So, how was 2022 for you?

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The US of A
Well now that 2022 is over, I think it's about time we share our experiences with it and give our overall thoughts about the year as a whole. So how was 2022 for you and what were some highlights?
2022 has been sort of a rollercoaster ride for me. A lot of ups, paired with some downs.

A year in which I was able to pursure my hobby of photography more intensively than ever before, by becoming an officially accredited photographer for the Tourist Drives (Touristenfahrten) at the Nürburgring Nordschleife and being granted media credentials / media accreditation for three motorsports events in Belgium. Those events being the 12H Spa-Francorchamps in April, the third round of the International GT Open at Spa-Francorchamps in June (an event I couldn't attend thanks to COVID-19) and the NASCAR Whelen Euro Series race at Circuit Zolder in Ocotber.

Apart from that, I was able to get in touch with friends I didn't see for a long time... which is always nice, especially if you didn't see each other for almost two years but it feels like you've last seen each other only the week before. In September, I also had the chance to fly to the beautiful country that is Norway for the third time to see fellow GTP member and great friend @syntex123 again after 2018 and 2019. During my stay there, I was able to go to Gatebil, a huge festival for car enthusiasts. Something I've wanted to do for a couple of years. I thoroughly enjoyed it there, it was exactly as I hoped it would be. Until I managed to 🤬 up my knee there. I seriously overstreched my knee, making my knee cap slide out of position to the left and then slide back into position and tearing my collateral ligaments inside my knee. This made me lay in a bed for the second half of my Norway vacation. Thankfully, when I got my MRI done in Germany, I was told that the tearing was only minor and I was able to walk under my own power (without crutches and a knee brace) roughly four weeks after the incident.

However, just a few days after I returned back home, even before I got my MRI done, the biggest down of 2022 happened. I wanted to hand in my mandatory sick note at work and left the building and suddenly I was jobless. No, I didn't get fired for messing up my knee. I got fired for a teeny tiny mistake I made. It would be a way too long post if I went into all the details. But afterwards I more or less found out that my (now former) boss used that mistake against me, made me look like I did the devil's work and even made my work colleagues stab me in the back to get me fired.

All that meant I needed my knee to heal ASAP so I can apply for a new job. In the middle of October I sent out my first application. Two weeks later I had signed a new contract. And now I'm happier there than I've been at both my old workplaces combined. Awesome work colleagues, a great working atmosphere and so much more.

And that's it for my 2022 recap. I didn't include everything, but I included the most important stuff. Let 2023 be a good one. 😁
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My dog passed away.

My mom passed away 10 days later.

2022 can bite me.
This is gonna be a long one, but it has everything I want to say.

2022 is a bit of a mixed bag, as a rollercoaster is an overused cliche. There may have been some happy, if not, exciting moments, but it wasn't entirely utopian.

For the most part, I was finally able to play GT7 on my PS5, and that the game got me through most of the entire year despite its flaws.

It was mostly in the latter half of the year where things got interesting, as I was able to travel to Singapore (my first international travel in two years since the pandemic), and that I was able to jailbreak my Xbox 360 and get all the DLC for all the Forza games I owned, from the original Forza Motorsport from 2005, all the way to Forza Motorsport 4 and the original Forza Horizon.

Fun fact: I actually started with Forza Motorsport 4 when I bought my second Xbox 360 back in 2013. Much later, I was able to at least own and play every single title in the Forza series, with the exception of Motorsport 6: Apex (a slimmed down version of Motorsport 6 on PC, but I did own Motorsport 6 when I had an Xbox One), and Forza Street - don't get me started with that one. It's also similar to when I started pretty late with Gran Turismo when I got GT5 Prologue as my first game back in 2009.

Another is that it was also a year that further ignited my passion of filmmaking and storytelling, as my aspiration, other to be a gamer and a racing driver, is to become a film director (something that was originally Kaz's goal), and this is mainly due to both films I admired and video games in general. Outside of gaming, I started to develop a hobby of playing tennis during my free time, besides going to the gym.

