Variety shots - mazda787's gallery

  • Thread starter mazda787
Really cool gallery, so many great shots ( too many great shots :lol: ), you really have good taste when it comes to positioning the subject and its background. It's inspiring and it gives me some new venues to explore, can't wait to see your next ones. Thanks for dropping by my gallery, kind words are always appreciated, but don't be shy to give me suggestions/comments, coming from you they will be welcomed. Have a good day and drive fast and safe.
you're on fire these last times mate !
Once more very good work. I totally love the shot with the Ferrari, the toning, the framing, the use of noise, the lightning all things are on top. That's especially amazing when we watch it in full size. Bravo.
I like a lot the second Accord shot, very typical of what I like in a city shot.
And the Daytona set is in the same vein of your previous set : brilliant !
Really Stunning gallery with so many great images!!

You really have good eye when it comes to compositions!!

Being BOLD here, How or with what editing program was most of them done?

Ps. Thanks for stopping by my gallery!
And now, after seeing the chrome works, I did try it on a little Scirocco ! Oh you heard me? :embarrassed: :guilty:
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Thanks for all the positive comments all! The gold works on this car well, and I think the stripes help a lot too 👍

Really Stunning gallery with so many great images!!

You really have good eye when it comes to compositions!!

Being BOLD here, How or with what editing program was most of them done?

Ps. Thanks for stopping by my gallery!
And now, after seeing the chrome works, I did try it on a little Scirocco ! Oh you heard me? :embarrassed: :guilty:

Thanks Werner! I use Adobe Photoshop CS5 for all of my editing, although I probably use only 1/100 of its features :D

Yes, I saw it, very nice use of it on the VW!
Great gallery @mazda787. I like the latest GT500 set the best, but this one stands out the most to me,

It looks like your on the run through the desert.

Keep up the great work and thanks for visiting my gallery :) (your feedback was very helpful.)
Not to disregard the wonderful Mazda photos nor the Nissan ones (both sets are brilliant BTW, I love the one of the 7B's wing and rear wheel), not to mention the amazing competition entries, but...

:eek: :drool: OH. MY. GOD. That Pontiac (is it a Pontiac? I forget :confused:). I hate that car but with it I think you might have produced one of my favourite photos of any car, ever. I love it! I absolutely love it! I love the shapes made by the angle and tightness of the shot, the balance, the lighting and toning. It's so clean and simple yet I can't stop looking at it to try and see exactly what else you've done to make it appear this way.

Amazing set. I look forward to the next. :cheers:
Your latest sets are splendid, especially the Karma and 787b photos. Lighting and compositions are fantastic in all of them. My fave is the 4th 787 pic. 👍
Amazing work on the golden GT500 set, never tought it would look that good in this color. My faves are the first two shots. 👍
+1 with Nicolas, very nice work on this set especially with this kind of color 👍

The Karma shots are very good too, with a very realistic rendering and some great choice of angle as usual. Love the work on shadows in the first one and the close shot is perfect. I also like a lot the work with the old skyline, very realistic shots again, and your entry are really good !

And that 787B set is just awesome !!!! You do credit to your pseudo with one of the most beautiful set with this car I've ever seen. Great angles, beautiful light, superb and colorful toning !, really a great work mate !
Thanks for all the detailed and positive feedback guys :). @86Debris86 that is actually the Fisker Karma! And that shot is my favorite from the Karma set as well, such detailed modeling :drool:

@TF MAN I will be making sets for more well-modeled standards soon 👍
Really superb.
The work on toning and lightning on the Diablo, the SLS and the Karma shots is really impressive. And the composition / framing of the AMG VGT ones is just perfect, especially the b&w one (superb !). And of course i really like the last one ;)