Single corner

  • Thread starter 123abc
So you took the time to do this video of one corner on Apricot Hill, take those pictures in the Drift Pics thread on Apricot Hill, and yet you backed out of the GTPDC which was on Apricot Hill... :confused:
So you took the time to do this video of one corner on Apricot Hill, take those pictures in the Drift Pics thread on Apricot Hill, and yet you backed out of the GTPDC which was on Apricot Hill... :confused:

The reason why I backed out of the GTPDC was because I had way too much crap going on in my real life to practice. Add to that, I bought my friend's DF like, 3 days before the videos were due. I'll be in the next one, you can count on that though. ;)
Didn't know the beast could be tamed, but you had that Rhino swingin its back end like a Hawiian dancer. 👍