I was also even able to hang out with some old friends on a number of occasions, as well as meet with an old friend who I've been on not so nice terms with, in the slow, ongoing process of reconciling with her. Lastly, I was able to return to my hometown of New York City for the Christmas season to spend vacation with the family, after four and a half years since the last time I was there.

But, not everything is as happy as I expected.

I still haven't gotten back together and reconciled with my girlfriend (the girl seen on the photo of my avatar) ever since a huge fight we had a year prior, mainly due to her joking about dating a K-pop boy by giving him a fake name and making up fake dating stories, in which the situation became very ugly later on. I'm still working on it, though, but the thought of the events leading up to our fight, and the fight itself, still haunts me to this day. All I just want is for her to come back to me, and to genuinely love me again for who I am, period.

This fight with my girlfriend also cost me the friendship of the close friend who I mentioned earlier, due to a misunderstanding, and that she was also close friends with my girlfriend as well.

Perhaps I had no idea how to communicate my needs and wants with her the right way, which is the guilt I felt from the fight I had with her. As you read this, you might think I may not be very funny, or that I don't have a sense of humor, as I have a tendency to become obnoxious, if not, berserk when people do this kind of sarcastic humor towards me. But I just didn't like the idea of being cheated on, or to become jealous, especially as a terrible prank done in poor taste. The joke my girlfriend directed at me is also the reason why I'm also quite adverse to K-pop in general, particularly when it comes to the fandom surrounding it.

Added bonus: other than "Ice Cream", the real reason why I hate Blackpink so much is mainly due to my girlfriend liking them in a way where she would often make me watch and summarize their music videos every time she catches me making fun of them, comparing other artists as better than them (preferably with my favorite musician, Lone), calling them "Pink black" (I honestly don't like saying Blackpink verbally, as if staining my lips with them), or using "Blink" as an insult. It's as if I was slowly losing her to her K-pop obsession, and this obsession with K-pop nowadays, with the regard to their fandoms, could almost be similar to worshipping a cult. But the joke she said wasn't about them, rather, it involved a K-pop boy group instead, and no, it's not BTS as many of you would think.

Another is that weeks before I went to Singapore, I ended up catching Covid as soon as my little brother had it, mainly due to the fact that he was underaged before he could get vaccinated at the time, around four years old, shortly before he could turn five. Luckily, I was fully vaccinated and boosted, so I was able to ride it out just in time before I left.

I even had to sell my Xbox One which suffered from power brick issues, mainly to raise funds, as originally, I wanted to get an Xbox Series S just to get prepared for Forza Motorsport 8, and partially, to make up for lost time that I missed out on playing Forza Horizon 5.

Towards the beginning of December, my eldest cat, a black and white Exotic Shorthair, passed away after twelve and a half years. He died unexpectedly after I came home from playing tennis, where his body was stiff, part of his face flat from lying on the surface of the table, and that he had no more pulse.

I would have never imagined this, given he was strong and healthy for a cat his age, with no history of illness, injury and other such conditions. But at least he died peacefully, a sign he lived a great life in a happy home, and was able to pay my respects to him one last time before I let him go. This, however, is the most devastating loss in the family I have experienced since I lost my grandmother to breast cancer back in 2016.

He leaves behind his younger orange brother (also an Exotic Shorthair), but just before I left for NYC, the family was able to adopt another Exotic Shorthair (a gray one), which would then be his younger brother.

In conclusion, I just hope 2023 will finally be the right year for me, where I finally get to reunite with my girlfriend, as well as repair and rekindle our relationship, and that I might be graduating college soon, where hopefully, I can start a film career at my own pace and start making my own money, allowing me to have greater freedom with my time, finances and possibilities in the future. I'm also looking at potentially getting an Xbox Series X (instead of an Xbox Series S) after being lucky during the Christmas season, allowing me to raise the bar even higher once I get Forza Motorsport 8, which is something I'm very excited for.
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2022 was not too shabby in my world.

The world, humanity, on a global scale, it seems, had it pretty rough.

2023 might be on the up for me, since all the pandemic stuff is done with and I’ve found better clarity in life.

2023 might probably will be a really bad year for the world, humanity. Dystopia is a little less far away in the Western world.
2022 was an interesting year. I wouldn't say it was fantastic, it was a bit rocky in some areas and there was a fair bit of change that happened, but it was a HUGE improvement over 2021, and overall I enjoyed it. I must admit since 2020, I've developed a habit of documenting highlights from each year and I had been adding to the document for this year for a while. And here is what I gathered:
The Good
  1. Got a crap ton of new country music for my library and ended up exceeding 2 of my personal goals in expanding my library.
  2. Got chosen for a computer class I later became a part of and really enjoyed it and not being around some of my obnoxious classmates from my other class.
  3. Got an Xbox Series X in January and have been very happy with it despite being a Playstation guy, already more so than I was with my PS4. (mostly because of dev mode)
  4. In March, I finally got my mind off of something that had been bothering me since mid-2021 and my mental state has improved a lot since then. Not too long later I was finally able to deal with some other things that had been bothering me for years.
  5. Finally found out the name of a song that had alluded me for about 5 years.
  6. After many years of wanting to rip the music from Midnight Club Los Angeles for PS3, I finally was able to do it thanks to the help of someone on Discord.
  7. Got to revisit my old elementary school again, including one location I hadn’t set foot on in over 17 years.
  8. Got to move on to a different class after the aforementioned computer class. Now I am away from all the problematic individuals I had to deal with before and I get to do some things again the pandemic took away from me since it started.
  9. Reclaimed a lot of old music from my teen years that had been lost to time.
  10. The whole year generally just went a lot smoother than 2021 and was largely a huge improvement from it.
  11. I’ve further expanded my interest in diecast and I am starting to look at more than just Hot Wheels and Corgi, something I’ve wanted to do for a while now.
  12. After many years, I finally revisited Gran Turismo 3 and gave it the chance it rightfully deserves and I can honestly say it was worth it!
The Bad
  1. Had more drama with my ex-girlfriend again in June and the entire month and even part of July was an emotional roller coaster for me as a result. Fortunately, it was all resolved by mid-July, but the fact it happened at all was just bad.
  2. Our basement got flooded yet again due to heavy rain.
  3. I didn’t get to see my old friend on vacation this year, something I’ve come to look forward to in recent years.
  4. Got 4 cavities when I went to the dentist back in July and the bill for it was absolutely insane! So much so, it still hasn’t been paid for as of the time of my writing this, and I haven’t been able to spend much because of this.
  5. I didn’t find very many video games in the place I visit once I year, when I usually do, and didn’t bother with a few of them mostly due to #4.
  6. I got pretty sick at the start of the year and it was probably the worst I had felt in a long time. In hindsight, I think it might have been COVID, but I cannot confirm it.
  7. Had some nasty muscle spasms in my back earlier in the year that put me in a lot of pain, to the point where even me fracturing my shoulder was more tolerable than this!
  8. My grandma has only gotten worse and nowadays she doesn’t even know who I am anymore. To the point it has me wondering when it will be the very last time I speak to her.
  9. Did a major reorganization in our basement and not only did it make me nervous for a long time, but it generally did not go too smoothly at times.
  10. While I am happy with how things are at college thanks to #8 in “The Good”, I still miss being in the building I was in before the pandemic and I still am not too pleased with how things have changed since 2020.
  11. On November 30th, one of our house cats died.
  12. I got a confirmed case of COVID in December.
Hopefully, with all the change that happened in 2022, things will settle down a bit in 2023 and be a little more normal now. Should be interesting to see where it all goes from here! :)
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