SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs

  • Thread starter Laughss


United States
San Diego, Ca.
Finally SOCOM 4 has a release date of April 19, 2011. What do you guys think? Will this SOCOM be better then that garbage we received when the Playstation 3 was first released? What are your thoughts? Who's getting this game? Voice your opinions! I will be getting this game, hopefully some GTP members will be as well so we can get some squad action going.

Ill be getting this game for sure. I loved the 3 on Playstation 2, and the one online game while at first had a lot of problems, really wasn't all that bad once sorted. And since its back in Zippers hands, quality is almost guaranteed.
I was looking forward to Confrontation before it came out, but then the reviews were so bad that I shelved my plans of buying it.

I'm hoping with Zipper back in the fold for this edition, and the SOCOM franchise having learnt from the Confrontation debacle, things will be back up to SOCOM standards this time around. If the reviews are good, then I will definitely be picking this one up. I love the TEAM mentality in SOCOM games, unlike other run and gun garbage on the market today.
So getting this.
Move rocks. Zipper too.

It's a good year for FPS players, but also an expensive one.
I love socom. Regardless of what people think, socom confrontation (after the bugs got sorted out) was a really good game. It had the feel of socom 2 and stayed with the classic style of the game. Socom 4 scares me. Zipper looks like they have tried and change the game, and make it more like COD. It's going to have a classic game mode for hardcore socom fans, so it sounds like it is going in an entirely new direction which will completely ruin it for everyone who fell in love with socom 2.

I just really hope it doesn't turn into another run and gun respawn game like everything else on the market. Socom is great because no other shooter is like it. I just hope they keep it as intense as it has been, and makes you appreciate every single kill you get.
I am in between on this right now, but will probably get it unless the beta convinces me otherwise. I actually thought Confrontation was a decent game once patched, but it was also my first SOCOM. I'm excited to use my sharpshooter on SOCOM 4, it was great with KZ3 even if I only played twice with it.

My biggest problem is GT5 kills my gaming time for other games. I have bought 5 games since it came out and have spent maybe 20 hours total on them.
Normally tomorrow starts the beta for plus members.
Next week all others
Beta ends the 13th
I almost forgot, I have a code for the beta in KZ3 and I have a Sharpshooter. I`d like to say I`ll download the beta and try it out, but Crysis 2 comes out today so....... :)
Anyone getting the beta tonight? I hope to download and get some time in after 11 pm CST tonight. Send a friend request to mcfizzle if you want to play. Put GTP SOCOM in message.
Forgot to mention they included a MP beta code in KZ3, so head to your local BlockBuster and check the cases. The one near me had unused codes in the 1st 3 cases I checked.

According to the nets the beta for the KZ3 code starts on 3/29 IIRC.
This better just be SOCOM 2 with better graphics, more guns, and more maps. SOCOM 2 was the greatest and I'd love it if it was the same. I'd easily put the 400+ hours into it that I did into #2. The one that came out out on the PS3 really hurt my enthusiasm in the SOCOM series, but hopefully they go back to ther PS2 days.

Please go back to the PS2 days Zipper :guilty:.
I almost forgot, I have a code for the beta in KZ3 and I have a Sharpshooter. I`d like to say I`ll download the beta and try it out, but Crysis 2 comes out today so....... :)

You could PM that code my way, if your not going to use it. I would love to try it out a little earlier!!!
360 port please?

Fat chance of that happening since Zipper is Sony property more or less.:)

This better just be SOCOM 2 with better graphics, more guns, and more maps. SOCOM 2 was the greatest and I'd love it if it was the same. I'd easily put the 400+ hours into it that I did into #2. The one that came out out on the PS3 really hurt my enthusiasm in the SOCOM series, but hopefully they go back to ther PS2 days.

Please go back to the PS2 days Zipper :guilty:.

Going back to the PS2 days is retarded. Socom 2 was epic, but it was epic for back then. Games and gamers have changed since then. You can't fault Zipper for wanting to evolve the game to the modern standard so they won't fall behind the competition. At first, I wanted Socom 2 with better graphics. But as I played games like Uncharted, Mass Effect, and MGS4, Socom 2's style is stale bread.

This isn't Socom 2 by and large. No game will be. Socom fans need to accept that and move on.

But it's unfair to immediately dismiss Socom 4 as a failure. I've played the beta and it's stupidly fun. It's not like the old Socoms, but I like the new Socom's feel and gameplay. Big nod for the graphics too.

