Here's your partially insane race annonucer RVD to bring you coverage of the Apricot Hill Enduro sponsored by Mazda and PD. It looks like it'll be a very close race due to RVD choosing the slowest Roadster clocking in on the dynos at only 124 HP. To make matters even more interesting, he's running w/ stock tires and politely declining to qualify.

What a spectacular day to race!!!!

It's sunny w/ very few clouds in the sky and low humidity to make this a very comfortable drive through the park. But let me say this now, this race will not be a Sunday ride through the park.

Instead it'll be about 6 drivers all racing each other as hard as possible to claim the prize trophy and 100,000 credits. Enough of my pre race commentary, let's see the starting lineup:
Starting Grid
1. Mazda Miata 1.8 LS
2. Mazda Miata (J)
3. Mazda Miata (J)
4. Mazda Miata 1.8 RS
5. Mazda Miata (J)
6. Mazda Miata (J) (me)
Pit Stops
Mazda Miata 1.8 LS- 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39
Mazda Miata (J) - 11, 22, 33
Mazda Miata (J) - 11, 22, 33
Mazda Miata 1.8 RS- 9, 18, 27, 36
Mazda Miata (J)- 7, 14, 21, 28, 35
Mazda Miata (J) (me)- 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35
Race Results
1. Mazda Miata (J) (me)- 1:13'20.939
2. Mazda Miata 1.8 LS- 1:13'41.856 (+ 20.917 sec)
3. Mazda Miata 1.8 RS- 1:13'49.761 (+ 28.822 sec)
4. Mazda Miata (J)- 1:14'00.280 (+ 39.341 sec)
5. Mazda Miata (J)- 1:14'37.342 (+ 1:16.403)
6. Mazda Miata (J)- 1:14'41.467 (+ 1:20.528)
Fastest Lap- 1:44.763 (Lap 27)
Average Lap w/ pitstops- 1:50.023
Post Race Thoughts
What a race that was! 👍 The fans won't be able to sleep tonight after this one. For the first 30 laps of the race, there were numerous position changes among the leaders due to their different pit strategies. Now for an interview w/ the race winner: " My car was hauling ass all day. Thanks to my pit crew for giving me a great car and fast pitstops. I thought the 1.8 LS had me beat for a while until thise last 10 laps. He was on soft tires giving him a huge advantage on the 3 lap stints. But in the end less pitstops and patience won over speed and softer tires. Of course I have to thank my sponsors: Mazda, Sony and PD; If they didn't exist this race would've never happened, Goodyear for their excellent tires, and of course all the fans for coming out to show your support!

" This has been a live commercial free race from Apricot Hill brought to you by PD, Sony, Mazda, and Goodyear. As always, remember to drive carefully in the real world!

Good night everyone!