Sort by Replied to...?

  • Thread starter Voltron
Jordan, would it be possible to add the sort option to the site template of sorting by the threads we've replied to? Such that we could start our GTP sessions by viewing those particular threads first if we wanted? I searched for this topic and didn't find it so forgive me if I'm too lame and someone else has already wasted your time with this!
Sounds like a good idea - so you could just check up on the threads you've been actively participating in, and then read everything else later. Useful for those of us with limited time (like me at the moment, in the British Airways Lounge at Heathrow!)
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
Sounds like a good idea - so you could just check up on the threads you've been actively participating in, and then read everything else later. Useful for those of us with limited time (like me at the moment, in the British Airways Lounge at Heathrow!)

Now that's hardcore GTP dedication! :eek:
Well, there is an option in My GTPlanet which allows you to automatically subscribe to any thread you reply to, but I'm not sure if you're aware of that and just don't want the email notifications.

You can always see threads you have replied to by going to the search page and entering your username in the top-right field. :)
Excelent! Thanks Jordan. I guess I had not yet used the search engine. My bad!

btw: GTP is my homepage! Awesome site! Just glad I'm not in school anyomore :lol:
Originally posted by Jazza
I reckon! :eek:
BTW I once surfed GTP while in a shopping centre carpark, does that count as dedication?
How did you have internet access in the parking lot? That's cool!
Originally posted by Ghostrider
I can hook up thru my Nextel cell phone and surf with my laptop. :)
Awesome. How do you do such a thing? I have a Nextel phone but I wasn't aware of those capabilities (dreams of long road trips with net access)... :D
Originally posted by Ghostrider
I can hook up thru my Nextel cell phone and surf with my laptop. :)

At what speed? Because my dad has internet on his nokia 9210 and it's terribly s l o w ! !

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