Something Must Be Done

To start with, perhaps this should have gone into "Suggestions and Feedback", but I think it needs the added publicity of the Rumble Strip.

Ok. Basically what I want to say is that SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE for GTP to be as fun, exciting, and interesting as it was 2-3 months ago. 2-3 months ago, everyone was posting, there were like 15 new threads per day in the rumble strip, and everyone was excited to be part of the action. Now, a lot of people sit around without posting...and there are maybe two new rumble strip threads per day.

I can tell you...there are a few main reasons why activity and interest have fallen.

There's nothing new and exciting! As more and more people reach the 1000 post mark, there is less and less excitement in posting. And even if this desire to gain post count resulted in numerous mindless smilies and "hghuabshhakjs" 's, it still caused lots of good activity and provocative discussions.
THERE NEEDS TO BE NEW STUFF FOR PEOPLE TO GAIN AS THEY POST. I have said this before, and nothing has happened. People won't continue to post if there's nothing exciting about it. We should have (and I've said this before) "elite clubs", like a 1000 post club where only 1000 post people can post, a 2000 post club, and a 3000 post club. It will give people something to work towards.

Another reason activity has gone down is the inevitable fact that people have played and beaten GT3 now, so there is less to look at in the GT3 forum. This is unavoidable. However, its when something like that happens that a special interest web site needs to develop new and exciting things to keep members occupied.

I think we also have a problem in our "moderation employees". It seems to me moderators should be people that productivley help new members, spark interesting discussion, and make the overall atmosphere of the forums more interesting, healthy, and fun. Our moderators don't do that. You can disagree with me on this, and I'm sure many of you will (especially, of course, the moderators!), but it seems to me our moderators just post occasionally, just like the average user, and occasionally yell at another member for diasgreeing with them! Some, like the recently gone "BMW///M3" take a very high and mighty attitude, I think it was him that said he "dreaded sinking to the level of the average user", or something to that effect. :rolleyes:
I think the role of the moderator needs to be reexamined.

I have other ideas and qualms, but I think this should do for now. :lol:

Far be it for me to tell Jordan how to run his website. He's done a far better job then I EVER could, and I respect him. I just want to help, and I think help is warranted.

Thanks for your time. :)
Maybe something to track 'Threads Started', or, to prevent flooding of crappy new threads, a count of replies received to threads started by a member, or even an average replies received to threads started?
Originally posted by vat_man
Maybe something to track 'Threads Started', or, to prevent flooding of crappy new threads, a count of replies received to threads started by a member, or even an average replies received to threads started?

I've suggested these things, and many more, but Jordan claims it's too much work. I say we burn him at the steak and get a new Owner! (:

Originally posted by LoudMusic

I've suggested these things, and many more, but Jordan claims it's too much work. I say we burn him at the steak and get a new Owner! (:


Kind of crazy tonight. :D :)
Ok, Stealth I agree with you on the post factor and excitment factor of the site 100%. :D I posted over 80 times a day for couple days straight here at GTP when it was active but now it kinda whimpered out and is fading. :( Something does need to be done to spark interest again. :(

About the mods......I will say that for the most part I like them. They are never really mean to anybody and are always the first to welcome new members and they also supply links to pages that newbies or anybody is looking for. I have to agree on their post factor but they are good help in my opinion. :)
2-3 months ago many of our members probably had quite a bit more free time to post. Now that we are in December, all members in college are most likely feeling the crunch of finals and such. I'm sure that it is busier for many of our High school based member as well.
If you feel that there aren't enough things to keep you entertained, perhaps you need to start new threads, and get the spark going.
And the thought that there needs to be incentives to post doesn't really wash with me either, because all that it really encourages is people to count off smilies in the Thread about nothing, or the how many replies thread.
After the Holidays I am sure that there will be another peak in activity. Especially when lots of new GT3 players discover the game. Then there will be a whole new batch of Rumble strippers ;) running around.
I also don't know how many other forums everyone has seen, but this is far and away the best looking, and run, forum I have come across. The people are generally nice, and almost all of the mods are really great guys. Complaining about them is borderline ludicrous, as we also need to realize that these are people with lives outside the forum. Being a mod is a volunteers only position, and unfortunately they too need to trudge out into the world and make an honest living, go to school, or rob banks. Pretty much every thread has a response by either a mod or Jordan himself. I'm not exactly sure how much more there can possibly be than that.
Anyway, that's my $1.50.
I think a lot of people registered, were fired up inthe beginning, and then got a little tired of it, and aren't posting as much as previously.

