Supreme: Life & Death at 300Kmh... CHAPTER 14: ??? IS HERE!!!

  • Thread starter MoLiEG
Mexico City
Hello people, how are you doing??? Well... this is my 1st fanfic attempt in a while, hope you like it :)





"The birds start to sing as the sun starts to rise on the french fields that surround the racing complex of the Circuit de la Sarthe, were the toughest and most exciting race in the world takes place… it’s almost the end of the race… the people of France and the entire racing world are just minutes away of saluting their new monarch…

After a 24 hours battle that could be described as “the best race ever” in motorsports history, driving-sensation and Audi’s no. 1 driver, Daniel Barrera is about to complete his journey to the top by winning at Le Mans. His career, marked by improbable wins and legendary comebacks, was just 5 minutes away to glory and eternity… to immortality…

But fate had other plans for Barrera that day… while immortality was indeed in the driver’s fate… winning at Le Mans was not… in order to get his place in history, Barrera would have to go through a path full of pain and sacrifice… a path that will test him to the limit… a path where the ultimate sacrifice may be required… the sacrifice… of his own life…"

…5 minutes ‘till the end of the race… Dan scores another impressive lap time…

TM: Team Manager

D: Dan


TM – Good lap time son, just 2 more laps, keep it simple and take that flag…

D – Sure I’ll do… better get ready for the celebration, chief…

TM – you still have 2 laps… better watch out… it isn’t over until the fat lady sings…

D- No prob…Dan over for now…

Dan takes the 1st corners of the circuit like a rocket...

@ The Mulsanne straight…


D- A Viper... I've always wanted to race in a Viper... maybe next year...

Dan overtakes the Viper, he's flying...


D-I'm like the wind...

After a minute of pure speed and acceleration, Dan gets to the Mulsanne corner…

D - A lap and a half to go… nothing can stop me now…

And then… another slow car appears…


D – No big deal, I’ll just flash my lights and pass him…

But then… tragedy….



The slower car touched Dan’s R8… sending him to the wall at +300km/h…the car disappeared in a fireball…


The party-like atmosphere at Dan’s pit vanished in a millisecond… smiles transformed in tears and desperation…

“Ohhh lord, Barrera has crashed… oh my god… it’s… horrendous… the fire… Ohhh dear lord…, the car has just vanished…where are the paramedics! We need a helicopter” –cried the announcer, almost in tears… “for the love of lord, someone get there, please”…


The fire continued for a time that felt almost like a lifetime… and then, finally… an ambulance and a fire truck appear…


Yet again, for a period of time that seems endless, the crews of both vehicles fight the fire and look for Barrera, who was lost inside that sea of flames…

And then… the light…

“They have Barrera, Ohhh lord, he looks bad… my god… why? Ohhh goood why???” The announcer said…
The race was stopped… everybody was quiet… the entire crowd was silent… no one knew what was going to happen… after a few seconds, the silence was broken by the flight of a helicopter and the sirens of the ambulances…
Now Barrera’s life was in the hands of destiny… the true race has begun…


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Bio's will come up in order of apperance:

Dan Barrera:

"The main protagonist of the story. Dan made his way to racing after a track day at a very important racetrack... impressing some team owners who happened to be that day on the track. His driving style, often described as “way too aggressive” gave him the nickname of “The Predator”. His driving skills made him victorious rather quickly, making him one of the household names of motorsport at a very early age. Mentally strong enough to overcome painful mistakes, he mastered the art of comeback racing, winning races that someone else would have dropped… after having conquered everything in his path, only Le Mans was missing from his “to do” list before going to F1.

The only thing that could stop him was himself… “and maybe fate”, as he once said…

But behind the driver’s helmet, a very simple, yet complex man could be found. A big fan of pasta, pizza and anything related to Italy, football and cars (obviously), Dan was a normal person with normal problems… well, maybe not that normal…"

Noah Gage:

"Dan's best friend and confident. They have been together since elementary school. They share a bond so deep they consider each other more than just friends, but brothers. Whenever things start going wrong, they support each other and find a way to rise again...Also, he's a 1st class comedian and will always find a way to make you laugh...

He doesn't knows it yet, but he holds the key to the survival of Dan's Legacy... He will serve mainly as the narrator of our story..."

