
  • Thread starter Sage


Staff Emeritus
United States
United States
I've joined my high school's Track and Cross Country teams, so I was wondering...

» Can you list some good running websites?
» What are your strides like? Do you totally push off with your legs and bring them almost to your buttocks, or do you do lil' pushes that get you 2 inches off the ground, or in-between?
» What's your "secret" to running? Do you concentrate on your stride? Do you try to distract yourself?

Anyway, My stride falls right down the middle... my legs form about a 100 degree angle (between the upper and lower parts of my legs). My "trick" to running is to count... I usually count every time my right foot hits the ground, up until 10. I breath on every-other numeral. :)
I took it up seriously in Jan this year (at the age of 31!), and ran a half marathon (21.1km) in May in about 1h 50m, and run about 30km a week.

The main two 'secrets' I've found so far:
- maintain running form, even if you have to ease off pace and shorten your stride. If you start to 'flop around' through fatigue, that's how you get injured
- do lots of abs exercises. I do a lot a leg raises and bicycle maneuvers. These help stabilise your upper body, so you don't slump forward if you're tired.

Good luck!
i think good abs and good calves are the key, since i started working these out my mile time when down to 6 min 42 sec from a 7 min 50 something.
Running is more 'full body' than most people expect. You use your arms and shoulders a lot to help keep your legs in motion.

My coach used to get on to me for "bouncing" while I ran. I assume that's what you're refering to when you talk about "lil' pushes that get you 2 inches off the ground". Keep in mind that you're trying to go farward, and any energy you expel going up is wasted (:

I attack uphills striding off ahead of everyone, but I tend to lay back on the downhills. The added impact coming down the hill wears out my legs.

1.6K - 4:40
3.2K - 10:30
15K - 17:00

I've been running track and Xcountry all through High School. My "secret" is definately concentration. I focus on nothing but passing the guy ahead of me. As loud said, attack the up hills, that's where the other runners usually slow down, and for the downhills, I just let the momentum take me down.

1mile - 4:49
5k - 18:02
I don't tend attack hills, since I'm not the lightest guy on the block - I find if I go too hard it really jumps my heart rate up and it takes me a while to settle back down into a rhythm. Arm action really helps.

You're right about being careful down hills though - I've found keeping my running action low seems to help manage that.