Whilst I log on predominantly for GT3, I like the group also because there are discussions on other games, other aspects of life, and the tone of the forum is friendly and jovial, unlike other forums where the chief instrument of communication appears to be flame.

There's probably a degree of truth in Tom's comments - we may well see an influx of people returning to the board in the coming weeks as people complete exams and take a break over the Xmas/New Year period.

Maybe we should be looking at how to evolve the forum beyond the GT series type format? Maybe this will happen naturally as other titles come out for the PS2? It's ultimately Jordan's call, but I think the board will probably go where the members interests and posting take it - a natural process, I guess. Is it something we want to steer, rather than let happen?
Humm, there seems to be less interesting things to comment on. FIA WR is done, F1 is done, LM is done.... I may have a project car coming on for comment, but there seems to be little of intrest (to me) to post on.

I am also getting kinda sick and tird of the "thread about nothing #XXX" or the "See how many replies we can get thread # XXX" One thing I do like about the board is that it has some good automotive stuff as well as virtual stuff.
Originally posted by Deathhawk
Humm, there seems to be less interesting things to comment on. FIA WR is done, F1 is done, LM is done.... I may have a project car coming on for comment, but there seems to be little of intrest (to me) to post on.

I am also getting kinda sick and tird of the "thread about nothing #XXX" or the "See how many replies we can get thread # XXX" One thing I do like about the board is that it has some good automotive stuff as well as virtual stuff.

So why don't you post on stuff you find interesting? You might find it sparks others to reply and bring other people back to the forum.

I try to post stuff I find interesting because it's good to get a discussion going - doesn't matter what it's about, just put it up! Let's get some threads going!!

I'm inspired!
Well, well, well...

There's been a lot of great comments made in this thread (and some not that great, LoudMusic.... ;)). I'm afraid a lot of people don't have a real understanding at how young the GTPlanet Community is, and how fast it has grown. Thanks to a link on, our forums exploded to more than 1,000 registered members after being open a little over a month. But, many registered and have not been back since. Of course, this was also the same time a lot of you guys showed up on the scene, and expected that to be the "normal" level of activity for the site. Unfortunately, it's not, and you've got to realize that. For a website GTPlanet's age, even though our member numbers may be a bit inflated, I would say our level of activity meets or exceeds most expectations.

Now, as for the "posting rewards", I've become a bit skeptical about the whole idea after thinking it over. Honestly, you shouldn't need that much motivation to post. It only encourages "threads about nothing", which are just that - and add nothing to the value of the GTPlanet Forums. You're greatest reward for joining the discussion should be all of the enjoyable times that you have here, and the wealth of things you can learn from this diverse group of people from around the world. (That's how I feel, anyway.)

There's also been a lot of mention about the future of GTPlanet, and where the site is going. I've been deep in thought, and I've come up with some very innovative ideas. I know, I haven't been saying much about them to you guys, but I will say that I have taken quite a few steps to insure that your membership here will become much more valuable to you in 2002. I don't want to say too much, so if something does fall through or doesn't work out, I'll be the only one who's disappointed. But, a few things have already been put down in concrete, and I'll share them with you now...

  • Over the past few weeks, I've been using a "beta" version of GTPlanet. I've used this time to perfect the layout, and make it the most functional and fastest-loading site on the Internet I possibly can.
  • I've purchased a dedicated server to host GTPlanet, and it is being setup in a datacenter as you read this. This is a major investment (well, I'm buying a computer I'll never see), but it will allow me to expand the network with virtually unlimited possibilities.
  • I'm working on all-new websites. Although I won't give out the URLs yet, I will say the GTPlanet Network (the official name of this new group of cross-promoted automotive sites) will be taking on a heavy motorsports/automotive theme next year. will still feature all the great GT information that got it all started, and these other sites will give the "real world" information a much better home to reside. I guess the best way to describe my vision, would be to think of all your favorite sites wrapped up into one slick little package, with our forums right in the middle of it all...

