Sony stops production of PlayStation 2

  • Thread starter Pebb
A PS3 for 1050-1400$?
Games 115-255$? Fuuuuuuuu!!!
And that is why I'm importing my PS3 from the states (because that's what independent stores do to suck the money out of you) with GT5 :) and it might look like much but you can buy the games with a little saving up (because we have a good economy). As for the tax not really blame the independent stores (those A.H's don't have an idea about the industry and people will buy anything at any price here because of fraggin' consumerism and general ignorance of the people who think they know about the industry.)
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The problem is not only having a functioning PS2 in the future, it's also having a functioning CRT TV because the PS2 games look awful on HDTVs and that's all you'll find in shops since long.
The problem is not only having a functioning PS2 in the future, it's also having a functioning CRT TV because the PS2 games look awful on HDTVs and that's all you'll find in shops since long.

Still got my trusty crt in the kids living room
To get better picture, run PS2 games in their default 4:3 aspect ratio on HD tv ( there will be black bar on either side ), unless the game can be displayed in 16:9. I always sit further back to make the picture a bit better :)
I think I'm going to pick a slim up, sold my working perfectly fine slim a couple years back.:banghead: How does GT4 look in 1080i?
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