Selling Cars - Let's talk about this a bit more.

  • Thread starter Grimm6Jack


Setubal, Portugal
So, after basically 8 months and 21 days, or just about 9 months, we finally got the oh so premium ability of selling cars.
A concept that quite clearly is new to the game and of course we had to wait for a bit for it to be added *cough sarcasm *cough .

But I have 2 main questions I want to ask to PD (in case they, in the very tiny, almost 0% chance, notice it this thread) or someone who works close by to them to answer:

Question 1:

- Why was this "feature" that has been standard in all Gran Turismo main titles, not present at launch, and in the meatime, took close to 9 months to be added to the game?
It's, literally, nothing more than just a sub-menu added to the Used Car Dealership with a sell button on each of your cars with some fancy graphics with fluctuating values. Literally nothing more.

Question 2: (this is a bit of a rethorical question, and question 1 is also probably the same now that I think about it)

- It's a very good thing that we finally can sell our cars that we win that we don't want or have duplicates of won from tickets or just menu books where we have bought them before.
But why do we have the restriction of only being able to sell 1 of each model in a 24 hour period?
It's not even 1 per day, like you can win with the roulette tickets for example, you literally have to wait 24 exact hours to sell the same car again.

Anyone who posts here can post whatever they feel like in regards to this topic. How they feel about the way we can sell our cars.
Do you like it?
Would you change it?
Is it useful?

But my main target here, is to get the answers from these two questions. Probably never in my life will I have this answered with how closed PD are... Anyone posting here can also try to give their own opinion answered on these as well.
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I like the fact they finally added but I think the 24 hr rules is kind of dumb. With the daily ticket you don't have to wait 24 hr before you can get another one. I know it is different but they could apply the same rules. But I guess they don't want people who have 300 NSXs to sell them more than once a day
But why do we have the restriction of only being able to sell 1 of each model in a 24 hour period?
How is this a restriction, realistically how many copies of a car can a player own unless he was extremely lucky with the wheel, or he for some reason ended up buying several copies of a car in the used car shop.

Lets say 5! that is 5 days to sell every last one of those cars in a game that is 270 days old and the player would have played it for many hours and days to get 5 copies of the same car, considering this a restriction is weird.

Unless the player took a stupid amount of his time on earth to exploit a bug and get 100s of the same cars then it might feel like a restriction because he got played by PD, hahahaha :-)
How is this a restriction, realistically how many copies of a car can a player own unless he was extremely lucky with the wheel, or he for some reason ended up buying several copies of a car in the used car shop.

Lets say 5! that is 5 days to sell every last one of those cars in a game that is 270 days old and the player would have played it for many hours and days to get 5 copies of the same car, considering this a restriction is weird.

Unless the player took a stupid amount of his time on earth to exploit a bug and get 100s of the same cars then it might feel like a restriction because he got played by PD, hahahaha :-)
There's a trophy for buying 10 of the same cars.

I imagine most players will want to get rid of them afterwards.

All the same, why is it a full 24 hour lock when other aspects of the game that require daily interaction (daily mileage, the UCD & LCD for instance) simply reset at specific times?
Question 1:

- Why was this "feature" that has been standard in all Gran Turismo main titles, not present at launch, and in the meatime, took close to 9 months to be added to the game?
It's, literally, nothing more than just a sub-menu added to the Used Car Dealership with a sell button on each of your cars with some fancy graphics with fluctuating values. Literally nothing more.
I suppose that in addition to other restrictions, it was a way to push microtransactions in the first months, when lots of people (mostly dumb) are playing the game and being tempted to pay with real money. Orders from Sony.

Yes the 24 hour restriction makes no sense.
It does, FOR PD, if you think they know about people duplicating the NSX gr.B:sly:. They can't take away cars from your garage, so the 24h restriction makes sense for that matter. "Aight you can sell the NSX, but not all at once. That'll slow you down a bit."

So that probably answers Question 2.

My two cents.
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It does if you think that PD knows about people duplicating the NSX gr.B:sly:. They can't take away cars from your garage, so the 24h restriction makes sense for that matter. "Aight you can sell the NSX, but not all at once. That'll slow you down a bit."
No, it doesn't.

I'm not opposed to a daily limit but the full 24 hour lockout is bizarre and inconsistent with the rest of the game and entirely user unfriendly.
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No, it doesn't.

