Star Wars Battlefront ;)

  • Thread starter dice1998
Its double XP for those who don't know this weekend.
I've just started playing again after quite some time and I'm sort of devastated that you now level up past 50. The amount of times I watched the xp bar going round without levelling up and now having to start working my way up from 50 again ..... I feel kind of robbed. Oh well this weekend is helping, 58 and climbing.
Anyone still playing this game?

I shredded my disc (don't ask how) so I don't play anymore but here's a good video of the last Drop Zone tournament if you guys find competitive playing interesting.


GG krennic, even with the recent nerf to his armour breaker ability its still borderline broken at range.
Krennic on Survivors of Endors is OP. Also on Hoth. He's boring to use, since you have to stay at a distance but he's basically a fortress with his droid, shield, extra health and death guards.

So I bought the game back for $7 dollars from the PS Store, so now i'm back on the battlefront :D
I have no idea how people are still managing to play this game at all. Literally every lobby I go into has one or two people that are hacking like mad and it's supper annoying. I've gone to play BF1 and R6 Siege for my FPS now thanks to it. Shame really, I'm such a Star Wars nut, and I can't play a Star Wars game anymore.
I have no idea how people are still managing to play this game at all. Literally every lobby I go into has one or two people that are hacking like mad and it's supper annoying. I've gone to play BF1 and R6 Siege for my FPS now thanks to it. Shame really, I'm such a Star Wars nut, and I can't play a Star Wars game anymore.

Switch to console dude....

Nah seriously, I feel sorry for PC players like you, since DICE could not care less about hackers. And the Fairfight system they have in place only bans legitimate real good player who aren't hacking at all... It is a shame, and I hope for their own sake that they fix that in the upcoming battlefront game.
Switch to console dude....

Never going back. But don't want to go into that rant.

It's weird you know. Aren't the Battlefield and Battlefront games on the same engine and much of the same everything? So wouldn't something that works with one, work with the other? I've yet to see a hacker in Battlefield 1.
Never going back. But don't want to go into that rant.

It's weird you know. Aren't the Battlefield and Battlefront games on the same engine and much of the same everything? So wouldn't something that works with one, work with the other? I've yet to see a hacker in Battlefield 1.

DICE Sweden worked on Battlefront and DICE LA did Battlefield. Same developer and publisher but two different teams. Also, Battlefield is pretty much EA/DICE's flagship FPS and strongest answer to Activision's COD, Killzone, etc. So they probably felt that they had to monitor it better than a game like Battlefront where most of the fan-base is just content with playing a star wars themed game.

Obviously this is not the case with you or I, who expected a better designed game with more content, less bugs, and just more attention in general from the devs. Hopefully now with EA's CFO announcing that they will shift their focus on the battlefront franchise and take a break from battlefield, we will finally get the game we deserve 👍
DICE Sweden worked on Battlefront and DICE LA did Battlefield. Same developer and publisher but two different teams. Also, Battlefield is pretty much EA/DICE's flagship FPS and strongest answer to Activision's COD, Killzone, etc. So they probably felt that they had to monitor it better than a game like Battlefront where most of the fan-base is just content with playing a star wars themed game.

Obviously this is not the case with you or I, who expected a better designed game with more content, less bugs, and just more attention in general from the devs. Hopefully now with EA's CFO announcing that they will shift their focus on the battlefront franchise and take a break from battlefield, we will finally get the game we deserve 👍

That's good. Battlefield has gone down hill since Bad Company 2 IMO. The games haven't been as fun for me since then. Back in Bad Company 2, I literally played maybe 30+ Days online. I bet I barely have 2 days since Battlefield 3, 4 and now 1. They just seem to have lost the excitement from my eyes.
I have no idea how people are still managing to play this game at all. Literally every lobby I go into has one or two people that are hacking like mad and it's supper annoying. I've gone to play BF1 and R6 Siege for my FPS now thanks to it. Shame really, I'm such a Star Wars nut, and I can't play a Star Wars game anymore.