Rick Carter:

"He's been friends with Noah and Dan since elementary school. Intelligent, and adventurous, Rick will always defend his friends, no matter what. Just like Dan and Noah, he's a big fan of cars... especially Ferraris... He is the "sportsman" of the trio: he has practised a lot of sports during his life, including swimming, hill climbing, and mountain biking, to name a few...

His passion for the "Cavallino Rampante" will play a huge role in the future..."
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It's good so far. Keep it up.

Here's a tip, color coat the text so you know which character it is, instead of things like, "TM", it makes it look much nicer. But, you're new at this, you don't know as much, you'll get well sooner or later! 👍
It's good so far. Keep it up.

Here's a tip, color coat the text so you know which character it is, instead of things like, "TM", it makes it look much nicer. But, you're new at this, you don't know as much, you'll get well sooner or later! 👍

The 1st response already??? Yei!!! :D Thanks Ryou

Thanks for the tip... I'll modify the text tomorrow... I have to sleep now ;)

Chapter 2 will come sometime between tomorrow and Wednesday :)
Hello people! Chapter Two will be ready tomorrow ;) I'll edit this message once it gets here!

Goodnite for now! :)

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👍 Looking forward, you have great potential! Seems like it'll progress much like mine, rather meh at first, then you get better and better, great leveling experience!
Here it is! Chapter Two coming in hot!!! :)

Dedicated to... ammm.... I'm not telling you... :D All I have to say is... GET WELL SOON! :)




And finally… he opened his eyes… it’s been 5 days since the crash that almost took my best friend’s life…

I arrived at the Centre Hospitalier du Mans about 10 minutes after I hanged up the phone… As usual, cameras and TV reporters had surrounded the entrance of the building… but today I had no time to deal with them… Instead of using the main entrance of the Hospital, I decided to use the ambulance entrance at the back of the Hospital… after having a word with the policeman, he let me in…

I continued my race towards the room 79 by literally climbing the stairs in fast motion… avoiding eye contact with everybody…
And Finally I was there… I even forgot my manners, I just opened the doors… and there he was… lying on his bed, looking at the window…

Dan!!! Thank God!!!

Thank the Doctors… god had nothing to do in this one…

How can you say that? I mean… I don’t know what to say… I’m so happy to see you...

Me too, Noah… me too… I was starting to believe they left me abandoned here, like an old dog…

Don’t ever think that again… seriously…

Sorry bro… I think this morning long isolation is making me malfunction…

Nahh… I don’t think so… I think you are as “functional” as always…

Indeed… well… since you came here… tell me, how much time did I sleep? I said before it was like isolation since the nurse that was here abandoned me when I woke up…

4 Days bro… It’s been 4 days… you were in comma 2 of them… you technically came back from the dead…

Hmmm… that makes me a zombie… cool… BRAINZZZZ…

LOL… you and your bad jokes… but you don’t have an idea of how happy I am to hear them…

Bad jokes… where???

There you go again…

Sorry bro… And… what about the race?

The Peugeot took the win… But there was no celebration… the entire atmosphere transformed after the crash… I was like a funeral… there was no champagne, no celebration at all…

I think I kinda ruined the day… didn’t I?

It wasn’t your fault…

I… I don’t know… You know, I had time to think a lot of things this morning… and you know… it´s incredible all this started with something as stupid as skipping classes on my birthday…

Yeah… I remember it like it was yesterday…

Le flashback begins…

Are you sure this is a good idea? What if your mothers discover that we are not on school?

Don’t be such a guurl Noah! It’s the cleverest plan I’ve ever had… Besides, it’s today or never; it’s the last day the Autumn Ring is going to be open for the public, and who knows when it’s going to happen again… I just can’t miss it…

Ok Dan… I hope we don’t get hurt or something…

Believe me, that would be nothing compared to the beating we would get from our parents afterwards…

That won’t help, you are making me nervous…

Such a gurl…



@The Autumn Ring

Can you believe this track… it’s awesome… I’ve always wanted to drive here since I was a little kid…

Yep, it’s an interesting track... too bad we can only drive on the short version of it…

I don’t care as long as I get my car on it… but anyway… are you ready my friend?

I was born ready, b….h!

That’s the spirit! Let’s go for some laps!

"I remember it very clearly; we drove like maniacs on the track for around 20 minutes… there was no pressure, no prize, just fun… it was us, the track, and some other cars…"


Back then, my car used to be a Hyundai Tiburón...