I'm not opposed to a daily limit but the full 24 hour lockout is bizarre and inconsistent with the rest of the game and entirely user unfriendly.
I never said it was user friendly. I said it could be a way for PD to **** us off.
Just try to simulate the real life ? Or we should get : can buy/sell any car at anytime ,no matter new car or used car in the game.
BTW, no plan for me to sell cars :)
I think the 24h wait to sell duplicates is related to the appraisal system they implemented. My guess is: somehow selling multiple copies of the same car would influence the system, which I'm curious to understand the mathematics behind it.
I think the 24 hour limit is, like a lot of things in the game, just another way to keep engagement up. If you wanna sell 3 of the same car now you've opened the game in 3 separate days, and possibly played a little bit more than you would've if you could sell them all at once.
My only real irritation is the 24hour wait, as opposed to once a day. Not because I want to sell loads of stuff, but simply because I don't play at the same time each evening. One single instance of getting on a couple of hours later than usual will have a knock-on effect for days.

It's my biggest irritation as well, as you stated, there comes a time where you have to skip almost 2 days to be able to sell cars because your work/schedule simply doesn't allow you to sell at the exact same time.

The end result of selling 1 car per day would still stand, so this design choice is yet again another weird one.

As for the specific restriction of just 1 per day, I stated already in the OP, it was a rethorical question, and a few have already posted the likely answer.

From a gaming perspective however, it makes no sense to implement this restriction when you can buy the same car with no restrictions.... My intent is to go deeper (which is not really that deep tbh).

I think the 24 hour limit is, like a lot of things in the game, just another way to keep engagement up. If you wanna sell 3 of the same car now you've opened the game in 3 separate days, and possibly played a little bit more than you would've if you could sell them all at once.

... Could be, since the roulette ticket and locking away engine swaps behind it is one way of making this game "last" for most people. This would be just another try hard way to make the game engaging.

But I doubt this was the reason, because if they play their own game, they would know there wouldn't even be any reason for this to be a thing other than for the people who bought the 10 of the same car for the trophy.
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There's a trophy for buying 10 of the same cars.

I imagine most players will want to get rid of them afterwards.

All the same, why is it a full 24 hour lock when other aspects of the game that require daily interaction (daily mileage, the UCD & LCD for instance) simply reset at specific times?
They waited 270 days and surely they can wait a few more days to get back the credits for the cheapest cars in the game.

GT7 has plenty of issues but this isn't one of those. And just for the record I also have the NSX and while it's nowhere the amount others have achieved I'm more than happy that PD is paying me 100k a piece.
This pure guess work/conjecture but I would imagine the 24hr sale restriction is there for 2 reasons:

1) Price tracking - PDs insistence on making GT7 a "life sim" whereby purchase and sale prices fluctuate in accordance with supply and demand pressures. This would require a calculation every 'refresh' period (midnight each day) to update the valuation variation. I don't think live price tracking is within PDs ability.

2) Valuation manipulation - IF, for example, there was no sale restriction, it is feasible that PDs valuation system could be manipulated by flooding the "market" with X amount of the same vehicle, causing the valuation price to crash. This wouldn't represent a "real life" effect, desired by PD, as the second hand car market doesn't react like this, also it would directly penalize owners of the same vehicle if/when they wanted to sell their duplicates.

None of the above is impossible to combat given a correct approach, and it does presume that PD are not manually managing valuations, however it is much simpler to impose a 24hr wait time to combat manipulation and to catch anything PD might identify as detrimental to their vision of the sale system.

Of course, I might have completely missed the mark and everything I just said is BS and over thought.:lol:
I suppose that in addition to other restrictions, it was a way to push microtransactions in the first months, when lots of people (mostly dumb) are playing the game and being tempted to pay with real money. Orders from Sony.

It does, FOR PD, if you think they know about people duplicating the NSX gr.B:sly:. They can't take away cars from your garage, so the 24h restriction makes sense for that matter. "Aight you can sell the NSX, but not all at once. That'll slow you down a bit."

So that probably answers Question 2.

My two cents.
Agreed I think it was all Sony.
Actually, I don't mind the 24h cooldown too much. I probably would too, if I didn't only focus on 4* and engine tickets during bonanza.

What grinds my gears though, is the missed opportunity to implement the LCD pricing for the LCD cars. If the LCD reflects real world car values to spark collecting enthusiasm, why can we only sell them at the UCD with a huge loss of value? A big part of valuable car collecting is the investment part. A well kept, low mileage Ferrari 250 GTO should increase in value over its original LCD asking price, instead of instantly dropping to 60%.

Makes me wonder, if both cooldown and LCD pricing are motivated by further pushing mtx.

Still, being able to sell any car is pretty neat. GT Sport gave us nothing for daily roulette prize cars.
Answer 1 - Officially, to implement a bit of randomness to the selling price, belied by the fact that (most) tuning parts only add 10% of their value. More likely, as others have said, MTX.