But, you guys have got to be patient! I've never embarked on something such as this, and I don't know all of the troubles and pitfalls that could be ahead. But, I thank you for your support and hope you'll stick around to see the site to it's fullest potential. :)
Originally posted by Stealth Viper

It seems to me moderators should be people that productivley help new members, spark interesting discussion, and make the overall atmosphere of the forums more interesting, healthy, and fun.

Please tell me...if we aren't doing those things you listed, what is it that we are doing:?::confused:

Originally posted by Stealth Viper
Our moderators don't do that.

Originally posted by Jordan
Well, well, well...

(I cut out the rest because it was so LONG) (:

I have to say, I am exited. I have found it very interesting that the members at GTP are so motivated to 'help out' and offer suggestions where ever they can. I am also impressed by how they quickly point out, "if that's what Jordan wants ...". Everyone seems to understand and respect the heigharchy, but we each want a bigger piece, so we've all been willing to pitch in. And that is the greatest part of the 'community'.

I guess originally that was the point of this thread, that everyone pitch in and make it more fun. But the motivation wasn't quite right. As we've stated in other threads, post count isn't what we're after. It's apparent that what we're looking for is improved quality of information/entertainment/comradary. Hopefully all of Jordan's work will pay off and the community will grow the way we all want it to.

Before he even launches the new site, I'd like to say thanks for all the hard work. And about that 'burn him at the steak' bit .... brotha man, I was only teasin` *wink* *wink* (:

How 'bout I quit being a moderator?. Apparently none of our mods are doing a good job, and that means I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm tired of being mocked. I'm tired of people calling us high & mighty. I'm tired of being accused of using my "godlike moderator powers." I'm tired of not being able to speak my mind just because I'm a moderator. If I say something that is wrong in the slightest way, I get griped at like there's no tomorrow. If someone who isn't a moderator says something that is wrong in the slightest way, guess what happens..., yup...not a damn thing.

Some of you people are unbeleivable...
Originally posted by Josh
How 'bout I quit being a moderator?. Apparently none of our mods are doing a good job, and that means I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm tired of being mocked. I'm tired of people calling us high & mighty. I'm tired of being accused of using my "godlike moderator powers." I'm tired of not being able to speak my mind just because I'm a moderator. If I say something that is wrong in the slightest way, I get griped at like there's no tomorrow. If someone who isn't a moderator says something that is wrong in the slightest way, guess what happens..., yup...not a damn thing.

Some of you people are unbeleivable...

Hmm. Can't argue with that, as a whole. But I would offer a small addition.

Moderators are expected to perform on a higher, more intelligent level. That's why they are moderators, and that's why they tend to get picked on. It's part of the role, mate.

Non-moderators are not expected to do anything but exist. Instead of jumping them for expressing an opinion, we make fun of them. If they come through the teasing with a smile, suddenly their our friend.

Unfortunately the job description doesn't include these traits.

well i have to put my bit in here guys , the point put across by stealth about the forum going into a very quiet patch is obvious to everyone in my opinion ! and yes there is life outside gtplanet , but i can say now if more people took notice of the challenge section and the possibilities that can be found through gt3 or gt2 then the game is never over , why sit around posting nothing for hours when you could be having a good comp against one of your online mates or online enemy's lol :D anyway your time online is how you make it and people shouldn't rely on other people posting to have a conversation , :(
back to my earlier point about the challenges , between myself , pako and jordan ! we have been trying to drum up interest in the qualification for team gtplanet and it has been recognised by a few people but not enough , so as a time filler or just to get that taste back in your mouth's get over there and find some good challenges that will definetly relieve the boredom , :D :cool:
on-line racing is the best way to go after 100% completion ;)
Originally posted by mr persistance
well i have to put my bit in here guys , the point put across by stealth about the forum going into a very quiet patch is obvious to everyone in my opinion ! and yes there is life outside gtplanet , but i can say now if more people took notice of the challenge section and the possibilities that can be found through gt3 or gt2 then the game is never over , why sit around posting nothing for hours when you could be having a good comp against one of your online mates or online enemy's lol :D anyway your time online is how you make it and people shouldn't rely on other people posting to have a conversation , :(
back to my earlier point about the challenges , between myself , pako and jordan ! we have been trying to drum up interest in the qualification for team gtplanet and it has been recognised by a few people but not enough , so as a time filler or just to get that taste back in your mouth's get over there and find some good challenges that will definetly relieve the boredom , :D :cool:
on-line racing is the best way to go after 100% completion ;)