But I knew Dan enough to know he was on the Autumn Ring for something else…

After I decided I was done, I decided to enter the pits. As I was preparing to go, I heard this voice on the track…


“He better get out of the track quickly” I thought…

Following that, I got a call… from Dan…

What the… Dan??? Where are you???

Why did you leave? I wanted you to see the present I got to myself…

Do…don…don’t tell me you are racing?

Your deduction powers are correct, Watson…

Are you f…ng kidding me???

No, I’m not… Now, could you please take your seat, I’m about to begin my show…

Dan, for the love of god, this isn’t Gran Turismo!!! You could really get killed… Dan… Damn it Dan!

He handed up the phone…

I ran to the grandstands… the race was about to start… My phone rang again…

Are you still there?

Damn it Dan… what have you done?

Don’t worry bro, It will be ok… Look, I might never become a race driver, that’s why, for at least once, I want to win a race… I want to know what it feels like, what glory feels like… what winning feels like…

I… I don’t know what to say… just be careful ok? I don’t want to tell your mom that her son was crushed in a car crash…

Fear not… I’m not planning to die in a car crash… well, it’s about to start, do you have a good place?

I think so… Yes, I have clear view of the main straight…

Good, now… I want you to relax and enjoy my show… Dan off…

He hanged up the phone again as the race was about to begin… he was 5th out of 8… I knew he had done some tweaks to his mother’s car… but I didn’t realize how much modified it was until I saw him racing it…


On the 1st corner of the 1st lap he tried to overtake a white Peugeot in 4th, but he ended up in the sand…


Because of this, the lost one place to another Peugeot…


I could feel he was very nervous, since he went to the sand again… for the 2nd time in the race…


But on the main straight he got his 5th place back… now he was back on track… 2 laps remain…


On the 1st corner, however, I almost felt he would kill himself… he decided to attempt the very same maneuver that he used on the 1st lap… but luckily, he managed to get him…


On the next few corners he took 3rd place like he was on a videogame… it looked extremely unreal… at the beginning of the final lap… only two cars stood on his way to the win… at that point, I had no doubt he would make it…



He repeated for the 3rd time his overtaking maneuver on the 1st corner… and he made it again… one car remaining…


The Citroën in front of him was fast… as most red cars are… he denied Dan the 1st place during most of the last lap…



It would come down to the last corner and the main straight, were Dan’s Clio had the advantage… but I wasn’t sure if that would be enough…




OMG!!! He did it!!! He DID IT!!!

My phone rang…





Le flashback ends…​

Yes, those were good times… Once I get better I wanna go back to the Autumn Ring, that would be the perfect therapy…

We will my friend… we will…


Now, some important notes:

-The Centre Hospitalier du Mans is a real place in Le Mans, France, I didn't invent it... :dopey:

-Noah saw the race on a big TV that was located near the grandstands... that's why he saw all of Dan's moves... :sly:

-Yes... 2 of the cars that Dan defeated are rather new :scared:... but this is a fanfic... pretend they are other cars... that's why imagination exists... :)

Chapter 3 will come sometime during next week...

Thanks!!! See you later!!! ;)
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Great chapter showing Flashback's and Peugeot powaa! :P

Although, I found things that you could fix. Instead of using periods to replace letters in a curse word, use the 🤬 emoticon, I find it cleaner.

Also, 3rd, was accidentally misspelled as, 3th, on one part, might also want to fix that.

And I think this would be better at the end as,


It gives you that feeling of excitement you're looking for.
Thanks for the feedback Ryou :)

I already feel I'm starting to get used to write in english again :dopey:

I just fixed some grammar mistakes, also ;)
Hello people! A quick announce: Chapter III should be up on Monday :)

And a question: Are you enjoying it so far??? :dunce:
Yes! Yes! I am enjoying this story a lot! I got quite surprised when he crashed.
Hello guys! Unfortunately Chapter III won't be up today :( ... I promise I will deliver it sometime during the week... Besides, I have some concerns about the lenght of the chapters... :indiff: I don't want to bore you to death with tons of writing and little track action & photos... :nervous:

And... to make things worse... I have to deliver a school project on Wednesday... so I don't have a lot of time available atm... Please be pacient, I'm doing my best :)

Later!!! ;)
Hello guys!