Answer 2 - To make it every 2 days.

I rather doubt that our actions on buying/selling cars has any impact on the selling price.
In case anyone was interested, I tried comparing appraisals for two Mitsubishi Evo '96 GSRs yesterday. One stock and one fully tuned to WTC600 spec.

Evo at UCD ≈ 44,000 Cr
Car Body Quote ≈ 15,000 Cr

Amount spent on tuning ≈ 180,000 Cr
Extra amount for tuning ≈ 48,000 Cr.

The peak body quote as per the graph was around 18k, I think

1. I'm guessing it wasn't ready at launch and after launch PD didn't consider it to be a high priority. Apart from the exploits most players shouldn't have too many accidental duplicates. I don't imagine that it's as easy to implement as it might seem.

2. To stop folk from cashing in too many exploit duplicates all at the same time, without taking away the extra cars obtained from the exploits.
Question 2: (this is a bit of a rethorical question, and question 1 is also probably the same now that I think about it)

- It's a very good thing that we finally can sell our cars that we win that we don't want or have duplicates of won from tickets or just menu books where we have bought them before.
But why do we have the restriction of only being able to sell 1 of each model in a 24 hour period?
It's not even 1 per day, like you can win with the roulette tickets for example, you literally have to wait 24 exact hours to sell the same car again.
At least it isn't once per week, month or year!!
Once per 24 hours, makes the Gr.B NSX bonanza feel like a daily bonus (well a daily bonus that can be claimed once every 2 days!)
just complaining for complaining

Get out of my thread with these pointless posts. Did you get butthurt by this?

This pure guess work/conjecture but I would imagine the 24hr sale restriction is there for 2 reasons:

1) Price tracking - PDs insistence on making GT7 a "life sim" whereby purchase and sale prices fluctuate in accordance with supply and demand pressures. This would require a calculation every 'refresh' period (midnight each day) to update the valuation variation. I don't think live price tracking is within PDs ability.

2) Valuation manipulation - IF, for example, there was no sale restriction, it is feasible that PDs valuation system could be manipulated by flooding the "market" with X amount of the same vehicle, causing the valuation price to crash. This wouldn't represent a "real life" effect, desired by PD, as the second hand car market doesn't react like this, also it would directly penalize owners of the same vehicle if/when they wanted to sell their duplicates.

None of the above is impossible to combat given a correct approach, and it does presume that PD are not manually managing valuations, however it is much simpler to impose a 24hr wait time to combat manipulation and to catch anything PD might identify as detrimental to their vision of the sale system.

Of course, I might have completely missed the mark and everything I just said is BS and over thought.:lol:

Thank you. Nice insight as well.

I wasn't being literal, but do I really need to explain how I doubt that many will be able to sell an NSX everyday?

You're not wrong, but it isn't going to be 2 days for most of the time either. It would probably go like this:

Day 1: Sell car at 18:00
Day 2: You will not stay in your screen waiting patiently for 18:00 to hit, so it will likely be after 18:00...

Day 3, etc: Rinse and repeat like day 2 until you are so late to sell cars that the timing will fall on sleeping hours and you have to sell them the next day, effectively making you waste 1 day.

Should've been 1 per day, instead of a literal 24 hour restriction. But coming from PD, which has precendents of making absolutely brilliant design decisions over the last few games they made, it's really no surprise. The end result would be the same, 1 car per day, but you wouldn't have issues with being in the game at the exact same time.
It produces a knock-off sort of effect, and there will inevitably come a time where you can't sell cars in one of the days and have to wait a bit more.

They implemented the roulette at you being able to get one at 23:59 and one at 00:00, which is effectively 2 tickets in 2 different days, since you would have to wait again for 00:00 of the next day to get another ticket.
Why was this not the same for the car selling feature?
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Allow me to expand on my assertion that our actions as players have no effect on PD's (pseudo-)random valuation system. Let's take everybody's favorite car, the Honda NSX Gr.B Rally Car. I'm relying on the in-game 2-week chart for approximate values (that's currently funny as it hasn't been live one week much less two) because it is a royal pain to keep exact track of.

When selling became live on Thursday, the body valuation was roughly 107,000 Cr., a far sight better than the "2-week" low of 102,510 Cr. It actually went up in value on Friday very slightly, then it slowly fell to a low of a bit over 106,000 Cr. yesterday (most likely 106,040 Cr. based on how much it went up today). Today, it went up 1.6% to 107,740 Cr.

Had our actions had any effect, the price would have nose-dived.
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