What servers are you playing on @Kamuifanboy ? Persobally have only seen 1 or 2 over the course of a month or so playing on eu servers.
So I usually refrain from buying EA titles, but upon learning that the game featured couch coop, I just had to have it. I've done some single player skirmishes, and I have to say I am impressed. The graphics are great, the sound amazing, and the feel of the weapons and vehicles are on point, although I wish I had full control over the flying ones.

It's just good old fun, and the fact that all guns appear to be unlocked in single player is really nice. I doubt I'll play multiplayer at all, so I'll give the DLC's a pass.

I got it for my PS4, because I think a game like this is best played on a big screen TV with a proper sound setup. Also no way I'm ever going to bother with using or Origin again.

Also excited to give the VR mission a try.
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So I usually refrain from buying EA titles, but upon learning that the game featured couch coop, I just had to have it. I've done some single player skirmishes, and I have to say I am impressed. The graphics are great, the sound amazing, and the feel of the weapons and vehicles are on point, although I wish I had full control over the flying ones.

It's just good old fun, and the fact that all guns appear to be unlocked in single player is really nice. I doubt I'll play multiplayer at all, so I'll give the DLC's a pass.

I got it for my PS4, because I think a game like this is best played on a big screen TV with a proper sound setup. Also no way I'm ever going to bother with using or Origin again.

Also excited to give the VR mission a try.

Just remember that in multiplayer, you aren't getting strafed by starfighters every ten seconds.
Just remember that in multiplayer, you aren't getting strafed by starfighters every ten seconds.

But where's the fun in that? :lol:

I kind of enjoy turning around as they pass me by, and firing up into the air while screaming "You missed!".
For a while I've been thinking about DICE implementing a class system for the new Battlefront instead of using Star Cards. Here's where I'm at right now. Keep in mind, these are all for Clones, but there can easily be Battle Droid equivalents.

Infantry - The basic soldier available to all newcomers. While they might not possess specialized equipment, Clone Infantry should not be underestimated for their strength and resilience on the front lines.
- Several choices of battle rifles, carbines, or SMGs.
- Several choices of blaster pistols. They are only basic models.
- One Thermal Detonator or Impact Grenade
- No unique equipment

Sniper - One of the deadliest forces in combat, Clone Snipers excel at picking off targets from afar with the utmost precision. Sniper rifles deal more damage while scoped in. Rifles can be suppressed but will negate any damage bonus from scoping in.
- They may use either a bolt-action rifle with high damage or a semi-automatic rifle that can be fired faster with slightly less damage.
- Access to all heavy blaster pistols except for the WESTAR-34.
- One gadget: Impact grenade, spotting device, or decoy device that mimics blaster sounds and lures enemies towards it.
- Snipers are spotted more easily by opposing snipers

Scout Trooper - Watch your six, a Clone Scout Trooper lurking in the shadows might have their sights on you. These advanced soldiers move through the battlefield quietly and perform surgical takedowns on enemy forces.
- Suppressed SMGs or blaster carbines.
- Light, suppressed, semi-automatic blaster pistols.
- EMP grenade or flashbang
- Their temporary cloak ability allows them to appear almost invisible for several seconds.
- Their body armor and suppressed weapons are weaker than other classes.

Engineer - When a practical problem arises, such as a Trade Federation battle tank rolling up to your squadron, look no further than a Clone Engineer to solve it. The Clone Engineer can deploy a stationary blaster cannon or auto turret that will make short work of any C.I.S. scum that try to rain on your parade.
- Carbine or shotgun.
- Same pistols as the Infantry class.
- Thermal Detonator or Impact Grenade
- Stationary blaster cannon has a small shield that will absorb several blaster shots before deactivating. Auto turret locks onto nearby enemies and eliminates them in seconds.

