Suzuka East Challenge (pro physics)

  • Thread starter unimental
I've run many, many laps @ Suzuka East in pursuit of the almighty lap with pro physics turned on, but have come up less than two tenths short. The current leader is a cheat, but is still only barely in the top spot and still in the 52's. No times have been posted as of this evening. So, since some of the best GT drivers post on or at least read these forums, I'd like to put forth this challenge:

Any car - Pro physics - R3 tires - Suzuka East - a legitimate* lap under 52 seconds.

I realize "any car" will likely be "only the new GTR", but someone could pull off a miracle with the F430. :sly: If anyone can pull this off, you'll have the fastest time of any car at this track under pro physics settings.

* - at least two tires on the track at all times.
I'I realize "any car" will likely be "only the new GTR", but someone could pull off a miracle with the F430.

Nice one. I tried the GTR and finally ended up at 0'51.990 (See Rankings for replay). Will try again later with the F430.
Nice one. I tried the GTR and finally ended up at 0'51.990 (See Rankings for replay). Will try again later with the F430.

Nice work breaking the 52 second barrier!

It looks like, in the two months since I've posted this, there's been a few folks who have hit the mark... and the F430 is much more competitive with the GT-R on the leaderboards these days.

Try as I might, I can't get into the 51's.
Thanks. Took about 5 laps to get a low 0'52 and then another hour to break it. Can't say it was the easiest of time attacks. That final corner is tricky.
Best so far is 52'600 after about 5 laps. Really good going to anyone who hits the 51's 👍

That top time is certainly up for grabs with a clean lap.

Almost 1am now and I am really tired, but if I get some time on monday when I get a day off I might give it a shot.

For the time being:
managed to do 52.027 in the gtr....did few laps in f430/audi a8/599/corvette/viper too...think gtr and f430 are the fastest cars on this track,but to get the toptime in the f430 you will need to put in an absolute insane lap....but its doable for sure....only had 1 hour time to do all this so am sure to improve next week or so.....
good times there guys!!nice break from the london spotrace
Ok spy you missed the 2, you did a 52.027.

And the top time is now a 51.5xx and is CLEAN. I am going after it when I get some time off :)
Ok spy you missed the 2, you did a 52.027.

And the top time is now a 51.5xx and is CLEAN. I am going after it when I get some time off :)

Nice times coming in. Will have to hop in later and give it another go.

That 0'51.5 will be tough for me.

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