Wow, it's like we forgot the whole point of coming here ... but at the same time, we come to post our times and find that someone is already tens of seconds ahead of us. Then there's no point in posting.

Oh my gosh, it's almost 2am.

Good night ....

Originally posted by Stealth Viper
To start with, perhaps this should have gone into "Suggestions and Feedback", but I think it needs the added publicity of the Rumble Strip.

Ok. Basically what I want to say is that SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE for GTP to be as fun, exciting, and interesting as it was 2-3 months ago. 2-3 months ago, everyone was posting, there were like 15 new threads per day in the rumble strip, and everyone was excited to be part of the action. Now, a lot of people sit around without posting...and there are maybe two new rumble strip threads per day.

I can tell you...there are a few main reasons why activity and interest have fallen.

There's nothing new and exciting! As more and more people reach the 1000 post mark, there is less and less excitement in posting. And even if this desire to gain post count resulted in numerous mindless smilies and "hghuabshhakjs" 's, it still caused lots of good activity and provocative discussions.
THERE NEEDS TO BE NEW STUFF FOR PEOPLE TO GAIN AS THEY POST. I have said this before, and nothing has happened. People won't continue to post if there's nothing exciting about it. We should have (and I've said this before) "elite clubs", like a 1000 post club where only 1000 post people can post, a 2000 post club, and a 3000 post club. It will give people something to work towards.

Another reason activity has gone down is the inevitable fact that people have played and beaten GT3 now, so there is less to look at in the GT3 forum. This is unavoidable. However, its when something like that happens that a special interest web site needs to develop new and exciting things to keep members occupied.

I think we also have a problem in our "moderation employees". It seems to me moderators should be people that productivley help new members, spark interesting discussion, and make the overall atmosphere of the forums more interesting, healthy, and fun. Our moderators don't do that. You can disagree with me on this, and I'm sure many of you will (especially, of course, the moderators!), but it seems to me our moderators just post occasionally, just like the average user, and occasionally yell at another member for diasgreeing with them! Some, like the recently gone "BMW///M3" take a very high and mighty attitude, I think it was him that said he "dreaded sinking to the level of the average user", or something to that effect. :rolleyes:
I think the role of the moderator needs to be reexamined.

I have other ideas and qualms, but I think this should do for now. :lol:

Far be it for me to tell Jordan how to run his website. He's done a far better job then I EVER could, and I respect him. I just want to help, and I think help is warranted.

Thanks for your time. :)

Few things i would like to say.

I personally like the Thread about nothing and how many replies can we get threads. It’s kind of like a chat room. I still enjoy getting more and more post and at times there just mostly smiles:) . But I hope you guys don’t hate me cause of that.
And at other times when im tired of the smiles I do venture into the other topics and other threads to see what’s up. If I come across a question I may have an answer to Ill of course answer it to the best of my abilities.
I think GTPlanet is great and im looking forward to see what Jordan has in store for us in the coming year.

:D :D :D :D
Originally posted by Josh
How 'bout I quit being a moderator?. Apparently none of our mods are doing a good job, and that means I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm tired of being mocked. I'm tired of people calling us high & mighty. I'm tired of being accused of using my "godlike moderator powers." I'm tired of not being able to speak my mind just because I'm a moderator. If I say something that is wrong in the slightest way, I get griped at like there's no tomorrow. If someone who isn't a moderator says something that is wrong in the slightest way, guess what happens..., yup...not a damn thing.

Some of you people are unbeleivable...

Well, I was going to do the high ground moral thing after the events on one of my threads and let it go, but I just can't help myself...

I have no issue with the mods here. The events this afternoon took place without me aware that the other party concerned was a mod. This knowledge would have made no difference to what I posted.