I wonder if it will beat part 2..

In the hearts of the old Socom fans, it's not even in the same league. But for the majority others who are casual in nature (such as I) it's a nice change of pace from all the diluted FPS on the market.

It feels like Uncharted only with more violence and Navy Seals. 👍
I have been playing the beta its open right now for ps plus subscribers. I will be playing next week also since i got another code from my copy of KZ3. I have never Played a socom game but I am enjoying learning how to play this one. damn i already have KZ3 now with socom 4 and brink right around the corner Resistance 3 later on and battle field im all shootered out !!!
I wasted some of my time before going to class by looking through various Socom related forums, and suffice to say, the old school Socom "vets" can just cry more. Cry harder.

They have constantly moaned about how Socom 2 was great and Socom 4 is not the same. Zipper themselves said that Socom 4 will be different, but it has fallen on deaf ears unfortunately. Of all the fans, I think Socom fans can the take the cake for being emos.
I haven't been super impressed so far. Feels like a TPS MAG, which is a no go for me.
play more you will understand it soon enough

I'm trying but I keep getting disconnected, which doesn't help my enjoyment.
By the way, you won't need your KZ3 code if you are ps plus. You have it until the beta ends.
I haven't been super impressed so far. Feels like a TPS MAG, which is a no go for me.

Isn't Socom 4 using MAG's engine with a few graphical updates?

It's not bad for the online part, I wonder if the game engine is better in single player and co-op.
I don't know, wouldn't surprise me though. In my mind that's not a good thing though.
am i the only one getting desperate with the downloading via p2p??
it took me countless hours to download that and now i am at 95%, so probably gonna try it this week
I don't know, wouldn't surprise me though. In my mind that's not a good thing though.

Socom wasn't a graphical powerhouse, not did it ever strive to be. The graphics, as a whole, are actually quite good considering its just a beta and some textures aren't cleaned up completely yet.

The graphics should be of less priority compared to other things such as camera angle (Suicidal to go ADS at all during a heavy firefight.)

Edit: This is my most played online game so far. Killzone 3 is in a temporary retirement and mw2 is going to the trading block for Socom 4.
Surprisingly enough, I find myself liking this game. I loved S2, hated Confrontation, and didn't expect much from S4. It's got a few issues, and it has been "Call of Duty-ized" a bit, but it's pretty dang addicting. Anyone on here want to make a clan?
Some may know I'm a big MAG fan, 256 player tactical mayhem, whats not to like? I was and still am a fan of SOCOM 3, so SOCOM 4 with zipper back at the helm had a lot to live upto. And it delivers, those clasic maps are back, a good cover system and smooth online play, coupled with the weapons (FAL "SLR" and IW-80 "SA-80" with susat gives me both my old army guns) makes it a must have for me.
Been playing it for a week now on PS+ beta and it just gets better, the COD boys are in there running and gunning and having a good time, whilst the SOCOM boys are in there using cover and killing all the COD guys at leasure LOL

The game is well balanced thanks to the maps and weapons, and though tactical team play allways wins, there's room in there with the respawn matches for the more triger happy out there. A big thing for me will be seeing how single player pans out and especialy co-op play, something the previous 2 games were devoid of.

For me the market is saturated with COD style fast paced FPS games, SOCOM 4 looks to have more than just slight twist to seperate it from the herd.......with operation flashpoint 2 coming out a week before thers a glut of tactical shooters, just need a new rainbow 6 game and ghost recon and my shooters collection will be full......battlefeild might get a look in as well LOL
My favorite game mode is bomb squad by far.

I like suppressing the insurgents with the ISR-N56 while escorting the bomb tech. Nothing feels better than out maneuvering your enemy.
Anyone who ever played and loved Socom and is even remotely excited with this title, should get smacked in the face with a hammer. Scandalous.
Socom wasn't a graphical powerhouse, not did it ever strive to be. The graphics, as a whole, are actually quite good considering its just a beta and some textures aren't cleaned up completely yet.

The graphics should be of less priority compared to other things such as camera angle (Suicidal to go ADS at all during a heavy firefight.)

I wasn't referring to the graphics. I was talking about the way the game felt, the way the characters moved, and the way guns felt while firing. I didn't like it in MAG and it felt the same to me in SOCOM 4.

To me, Confrontation felt perfect once they fixed frame rate problems and all the little glitches and issues. Either way, the beta convinced me not to buy it, which is fine with me.