I have a little announcement to make... since the story I want to tell is too long and I want you enjoy it without long interruptions, I've decided that I will release the chapters in parts... so for tonight... part 1 of Chapter 3! :) (finally)

And also, the Biographies post has been updated ;)


Dedicated to my friend N.... thanks you for all these years of friendship!!! :)




You know, Noah… -Dan said after we finished our little flashback to our first race. –You’ve just given me an idea… Since it seems I’m going to be tied to this bed for some time… I’ve decided to spend some time in another of my personal goals…

You mean… you are finally going to finish Megaman X8???

NO! Not that one… well… maybe… I mean… don’t change our conversation!

Sorry bro… so, you were saying?


Dan is a really awful Megaman X player...

Yes… I was about to tell you… I’ve decided to start writing my own biography…

Wow!… I mean, it’s an awesome idea!… you’ve always been pretty good at writing…

Yes… but, given my actual condition, you’ll have to help me for some time…

Sure! What can I do for you?

Well, since I think you don’t have your laptop with you at the moment, I think you’ll have to borrow a typewriter from someone from the hospital…

What if I just simply record our conversation?… I don’t think there’s a single typewriter on a 10mile radius…

I… believe you are correct… I forgot that we are not back home… sorry…

No prob… We’ll… let me open the recorder tool of my phone… done… so… you tell me… we begin with?...

I was glad I could help my buddy with this… besides, during the last 3 years we haven’t seen each other pretty often… so it was a good opportunity to catch up with each other…

I kinda want to focus on my racing career on this work. –He said. Let me see… since we already talked about that race on Autumn Ring… the next important race I had was…

King’s Road –I interrupted him…

Yes… King’s Road… I remember know…

King’s Road was a circuit that was just under construction back then. It was located near the ruins of an old castle… which inspired the track’s name… Dan had the great idea of celebrating new year with a little weekend trip to the circuit to do some testing on his new ride… a Lexus SC430… His parents gave him the car in a very poor state so he could rebuild it. With a little help of one of our longtime friends, Rick Carter, we created a drag monster capable of developing 449HP… The car was so ferocious it was nicknamed “Black Beast” by Dan himself…

-Le flashback begins…​

Well gentlemen, we are finally here…

I’m glad we arrived, for a moment I thought we were not going to make it…

Come on!

I mean it bro… sometimes I think you don’t even watch the speed limit…

I wasn’t driving that fast…

Do you realize you were driving @ 200kmh on a 140kmh zone?

Well… hehehe… what can I say?

The circuit was close to a small town. After we checked in on a small hotel near the track, we decided to go to the track to see what was going on… After a brief talk to the track officials we decided to inscribe the car to the FR Event, which was going to be held the next day at 6pm…


After we finished our inscription process, we decided to get something to eat on the local restaurant… We were starving, so we ordered 2 big Hawaiian Pizzas… We spent the rest of the day travelling around the town, taking photos & fooling around...

The Next Day…

@ At the race track…

It was a simple event: 4 laps race around the track, 1st place takes around $3000. We were following the events of the race that started earlier than ours on the track’s pit lane, when we heard some unpleasant words from someone behind us…

“…Can you believe these losers… they brought their mother’s car to the race… Just look at it! It looks awful! And those rims… Daaaamn! I bet it gets to 60 in 3.2 years!!! This car has no style, just like the rest of the cars we are racing… they should just give us the prize right now…”

Dan heard all of it… he wasn’t angry, he was furious…

Do you kiss your mother with that dirty mouth, punk? –He said…

Woo Woo Wooo!!!… Ya talking to me loser??? Is that your ride???

Yes, it’s OUR ride… referring to Rick, Himself and I…

You must be the Powerpuff boyz then!!! Cuz this car looks pretty much like a cartoon!!! … He and his friends began laughing…

Very funny punk… very funny, but not as funny as you, pretending you are gangsta, with your bandana, your Lakers jersey… shall I continue?

The trio of idiots stopped laughing…

So… what do we have here… a boy who thinks he’s a man… you have guts kid… you have them… but you don’t know what you got yourself into… You know who I am? I’m Drake, the King of this Highway… and these… -pointing the two guys who were with him… - are my boyz Hank and Ron, We RUN this place!!!… We don’t know defeat!!!