I think this forum is very well conducted - there is little sniping, little flaming and the grammar and spelling, despite my earlier gripes, is actually pretty solid. The people are generally pretty well behaved, and the mods generally don't interfere - the ideal situation

But (here it comes - and this applies to everyone, not just mods) - you just can't take personal shots at people. It's okay to take issue with something a person said in the forum, or issue with their language, but to make personal implications about a person's character or personality at a deep level (there's always going to be a little sniping, but as long as it's in jest) is uncalled for, and unnecessary - it's just going to get people upset.

There's also the need for context. Being a mod isn't about riding personal hobbyhorses - it's about understanding about when and when not to butt in.

I know you guys are doing a good job because from reading the forums I don't know who you are. It's like a good refereee - if they do a good job, you don't know they're there, but it also means the fans throw hot-dogs and beers at you occasionally.

This afternoon's incident was about context - that's all, but if you take personal shots at people they react. And you can't just delete that stuff away...
Thoughts from the brain of Brian P:

Personally I think GTPlanet is a great website. Everyone on the site seems genuinly friendly and helpful. Theres plenty of interesting things to talk about and its not all based on GT3. For me personally I think this site has helped me a lot in GT3 and made playing GT3 a more enjoyable experience. I have learnt a lot about GT3 from the members of this site and the site has got me more interested in motorsport. Yes there could be improvements, and apparently there are some on the way, but I would go on record as saying this is my favourite site on the net.
Everyone has many things that I agree with... so rather then repest them I would just like to offer a new forum idea.

I know this is a racing website, but it seems to me GTA3 has stolen a lot of time from GT3... I was thinking why not have a forum set up for it. I know we have threads about it... but not a forum like GT3... Maybe the game isn't good enough to hold its own forum, I was just trying to think of a way to maybe keep the website interests where its members interests are. I know i could use some help in GTA3...

I am excited about the changes that are coming up in 2002 jordan, and plan to an active member here at GTP for quite some time. Until then I'll keep doing my part to keep GTPlanet interesting with as many new threads as I can come with.
Originally posted by Jordan

  • Over the past few weeks, I've been using a "beta" version of GTPlanet. I've used this time to perfect the layout, and make it the most functional and fastest-loading site on the Internet I possibly can.
  • I've purchased a dedicated server to host GTPlanet, and it is being setup in a datacenter as you read this. This is a major investment (well, I'm buying a computer I'll never see), but it will allow me to expand the network with virtually unlimited possibilities.
  • I'm working on all-new websites. Although I won't give out the URLs yet, I will say the GTPlanet Network (the official name of this new group of cross-promoted automotive sites) will be taking on a heavy motorsports/automotive theme next year. will still feature all the great GT information that got it all started, and these other sites will give the "real world" information a much better home to reside. I guess the best way to describe my vision, would be to think of all your favorite sites wrapped up into one slick little package, with our forums right in the middle of it all...

:eek: And I was happy when you added the Holiday smilies. :eek:
It's going to be sensory overload. ;)

Hey Josh, don't leave. When I first joined, there were two mods worth thier salt, you and Ghostrider. (Yes others were good guys, but not as accessible as the two of you were.)
Just because some people can't distinguish between you as a mod and two other former mods of disrepute doesn't mean that everyone feels that way. If you ever (and I can't remember you doing so often enough to warrant critiscism) chastised someone, I am sure that it was well deserved. (such as the kid who had Osama can suck my :eek: in his sig.) If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck. It's a duck. Lay the smacketh down. ;)
Originally posted by Deathhawk
Humm, there seems to be less interesting things to comment on. FIA WR is done, F1 is done, LM is done.... I may have a project car coming on for comment, but there seems to be little of intrest (to me) to post on.

