Sony Reveals New PlayStation 5 Faceplate Designs & Controllers, in Five New Colors

  • Thread starter Famine
Ima order my purple faceplate now so I'll have it in 2025 when I finally get a PS5.
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They took their sweet time over it. I wonder if redesign of PS5 will be out shortly afterwards too so will be interesting to see how they handle customisation of that. I may be tempted by a smaller GT designed one especially if it's designed to no longer need a stand to use horizontally. This reminds of the fascia replacement days when Nokia used to dominate, some were so gaudy and poor quality :lol:. Great idea as they probably make a lot more on this than the console hardware sale itself.
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They took their sweet time over it.
From what I understand, it was because the faceplate design patent wasn't actually granted until recently, though it has been pending. That's why the third-party chaps jumped on it.
From what I understand, it was because the faceplate design patent wasn't actually granted until recently, though it has been pending. That's why the third-party chaps jumped on it.
Yeah, I heard they have have been getting some patents approved recently that they filed last year. Hopefully VR reveal not long to go now. Now them chaps know why Sony were threatening them. It's kind of amazing you can get a patent approved for something like that even now.
I maybe will be tempted if they did the Grey colour. My favourite consoles being PS1 and SNES, they just looked so well designed.
I wish the black was the standard option, in line with the rest of the generations. It looks so good.

That purple looks particularly sweet though...
What people really want is access to a console. Feels like insult to injury when these “options” are coming out and marketed when Sony can’t even get the console out to the masses. 🤷‍♂️

The purple would be cool though.
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I'll be changing mine for the Galactic Purple colour for sure and the controller too, heck maybe now is the time to buy a spare controller.

Good news for those of you who finally wanted an official Black PS5
What people really want is access to a console. Feels like insult to injury when these “options” are coming out and marketed when Sony can’t even get the console out to the masses. 🤷‍♂️
Probably among the reasons it's only out now. There's... what, 14m consoles out there now, and likely 20m if they can get stock made and shipped by the end of FY21 Q3 (January 31). Easier to sell faceplates to 20m consumers than the 4m there were this time last year - and people will pick them up anticipating consoles now too.
That purple looks particularly sweet though...

I'm seriously considering the purple one

The purple would be cool though.

I'll be changing mine for the Galactic Purple colour for sure
Never in the history of GTP have so many people been so right simultaneously...
As a ps5 owner I have no interest in ruining the looks of my ps5 with those signal colors. I don't own a night club 🤣