And you don’t know manners, as I can see!!!
… -Rick said… he clearly got fired up also… Dan can defeat you anywhere, anytime!!!

So you don’t drive sweetheart??? What are you then??? His personal cheerleader???

ENOOUGH!!! Dan shouted… If you… and your bodyguards are as good as you claim to be… why don’t we settle this on the track??? The winner gets a double payout and bragging rights… interested?

Yeees… Drake is interested… It will be a pleasure to take all that money from you…

We’ll see gangsta… we’ll see… I’ll see you on the track…

Of course I’ll do… see you later sweetheart…

And they left…

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It's a great chapter, still emphasizing your writing well. I definitely see a great improvement in your writing, and as you move forward, it shall be boundless.

Keep up the unique ideas implemented in your chapters.


Why is Dan awful at MegaMan X? ;P
Dan is awful in Megaman because he has never completed one :crazy: ... at least on his own... He got help from his friends to get the armors in X5 -X6 :)

Anyway... here's part 2. Hope you like it! :)


Sometime later @ the pit lane…

I just checked their cars… one of them has a Blue Corvette, the other one has a Black Merc… and our main guy has a red M3, it looks extremely fast… you better be careful…

Fear not. I have this under control… do you think I’m planning to lose to those punks… they are nothing…

Leave your anger out of the equation Dan; remember what happened last time you raced in rage mode…

Yes, I do remember… I’ll keep it simple, I promise… Those guys are going down... –He said. He looked pretty confident… Do you have the walky-talkies and the camera ready Rick?


Yes they are… everything is ready now Dan…

Excellent –Dan said… Well gentlemen… preparations are complete… Let’s do this!!!

@ the race track:


Dan was starting dead last… like several times before. For some strange reason he liked to make his way from behind… He said it was more satisfying than winning by starting from the pole. Sure, several times his decision to go from behind cost him the race (and our money, since we were a small “race team”), but today, there was no room for that… We were taking our seats when a deep voice coming from the outside caught our attention…

Gentlemen!!! Start your engines!!! –the local announcer shouted… It was time…

Just like a real race, the 12 participants took a warm up lap around the track. It was a twisty circuit… but the main straight was long enough for Dan to attempt some slipstream… We turned on the camera on board…

GO!!! GO!!! GO!!!!

Just like we thought! The straight is long enough! I can use it to my advantage… I’m going for the RX7!!!


And he got him…

I have a Silvia in front of me… maybe I can get him also!!!

Be careful! It’s almost the end of the straight!

Got it!


And he got him also… the V8 engine of the black Lexus was doing just fine…

But then…


Damn it!​

Careful on the 1st corner Dan! Don’t throw everything to the trash can so early!!!

Ok then! I’m back on track!



The Silvia he overtook earlier paid him the favor during this exchange… but Dan got him again pretty quick…


I’m on the straight!

Hit the gas Dan!!!


It’s working! … they have nothing on me! -he passed them easily and continued his way to lap 2…

Watch the corner!!! -Rick shouted on the earphone…

Ok! And don’t shout please! I can hear you perfectly fine! … I have 4 guys in front of me… the blue ‘Vette is one of our subjects?

Yes it is… go for him!


The guy in the blue Corvette was having some trouble with a slower car, that gave Dan a chance to get him pronto… All he had to do was get past the two cars that stood in his way…




He got them just before the straight… were the Corvette seemed to be even faster than Dan’s Lexus… But…


I got him!!! Full Speed!!!


Yes! Keep it up Dan!!! Lap 3, Lap 3!!!


He got the yellow BMW after the 1st corner…

And continued his way through the track... the leaders had a huge advantage…



Come oooon!!!​

Easy Dan… just keep the pace!!!

2nd time, don’t shout Rick… this helmet makes the sound stronger…



Final Lap Dan, this is it… do what you know to do!


Got it!!!

He got the Merc right after the 1st corner…


2 cars left! That Z seems slow, I’m getting him now!!!


And he did…

Only Ludacris is left!!!


-Rick said. Get that gangsta!!!

I think I can get him on the straight… It will be close…

6000 coins are on stake Dan, you better get it!!!


I will!!! Here goes!!! TO THE END!!!​

Hit the gas Dan!!!!!!!!!



I closed my eyes… I didn’t want to see…



He got it! He got it!!! -Rick started to shout…

Did he?!?!?! OMG!!! Yes!!!!!!!

Guys!!! We did it, it was a magnificent race, I wouldn’t have done it without you!!! Thank you!!!!

Thank you Dan! You just saved us $3000!!!


Later, @ the pit lane…

Sooo… I think you owe us something…

Here… you were lucky kid… -Drake said… -We will bring you down next time…

I’d love to see that… but next time bring a real car… I don’t want to see you fooling around with your mom’s car again on my track…

Drake and his guys made silence… it was pretty clear what Dan did… He used his same exact words against him… After a little silence… they left…

It is over guys! Now, let me see if these punks gave us the correct amount of cash...

Dan was beggining to count our money… when a strong voice called us…


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Shamed by an SC430! :lol: Those guys need to head to Yamamoto Racing School. :sly:
Hello guys! I hope you liked Chapter 3 as much as I did writting it :)

Chapter 4 is on the making, I'm not sure if I'm going to split it in 2 or 3 parts atm, but it will be a good one, also :)

I Gotta keep typing... there's so much I want to tell... :)

Hello everyone! Part 1 of Chapter 4 is up! :) Thankfully it didn't took me forever like last time ;)

And I have a special competition planed for this Chapter: If you can guess which car Dan is going to use next... I'm going to give you the exact car I used for the photo shoots :) Easy right???

And to make it even easier... I'm going to give you clues... :D

1st one: Look to the Chapter's tittle ;)





HEY YOU!!! –The deep voice called again…

Dan turned around very slowly… I could see he was scared… I was scared too, Rick was also scared… We were shocked… I think us three felt danger at that moment… Maybe playing Fast and Furious with those guys wasn’t a wise move after all…


Very slowly… the man with the deep voice began walking towards us… He was impeccably dressed…

Dan Barrera? –The Man said after he reached us…

Yes… Wh… h…what can I do for you?

Is the bet, right??? I… we… we didn’t want to become a problem sir… We can give it back if you want…

Bet??? What Bet???

–Ammm… Nothing sir...

After we realized it had nothing to do with the bet we did with those gangstas, our souls returned to our bodies… we were really freaked out…

Well… it appears you won the race, Mr. Barrera…

Yes… Yes I did, but I couldn’t have done it without my friends… You see, we are a team… sir…

Yes, I’ve noticed that Mr. Barrera… very well organized… Well… I have some news for you and your team… you see, we’ve been watching you for some time now…


Yes Mr. engineer… Ohh dear, were are my manners… I didn't introduce myself... I’m Mr. Ferdinand Hertz… I work as a scout for some big name racing teams… detecting raw talent on the tracks...


(OMG face by the three of us)

… I go up and down the country looking for the best street drivers… And you, Mr. Barrera, you are one of those hallowed few…

I’m… I’m honored sir… I don’t know what to say… -Dan said... he was extremely confused...

You, Mr Barrera, are one of the best street drivers of the country, you reputation, believe it or not, has crossed some barriers… people from abroad seem to be pretty interested in you… that’s why, as the elite racer you are… these people have decided you need to showcase your skills on a bigger show… -He took an envelope from his pocket… and he gave it to Dan…-Here…

What is this, sir?

And invitation… to the exclusive Track Day @ Deep Forest Raceway, 2 months from now… several team owners will be there, watching… judging… The winners from the different categories will have an opportunity to get signed as test drivers…

Dan couldn’t believe what he just heard…

I… I… I just… I’m… you…

And he gave the scout a hug… then he started to cry…

Thank you… Thank you!!!

Le flashback ends…

That was, without question, the best day of my life… -said Dan… he almost started to cry…

Yes… It was a very exciting moment… I’ll never forget it…

And thankfully… many other memorable days have followed… Everything has gone pretty well so far… except for this little accident…

He he… little… right!!!

As for the track day @ Deep Forest… I’ll never ever find a way to thank Rick for the car he gave me… he literally gave me wings…

Ahhh… the Darkhorse… that’s another great story for your writing project…

Yes it is… the DarkHorse… What a car!… I owe a lot to that pony…

Le flashback Begins…

Somewhere on the highway, on Rick's car... days after our race @ King' Road...
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It seems like it's obviously going to be a Ferrari. DarkHorse. Maybe a Ferrari Enzo or F40?

Anyways, great chapter.