I am also getting kinda sick and tird of the "thread about nothing #XXX" or the "See how many replies we can get thread # XXX" One thing I do like about the board is that it has some good automotive stuff as well as virtual stuff.
Ever since BMW made the first "Thread About Nothing", I hated it. It was a cheap way for people to get posts by posting smileys:rolleyes: And I don't like it that there's a new "edition" almost every week. As for the "How Many Replies" thread, I use to go there all the time. But not to post smileys or anything dumb like that. I went there to have a nice chat with guys like Josh, Pako, Ghostrider, Tom McDonnell and others. That thread is a good place for people to go and just talk. Anyway, I got a bit off topic here, but whatever;)
Oh, can't believe I almost forgot about this.
Josh- You are a GREAT moderator. For all the time I've known you on here, I've never seen you get mad at somebody, do something to purposely tick someone off. No offense to any of the other mods, most of them are awesome too, but IMHO, Josh is probably the best mod here.:thumbsup: Please, nobody take offense to that, because I probably am a bit biased;) It would be very stupid to quit based on what a few people think about mods. I'm pretty sure I'm done now. :D
Looks like this has been an active thread.

First of all...Josh:

I specifically said that some of the moderators are in my opinion doing a GREAT job! One of those is you. Please don't take offense at my GENERAL critisicm. Now, I am not trying to "flame" or "snipe" certain people because I don't like them. However, I'm sure if you look around a bit you too will realize that some of our moderators aren't doing as good a job as perhaps they should be. For one thing, moderators should be people who are on quite a bit so they can do their job well. One of our moderators hasn't posted in 2-3 weeks, and another has posted 10-12 times in the last 3-4 months!
I realize that these people have other obligations and lives to live, as do I, and I don't hold this against them. It seems to me, however, that the fact that they haven't been online has (obviously, I suppose), limited their ability to do their job! to whether GTP is a great site...
Yes, it is! Many of you have responded with things to the effect of "Well, maybe you don't, but I LOVE Gtp!" Let me tell you something...I wouldn't be spending this much time trying to HELP Gtp if I didn't love it! Jordan has done a great job here, and I am excited about what is coming in the future.

I hope people realize I am only trying to make GTP better, and my intent isn't to bash anyone or the site itself.

Thanks. :)
Originally posted by Josh
How 'bout I quit being a moderator?. Apparently none of our mods are doing a good job, and that means I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm tired of being mocked. I'm tired of people calling us high & mighty. I'm tired of being accused of using my "godlike moderator powers." I'm tired of not being able to speak my mind just because I'm a moderator. If I say something that is wrong in the slightest way, I get griped at like there's no tomorrow. If someone who isn't a moderator says something that is wrong in the slightest way, guess what happens..., yup...not a damn thing.

Some of you people are unbeleivable...

I am agreeing with Josh. As a former moderator I am saying this: When we and Rice had our "fight" a while ago I was highly judged by GTPlanet members and mods, Rice a non-mod lost all of his posts where I received basically no punishment, now that i refect on that I should have received some punishment BMW said this "As a mod Zero you should not do that kind of crap and you need to never do it again" Then there came the whole 9 boards thing where I lost my mod powers and lost the right to call GTPlanet my home board, I am just a visitor here, not a member. Pako can back that statement up if he wishes. Then later I have seen this place grow bigger and bigger. I really think this thread should be closed since there is no real point to it other than Stealth and others flaming people. BMW did what he had to now lets forget it, its old news and lets not bring it up again. I have known Josh on this site since I joined and posted back in August, and this is the first time I have ever seen him mad at anyone. It must take a lot to get Josh that mad and if I was in his position I would have done the same thing. I think I have said enough for right now.
I can't believe the reaction this has caused.

Nothing personal was aimed at Josh. I haven't taken an oppurtunity to flame ANYONE, with the exception of BMW, who asked for by being a complete jerk and acting like he was king of the world (then, of course, promptly leaving).

Is constructive criticism not allowed?
Originally posted by Stealth Viper
I can't believe the reaction this has caused.

Nothing personal was aimed at Josh. I haven't taken an oppurtunity to flame ANYONE, with the exception of BMW, who asked for by being a complete jerk and acting like he was king of the world (then, of course, promptly leaving).

Is constructive criticism not allowed?

Josh's comment, and the following posts regarding his, were not instigated by this thread alone. There was outside interference that just happened to be at the same time.

Unfortunately, it just looks like this thread has pissed him off, which isn't entirely true, and we have no way of proving that to you guys. Trust me Stealth Viper, you're not at fault, so don't worry yourself.
