So... Hurricane Michael

  • Thread starter wfooshee
I have my doubts about it being live, since it's... you know... dark there, now. :)

OK, now it IS showing night-time video.
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An example of the media's short memory on these (and pretty much any) kind of events...

With Hurricane Dorian approaching Florida's Atlantic coast, then slowing down and building, finally turning north a bit, approaching the Bahamas as a category 5 while I type this, the media has been full of speculation about how this would be the worst storm to hit Florida since Andrew. One idiot even said the worst hurricane in Florida in 19 years.

Hey, guys??? Florida had a category 5 hurricane less than a :censored:ing year ago!!! Yet not once has Hurricane Michael been mentioned in any of the media panic from Dorian. NOT ONCE. Yet here we sit, still trying to recover, businesses still closed, buildings still rubble, housing still unavailable, families still moved to other towns, schools still sharing their loads with other schools, hospitals still less than full availability, and employers still unable to find enough help to perform their services because so many people left because of no housing. Worst since Andrew? 🤬 Andrew! Michael's central barometric pressure was lower! Lower than Katrina's as well. Yet all the comparisons with Dorian as a threat to Florida are to Andrew, with Michael totally forgotten. Michael was worse, but had the poor judgment to kill fewer people by hitting a less populated area, so nobody remembers it.

My area is under no threat from Dorian, but we would like to at least have our crisis remembered by people who like to help with these things. Yet the media's ability to recall, or even do research, seems to have nothing to do with actually getting out there and actually looking up the facts. That goes for just about everything they do, though, doesn't it? Sell papers, sell advertising, get ratings, make everything spectacular. Facts? Who needs 'em??


Agreed ratings.
I’m in Cape Coral, work for the city and have access to EOC data.
I don’t even bother with the lipstick on public TV, the media is a hysterical circus anymore.

i have not seen this on a media outlet yet, but i would suspect mr stephan miller to have had a hand in this inhumane turn of events
My understanding (according to our local news here in south florida) they were to take all survivors from Abaco and Grand Bahama to Nassau first.
In Nassau they were going to sort out who wants to come here.
Did the ferry just head east out of Abaco?
I know we sent 3 cruise ships over to help as well.
If you have access to the Science Channel on your cable, satellite, or streaming service, there is a new show called The Hurricane Man, the first episode of which aired this past Sunday night. the guy is basically a storm chaser, but goes after hurricane eyes, not tornadoes like other storm chasers you might be familiar with.

In this first episode, he was here for Hurricane Michael, and had 3 crews, one following a local fishing family trying to protect their two boats, one following the city fire department, and one following him as he moved around and then sought shelter to get into the eyewall as the storm approached. There is some good coverage of the day after, as people try to reconnect with families and dig their way out, and many many aerial drone shots.


Science Channel
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