Heavy Gunner - A true force to be reckoned with, the Clone Heavy Gunner wields a massive Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon that will mow down any opposing force it's pointed at.
- Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon. It boasts an extremely high RoF, but has very high spread at longer distances. It's best suited for taking out vehicles or large groups of enemies.
- One light blaster pistol.
- Thermal Detonator.
- Slow movement speed means they are a primary target of enemy snipers.

Jet Trooper - Flying into battle, the Clone Jet Trooper clears rooftops of enemy forces and navigates around obstacles that other troopers can't.
- Can dual-wield DC-17 light blaster pistols, but players cannot equip an SMG while dual wielding.
- Thermal Detonator, EMP grenade, or flashbang.
- They can be shot down very easily due to the jetpack's weak fuel tank.

Gunslinger - Often times, going in guns blazing is the only option. Charging forward with a blaster pistol in each hand, the Clone Gunslinger forgoes accuracy for raw firepower and speed at close-range fights.
- Dual wields two of the same pistol type.
- Has access to all pistols including the WESTAR-34 (Jango Fett's guns), but they are locked for higher ranking players.
- Has a faster movement speed due to weaker armor and only carrying two pistols instead of a rifle.
I see the game hasn't even officially even been shown yet and they've already got the withheld content planned out that you have to pre-order or pay more for.:rolleyes:
I see the game hasn't even officially even been shown yet and they've already got the withheld content planned out that you have to pre-order or pay more for.:rolleyes:

If at this stage you have not come to realize that the video game industry is all about making that $$$, then you need to wake up already. Why do you think EA invested in buying the video game rights for SW Battlefront when they found out Disney bought Lucas Arts? Because they knew Disney's intentions to keep the series going and they know the loyal fan base SW has. Plus they need to keep up with their quarterly reports.

Surely there are developers out there who provide plenty of free content to their players; hell, even EA did that with Titanfall II. But this is SW we're talking and the opportunity for them to profit from it is too big to ignore.

Does that mean that I am unhappy with the game, even this current Battlefront? nope. For what I have paid, the game has returned the hours of entertainment 10 fold of what I would have spent somewhere else. But then again, that is a personal opinion.

However, as much as I understand why they do things the way they do, I will hold up on pre-ordering until I see further trailers, gameplay and possibly a Beta.

EDIT: BTW, the game releases in November. The movie Star Wars: The Last Jedi is coming until December. It only makes sense EA would withhold content from the game doesn't it?
As much as it makes sense for them to release it with The Last Jedi, I wish they would wait another year so it's a complete game. SWBF 2015 was so obviously rushed and incomplete with a horrible launch. I want this game to succeed and have a better experience, but the release coming so soon has me worried.
Well if anything, content for TLJ will be released later in a DLC fashion like Outer Rim was. Probably around February or March.
If at this stage you have not come to realize that the video game industry is all about making that $$$, then you need to wake up already. Why do you think EA invested in buying the video game rights for SW Battlefront when they found out Disney bought Lucas Arts? Because they knew Disney's intentions to keep the series going and they know the loyal fan base SW has. Plus they need to keep up with their quarterly reports.

Surely there are developers out there who provide plenty of free content to their players; hell, even EA did that with Titanfall II. But this is SW we're talking and the opportunity for them to profit from it is too big to ignore.

Does that mean that I am unhappy with the game, even this current Battlefront? nope. For what I have paid, the game has returned the hours of entertainment 10 fold of what I would have spent somewhere else. But then again, that is a personal opinion.

However, as much as I understand why they do things the way they do, I will hold up on pre-ordering until I see further trailers, gameplay and possibly a Beta.

EDIT: BTW, the game releases in November. The movie Star Wars: The Last Jedi is coming until December. It only makes sense EA would withhold content from the game doesn't it?

Wake up? Pfft, I'm well aware of it, doesn't mean I hate it any less. I'm old enough now to remember "The good old days".:lol: