked the way all the people in the background were looking up.

What Goes Up... by R-W-P, on Flickr

A nice, minimalistic light trail

Untitled by R-W-P, on Flickr

The side of Jumbo Floating Restaurant the tour guides show you...

Jumbo by R-W-P, on Flickr

... and the side they don't want you to see ...

Dumbo by R-W-P, on Flickr

These two fellas had a lot of mileage but this was my favourite shot

Untitled by R-W-P, on Flickr

Brightly coloured hulls of dragon boats floating in the harbour

Dragon Boat Hulls by R-W-P, on Flickr

A chain and a wall. Simples.

Untitled by R-W-P, on Flickr

Business is quiet

Untitled by R-W-P, on Flickr

Red is a lucky colour in Chinese culture. That means people should be queuing up to buy this shot. I wish.

Red by R-W-P, on Flickr

Awfully blurry shot of a bloke in a vase shop. I salvaged it as best I could as I liked the atmosphere

Untitled by R-W-P, on Flickr

Fed up. Geddit?

Fed Up by R-W-P, on Flickr

This picture plays tricks with your mind if you look at it long enough. I love the texture on the green scaffolding covers.

Skyscraper Illusion by R-W-P, on Flickr

A lot of people like this photo. I think it's ok, but there are plenty of places where you can get a shot like this

bbDSC_9481 by R-W-P, on Flickr

A big boat and a big building. Nuff said.

bDSC_9363 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Hotel frontage

bDSC_9394 by R-W-P, on Flickr

When you gotta sleep, any place will do

bDSC_9422 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Wonder how much it costs to fill this monster up at the pump?

bDSC_9445 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Unaware of what's going on underneath

Mui Wo Ferry by R-W-P, on Flickr

Coming home from the official gambling capital of the world, Macau with some winners and probably many more losers aboard. Still, they're all in the same boat. Guffaw...

DSC_9043 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Never been very good on bike shots. I think this is an exception

zDSC_9120 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Spot the mistake

MTR by R-W-P, on Flickr

End of a drunken night... not mine.

San Miguel by R-W-P, on Flickr

Oasis in the darkness

Fruit Seller by R-W-P, on Flickr


zDSC_8737c by R-W-P, on Flickr

Pink on black

zDSC_8439b by R-W-P, on Flickr

Oh, you're so scary!

zDSC_8422 by R-W-P, on Flickr

About the best I can do without a macro lens

zDSC_8406 by R-W-P, on Flickr

"Fancy meeting you here!" I like this one.

zDSC_8336 by R-W-P, on Flickr


Nissan Pao by R-W-P, on Flickr

Stark bark

zDSC_8180 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Tea for two. Shot this out of a moving minibus window in the dark...

Dinner for Two by R-W-P, on Flickr

Panning practice session #2

Bentley Flying Spur by R-W-P, on Flickr


Nissan GTR by R-W-P, on Flickr


Black Crowned Night Heron by R-W-P, on Flickr

OMG chemtrails?!?!?! Er, no that's CONTRAILS!

air india by R-W-P, on Flickr

Brought your brolly?

DSC_5128 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Big cat(amaran)

DSC_5133 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Really like this picture of a very odd cab-forward ship

DSC_5164 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Something a little bit abstract for you

zDSC_6933 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Fishing in a drain, with the sea 10 feet to the right... Seriously?!

Gone Fishin' by R-W-P, on Flickr

Coming to a postcard near you soon

Tsim Sha Tsui by R-W-P, on Flickr

Say cheese

Ducati 1098 by R-W-P, on Flickr

I see he doesn't practice safe text

Look Mum... by R-W-P, on Flickr

And that's ya lot. Comments? Critiques? All welcome...
The arrow on the sign to the right is point the wrong way?

Something else... A botch up on my part.

Some from the weekend.

A try at an Instagram effect with a rather pretty lady

zDSC_0064 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Nice passing light trails on Lexus GS. Basically came off the camera like this, I just cropped it and fiddled with the B+C a little.

zDSC_0537 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Bike Speedo

zDSC_0436 by R-W-P, on Flickr


zDSC_0388 by R-W-P, on Flickr


bDSC_0117 by R-W-P, on Flickr
Nice shots again... Youre on a roll :P That first pic looks like it came out of Tron or something.
Pictures from the ferry ride over to one of the outlying islands this Saturday...

Day Star by R-W-P, on Flickr

Star Cruises by R-W-P, on Flickr

Stonecutters Bridge by R-W-P, on Flickr

Penha 01 by R-W-P, on Flickr

New Ferry VI by R-W-P, on Flickr

Penha 02 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Penha 03 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Santa Maria by R-W-P, on Flickr

Tug by R-W-P, on Flickr

First Ferry III by R-W-P, on Flickr

Hop Fat 18 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Hop Fat by R-W-P, on Flickr

Cape Felton by R-W-P, on Flickr

Samho Cordelia by R-W-P, on Flickr

Samho Garnet by R-W-P, on Flickr

Golden Dragon 238 by R-W-P, on Flickr

Fire Boat 8 by R-W-P, on Flickr

First Ferry VIII by R-W-P, on Flickr

Macau Ferry by R-W-P, on Flickr